Understanding the 4th Elective Subject and Passing Marks Criteria in AHSEC Curriculum

Understanding the 4th Elective Subject and Passing Marks Criteria in AHSEC Curriculum

The Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) has introduced a structured curriculum for students in the Higher Secondary (HS) stage, ensuring a balanced and comprehensive academic framework. Among the crucial aspects of this curriculum are the provisions regarding the 4th elective subject and the passing marks criteria. Understanding these regulations is essential for students aiming for academic excellence.

Subjects in the AHSEC Curriculum

A student pursuing the HS course under AHSEC must study a total of six subjects:

1. Core Subjects (2):

a) English

b) Modern Indian Language (MIL) or Alternative English

2. Elective Subjects (3):

a) Students must choose three elective subjects from the prescribed list for their respective streams (Science, Arts, or Commerce).

3. 4th Elective Subject (Optional):

a) Students have the option to take a fourth elective subject in addition to the three main elective subjects.

b) The subject carries a total of 100 marks.

c) While marks obtained in the 4th elective subject will be shown on the mark sheet, they will not be considered for determining the overall result, division, rank, distinction, or star marks.

d) The best three elective subjects will be considered for final assessment.

Special Note for Commerce Students

Commerce stream students must remember an additional rule:

a) Though the subject Business Studies and Accountancy are not considered as core subjects but the students must have to appear the examination on both the subjects.

b) The students have to secure at least the passing marks in both the subjects.

c) In the new system, for result purpose, the marks of the Best Three (3) Elective Subjects will be considered in their division, along with the core subjects English and MIL. Students must pass both Business Studies and Accountancy separately to be eligible for promotion and final results.

To clarify the impact of passing and failing different subjects, the following table explains three possible scenarios for a Commerce student taking Business Studies, Accountancy, Finance, and Economics:


Business Studies (100)

Accountancy (100)

Finance (100)

Economics (100)



Pass in all subjects






Division calculated based on best three elective subjects (Accountancy, Economics, Finance)

Fail in either Business Studies or Accountancy






Student must reappear in Business Studies, as passing both Business Studies and Accountancy is mandatory

Fail in Finance or Economics (other than Business Studies & Accountancy)






Finance marks shown on mark sheet but not considered for rank; final division calculated using Business Studies, Accountancy, and Economics

Passing Marks Criteria

AHSEC has set specific passing criteria to ensure that students meet a minimum academic standard across all subjects:

Minimum Pass Marks:

1. For subjects without practical components, students must secure at least 30% of the total marks.

2. For subjects with practical components:

a) Theory: Minimum 30% of the allotted marks.

b) Practical: Minimum 40% of the allotted marks.

3. Students must pass both the theory and practical sections separately.

4. Consideration of Best Three Elective Subjects:

If a student has opted for four elective subjects, only the best three elective subjects will be considered for determining pass status, rank, division, and distinction.

5. The marks of the 4th elective subject will still be displayed on the mark sheet but will not impact the final ranking.

Awarding of Division and Distinction:

1. First Division: 60% and above.

2. Second Division: 45% to less than 60%.

3. Third Division: Less than 45%.

4. Distinction: 80% or more in a subject.

5. Star Marks: 75% or above in aggregate (calculated from core subjects and three elective subjects).

The AHSEC curriculum provides flexibility with the option of a 4th elective subject, ensuring students can broaden their knowledge base. However, only the best three elective subjects contribute to the final division, and the 4th elective subject is displayed but not considered for ranking. Commerce students must also ensure they pass Business Studies and Accountancy to qualify. Understanding these guidelines helps students plan their subject selection and exam preparation effectively, ensuring better academic performance.

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