Dibrugarh University B. Com 2nd Sem
Question Papers
Macroeconomics Question Paper
2024 (June/July)
COMMERCE (Generic Elective)
Paper: GE-202 (Macroeconomics)
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 32
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin
indicate full marks for the questions
1. Answer the following as directed: 1×8=8
(a) Mention one use of macroeconomics.
(b) Monetary policy is more effective if: (Choose
the correct option)
(i) LM curve is flatter
(ii) LM curve is steeper
(iii) Both (i) and (ii)
(c) Mention one factor causing shift in the LM
(d) Which of the following is not one of the
characteristics of open economy? (Choose the correct option)
(i) Flows of goods and capital
(ii) Labour movement
(iii) Foreign direct investment
(iv) Fixed exchange rate for all
(e) What do you mean by flexible interest rate?
(f) What does inventory investment include? (Choose the correct option)
(i) The change in the stocks of materials
(ii) Finished goods within a firm
(iii) Works in process
(iv) All of the above
(g) What is portfolio investment?
(h) Does money supply depend on interest rate? (Choose the correct option)
(i) Yes, money supply and interest rates have an
inverse relationship
(ii) Yes, money supply and interest rates have a
positive relationship
(iii) None of the above
2. Write short notes on any four of the
following: 4×4=16
(a) Static macroeconomics
(b) Determinant of aggregate demand
(c) Phillips curve
(d) Exchange rate
(e) Inventory investment
Answer the following questions (within 500 words
3. (a) What are macroeconomic variables? Discuss
income, expenditure and circular flow under the concept of
macroeconomics. 2+3+3+3=11
(b) Explain the determinants of supply and demand.
What are the essential conditions for equilibrium in the context of
macroeconomics? 6+5=11
4. (a) Explain the IS-LM framework. How does
monetary policy help LM for stabilization? 6+5=11
(b) Discuss briefly the meanings of (i) shifts in
aggregate demand in the short run and (ii) shifts in aggregate supply in the
long run. 6+5=11
5. (a) What is inflation? What are the causes of
inflation? Mention four causes of rising and falling inflation. 1+6+4=11
(b) Discuss the concept of natural rate of
unemployment, frictional and wait unemployment. Give measures to solve
unemployment. 3+3+3+2=11
6. (a) Explain the Mundell-Fleming model with fixed
and flexible prices in a small open economy. 12
(b) Discuss the interest rate differentials in case
of a large economy.
7. (a) What do you mean by investment? Explain the
determinants of residential investment and inventory investment. 2+9=11
(b) Discuss the portfolio and transactions theories
of demand for real balances. 11
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