Top 100 Environmental Studies MCQs (Part 1)
For BA, B.Com and BSC Course Under CBCS Pattern
1. Basic components of environment are:
a) Atmosphere
b) Hydrosphere
c) Lithosphere
d) Biosphere
e) All of the above
Ans: e) All of the above
2. Main cause of desertification is:
a) Global Warming
b) Fuels
c) Deforestation
d) Fire
Ans: c) Deforestation
3. The process by which green plants produce all important energy for all living organisms including human being:
a) Photosynthesis
b) Respiration
c) Transpiration
d) Anaerobic Respiration
Ans: a) Photosynthesis
4. Green Plants are called as the ______________ of an ecosystem.
a) Producers
b) Autotroph components
c) Both a & b
d) None of the above
Ans: c) Both a & b
5. An area declared by the state legislation to protect wildlife is known as:
a) Forests
b) Wildlife sanctuary
c) Museum
d) None of the above
Ans: b) Wildlife sanctuary
6. Percentage of Carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere is:
a) 0.03%
b) 0.04%
c) 0.05%
d) 0.01%
Ans: b) 0.04%
7. The Chemical compound responsible for the depletion of ozone layer is:
a) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Sulphur
d) Nitrogen
Ans: a) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
8. The groups of biotic component of an ecosystem are:
a) Producer
b) Consumer
c) Decomposer
d) All of the above
Ans: d) All of the above
9. Which of the following is a fossil fuel?
a) Natural Gas
b) Crude oil
c) Coal Products
d) All of the above
Ans: d) All of the above
10. Which of the following is not a fossil fuel?
a) Petroleum products
b) Lignite
c) Non-renewable waste
d) Wood
Ans: d) Wood
11. Which of the following is a renewable resource?
a) Uranium
b) Bauxite
c) Sand
d) Oxygen of the atmosphere
Ans: d) Oxygen of the atmosphere
12. Which of the following is a non-renewable resource?
a) Gold
b) Iron
c) Coal
d) All of the above
Ans: d) All of the above
13. Which of the following is a renewable resource?
a) Solar Energy
b) Wind Energy
c) Biofuels
d) All of the above
Ans: d) All of the above
14. The instrument used for measuring the intensity of earthquake is:
a) Seismometer
b) Thermometer
c) Hydrometer
d) Barometer
Ans: a) Seismometer
15. The instrument used for measuring temperature:
a) Seismometer
b) Thermometer
c) Hydrometer
d) Barometer
Ans: b) Thermometer
16. The instrument used for measuring specific gravity:
a) Seismometer
b) Thermometer
c) Hydrometer
d) Barometer
Ans: c) Hydrometer
17. The instrument used for measuring atmospheric pressure
a) Seismometer
b) Thermometer
c) Hydrometer
d) Barometer
Ans: d) Barometer
18. Most earthquake prone country in the world is:
a) India
b) USA
c) Japan
d) China
Ans: c) Japan
19. The term ecosystem was coined by:
a) Tansley
b) Danish
c) Hackel
d) Odum
Ans: a) Tansley
20. Autotrophic component of an ecosystem are:
a) Wind
b) Sunlight
c) Soil
d) Green Plants
Ans: d) Green Plants
21. Water flowing through the rivers is called:
a) Biome
b) Lentic water
c) Lotic water
d) Marine water
Ans: c) Lotic water
22. Standing Water is called:
a) Biome
b) Lentic water
c) Lotic water
d) Marine water
Ans: b) Lentic water
23. A large geographical area of distinctive plant and animal groups which are adapted to that particular environment:
a) Biome
b) Lentic water
c) Lotic water
d) Marine water
Ans: a) Biome
24. Lithosere is ecological succession on a:
a) Water body
b) Sandy surface
c) Bare rock
d) Hill
Ans: c) Bare rock
25. The example of ex-situ facility is:
a) Seed Banks
b) Zoo
c) Botanical Gardens
d) All of the above
Ans: d) All of the above
26. The example of in-situ facility is:
a) National Parks
b) Biosphere reserves
c) Sanctuary
d) All of the above
Ans: d) All of the above
27. First national park established in India was:
a) Jim Corbett National Park
b) Kaziranga National Park
c) Periyar
d) Kanha National Park
Ans: a) Jim Corbett National Park
28. Total number of national parks in India is:
a) 101
b) 103
c) 105
d) 106
Ans: d) 106
29. In a national park, protection is provided to:
a) Entire ecosystem
b) Flora and Fauna
c) Fauna only
d) Flora only
Ans: b) Flora and Fauna
30. Noise pollution is measured in:
a) Nanometers
b) Hertz
c) Decibels
d) Fathoms
Ans: c) Decibels
31. Water pollution is measured in:
a) PSC
b) PCB
c) BOD
d) COD
Ans: c) BOD
32. Water is treated with chlorine to:
a) Kill Germs
b) Remove suspended particles
c) Remove Hardness
d) Remove salt
Ans: a) a) Kill Germs
33. Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas?
