Financial Management Question Paper 2024
Dibrugarh University B.Com 5th Sem CBCS Pattern
C-512 (Financial Management)
Full Marks: 80
Marks: 32
3 hours
figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. (a) Fill in the blanks: 1x4=4
1. (a) Write True or False:
(i) Pervasive, intensive and
significant are the characteristics of finance manager.
(ii) Wealth maximization
incorporates the time value of money.
(iii) Retained earnings have
implicit cost only.
(iv) Liquidity decisions are
concerned with working capital management.
(b) Fill in the blanks:
(i) The relationship between
change in sales and change in operating profit is known as _____.
(ii) Management of working
capital deals with the _______ liquidity position of the firm.
(iii) The most popular source of
short-term funding is __.
(iv) External source of finance
does not include ____.
2. Write short notes on any four
of the following: 4x4=16
(a) Trade credits
(b) Capital gearing
(c) Risk-return trade-off
(d) Importance of working capital
(e) Stable dividend policy
3. (a) What do you mean by
finance functions? Explain some of the crucial financial problems that a
financial manager faces today. 4+10=14
(b) Define 'Financial
Management'. Explain the profit maximization and wealth maximization objectives
of Financial Management. 4+5+5=14
4. (a) Explain the significance
of working capital for a manufacturing concern. What shall be the consequences
if a firm has-
(i) redundant working capital;
(ii) inadequate working capital?
(b) Dibrugarh Ltd. is a newly
setup enterprise. With the help of the following particulars, determine the
measure of working capital: 14
(i) Various elements of cost bear
the following relationship to the selling price, i.e.,₹300 p.u.:
(ii) Production in 2024-25 is
estimated to be 8000 units
(iii) Materials are expected to
remain in stores for an average period of 1 month
(iv) Finished goods are likely to
stay in warehouse for 2 months on average
(v) Each unit of production will
be in process for ½ a month on average
(vi) 50% of sales will be on
credit. Customers are allowed 2 months’ credit
(vii) Credit period allowed by
suppliers is 1 month
(viii) Lag-in-payment of labour
is 1 month. 50% of overheads consists of salaries of non-production staff
(ix) Allow 20% to your computed
figures for contingencies
(x) Assume that sales and
production follow a constant pattern
5. (a) Why are capital budgeting
decisions more important? Explain briefly the following methods of capital
budgeting bringing out the advantages and disadvantages of each: 4+5+5=14
(i) Pay-back period method
(ii) Net present value method
(b) The data relating to two
companies are as given below:
Particulars |
Company-A (₹) |
Company-B (₹) |
Capital |
8,00,000 |
7,50,000 |
12% Debentures |
6,00,000 |
5,50,000 |
Output (units) per annum |
80,000 |
70,000 |
Selling Price per Unit |
30 |
250 |
Fixed Costs per Annum |
7,00,000 |
14,00,000 |
Variable Cost per Unit |
20 |
55 |
You are required to calculate the
Operating leverage, Financial leverage and Combined leverage of two companies
and also comment on their relative risk position. 14
6. (a) Discuss the irrelevance
theory of dividend decision by using Modigliani and Miller approach (MM
Model). 14
(b) What do you understand by
retained earnings? Discuss the merits and limitations of ploughing back of
profits as a source of finance. 4+10=14
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