Macroeconomics Question Paper 2023 [Dibrugarh University B.Com 2nd Sem Hons CBCS Pattern]

Dibrugarh University B. Com 2nd Sem Question Papers
Macroeconomics Question Paper 2023 (June/July)

COMMERCE (Generic Elective)

Paper: GE-202 (Macroeconomics)

Full Marks: 80

Pass Marks: 32

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. Answer the following questions:  1×8=8

(a) Mention one use of macroeconomics.

(b) Write one determinant of effective demand.

(c) What is the difference between gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national product (GNP)?

(d) Mention one factor causing shift in the LM curve.

(e) Write the name of one instrument of monetary control.

(f) Write the name of one index of measuring inflation.

(g) What is natural rate of unemployment?

(h) Give one example of risky investment.

2.  Write short notes on any three of the following (within 150 words each): 4×3=12

(a) Circular flow of income in a two-sector economy

(b) National income as an indicator of economic development

(c) Fixed exchange rate vs. Flexible exchange rate

(d) Determinants of business fixed investment

(e) Fiscal policy constraints

3. (a) Define national income. Give a detailed description of different methods of measuring national income. 3+9=12


(b) Write the determinants of aggregate demand and aggregate supply. Discuss with the help of diagram, short-run and long-run equilibrium in terms of aggregate demand and aggregate supply.

4. (a) What do the IS and LM curves indicate? Discuss about the equilibrium of the goods and money market with the help of IS and LM curves. 4+8=12


(b) Point out the differences between monetary policy and fiscal policy. Which of these policies do you think more appropriate in controlling inflation and depressionary situation of an economy?  5+7=12

5. (a) Define demand-pull inflation and cost-push inflation. Discuss about the effects of inflation on production and distribution of an economy. 4+8=12


(b) Critically examine the theory of Phillip's curve along with its policy implications. 8+4=12

6. (a) Distinguish between closed economy and open economy. Write the components of national income in an open economy. Can you think of a closed economy at present economic scenario? 4+7+1=12


(b) Define the concept of exchange rate. Explain the balance of payments theory of exchange rate determination with the help of diagram. 4+8=12

7.(a) What is investment? Discuss about different classifications of investment. 4+8=12


(b) Write about the importance of investment in the economy of a country. Discuss various measures to stimulate private investment.  4+8=12

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