Business Environment Important Questions [BCOM 4th SEM NEP 2025 Syllabus]

Business Environment Important Questions

BCOM 4th SEM NEP 2025 Syllabus

Unit 1 Part A: introduction to Business Environment

Q. What do you mean by business environment? What are its features? Explain its importance.  2011, 12, 15, 17

Q. Discuss the internal and external (micro and macro) factors of business environment. 2011, 2013, 2015

Q. What is SWOT analysis? Explain its techniques and Importance.         2012, 14, 16

Q. What is Environmental Scanning? Mention its significance. What are various factors of environmental scanning?

Q. Examine the significance of economic policies and decisions in Business organisations?

Q. What is ethical issues in business? What ethical issues faced by business in business? How these can be resolved?

Unit 1 Part B: Economic Environment

Q. What are the characteristics of Indian economy? Explain in detail various factors affecting economy.

Q. Write a brief note on Indian economic policy 1991. Discuss the salient features of New Industrial Policy (1991) of India.    2013, 14, 16, 17, 18

Q. What is liberalization? What are features, merits and demerits? Explain its impact.

Q. What is Privatization? What are features, merits and demerits? Explain its impact.   2012, 2015, 2017

Q. What is Globalization? What are features, merits and demerits? Explain its impact. 2012, 2015

Q. What is digitization of Indian economy? Explain its impact (positives and negatives) on the Indian economy and business.

Q. Write short note on: Economic resources, SWOT

Unit 2: Elements of Business environment (Internal and External)

Q. What are various elements of business environment? Explain in detail.

Q. What are various elements of internal business environment? Explain in details various elements internal to the enterprise.

Q. What are various elements of external business environment? Explain in details various elements external to the enterprise.

Q. What is economic environment? What are its essential elements?

Q. Write short notes on: Competitive advantage, Technological environment.

Unit 3: Emerging Trends in Business Concepts

Q. What is Franchise and Franchising? Mention its features, merits and demerits.

Q. What is Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)? Mention its features, merits and demerits.

Q. Who are aggregators? What are their various types? Explain the challenges faced by aggregators.

Q. What is Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO)? Mention its features, merits and demerits.

Q. What is E-Commerce? What are its various types? Mention its features, merits and demerits.

Q. What is digital economy? Mention its features, merits and demerits.

Q. Write short note on: Asset light model, incubator, Types of e-commerce

Q. Distinguish between:

a) Franchising, Distributorship, and Agency

b) E-commerce and traditional business

Unit 4: Elements of Information Technology Act

Q. What is Cyberspace? Explain its features. Distinguish between cyberspace and physical world.

Q. Write a brief note on evolution of cyber laws. Explain its scope.

Q. Write a detail about various types of cybercrime.

Q. What are the features of IT Act, 2000? Mentions its aims and objectives. (Students must learn various definition under IT Act 2000.)

Q. What is digital signature? Explain its purpose. What are the conditions to secure digital signature?

Q. What is financial scam? Explain its impact on Indian economy. How these scams can be controlled?

Q. Explain various provisions of IT Act 2000 relating to control and regulation of certifying authorities under IT Act.

Q. Explain the provision of IT Act 2000 relating to Adjudication by Adjudicating officer and by Cyber Appellate Tribunal.

Q. Who can appeal to Cyber Appellate Tribunal? What are the powers of Cyber Appellate Tribunal? Explain the provisions of IT Act 2000 relating to Cyber Appellate Tribunal.

Q. Write short notes on: Data protection, e-governance and electronic record.

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