a) CO2
b) CH4
c) O2
d) CFCs
Ans: c) O2
34. Which of the following are greenhouse gas?
a) CO2 (Carbon dioxide)
b) CH4 (Methane)
c) HFCs (Hydrofluorocarbons)
d) All of the above
Ans: d) All of the above
35. Ultraviolate radiations are absorbed in the stratosphere by:
a) Oxygen
b) Ozone
c) Benzene
d) Sulphur dioxide
Ans: b) Ozone
36. The process of disposing solid waste in cities is:
a) Landfill
b) incineration
c) Recycling
d) vermicompost
Ans: a) Landfill
37. Waste disposal is the responsibility of:
a) NGO
b) Government
c) Govt and citizens
d) Govt organisations
Ans: c) Govt and citizens
38. Municipal waste includes mainly:
a) Mining Waste
b) Industrial Waste
c) Household Waste
d) construction Waste
Ans: c) Household Waste
39. Environmental effect of municipal solid waste is:
a) Acid rain
b) Increased health cost
c) decline in crop production
d) Malaria
Ans: d) Malaria
40. Which of the following are the largest contributors to global pollution?
a) Agriculture pollution
b) Tourism pollution
c) Industries pollution
d) Service sector pollution
Ans: c) Industries pollution
41. Which one of the following is the prime factor towards soil pollution?
a) soil erosion
b) floods
c) dumping of industrial waste
d) irrigation
Ans: c) dumping of industrial waste
42. Chipko andolan started in:
a) 1973
b) 1974
c) 1975
d) 1976
Ans: a) 1973
43. Chipko movement was started to conserve
a) Soil
b) Desert
c) Forests
d) Grasslands
Ans: c) Forests
44. Chipko movement was started by:
a) Sunderlal Bahuguna
b) Mahatma Gandhi
c) Uttarakhand government
d) NGOs
Ans: a) Sunderlal Bahuguna
45. ISO headquarter is located in:
a) Geneva, Switzerland
b) Norway
c) India
d) USA
Ans: a) Geneva, Switzerland
46. Waste management does not include
a) Prevention
b) Reuse
c) Recycle
d) Disposal in sea
Ans: d) Disposal in sea
47. The most favourable option in waste management is:
a) Reduce
b) Recovery
c) Landfill
d) Incineration
Ans: a) Reduce
48. Construction waste includes:
a) Sewage
b) Waste chemicals
c) electronics
d) concrete
Ans: d) concrete
49. Which crop was cultivated first using green revolution techniques?
a) Wheat
b) Rice
c) Cotton
d) Bajra
Ans: b) Rice
50. Which one of the following cause acid rain?
a) Water pollution
b) Soil pollution
c) Air pollution
d) Noise pollution
Ans: c) Air pollution
Environmental Studies MCQs Which are asked in Previous Year Exams
1. Coal is a renewable/non-renewable natural resource.
Ans: Non-renewable
2. The main constituent of biogas is the methane/Ethanol/Nitrogen.
Ans: Methane
3. Fire wood is a conventional/Non-conventional source of energy.
Ans: Conventional
4. Establishment of a botanical garden or a zoo is an example of in situ/ex-situ conservation.
Ans: Ex-situ
5. The method of coal mining which causes greater amount of environmental pollution is opencast/underground mining.
Ans: Open cast
6. A harmful solid, liquid or gaseous substance which adversely affects the living beings and environment.
Ans: Pollutant
7. Waste which can be easily degraded by micro-organism.
Ans: Biodegradable waste
8. A group of chemicals which cause cancer in man is called:
Ans: Carcinogenic
9. Incoming solar radiation at a place:
Ans: Irradiation
10. Where is incoming solar radiation highest on earth?
Ans: The equator
11. Over nourishment of water bodies due to excessive nitrates and phosphates is called:
Ans: Eutrophication
12. Superposition of digital thematic maps of a region can be done by using:
Ans: Computers
13. Stockholm conference on human environment was held in the year:
Ans: 1972
14. Bhopal Gas tragedy of 1984 was caused by:
Ans: Methyl Isocyanate
15. Green Gases mainly absorb which radiation?
Ans: Returned
16. The Process of killing micro-organism in water is called:
Ans: Sterilisation
17. Living component of the environment is known as:
Ans: Biotic Component
18. Name the plant which yields both fibre and oil.
Ans: Coconut
19. Confinement of a living species to a particular area of the earth.
Ans: Endemic
20. Units of measurement of sound is measured in terms of:
Ans: Decibel
21. Trees which shed all their leaves during winter are called as:
Ans: Deciduous trees
22. Most of the landslides occurring during rainy season are mainly natural/man-induced.
Ans: Natural
23. Water/Land is the habitant of majority of the living organism.
Ans: Water
24. Water component of environment is known as:
Ans: Hydrosphere
25. The solid, outer part of the Earth:
Ans: Lithosphere
26. The entire living organisms on planet Earth and their interrelations is called as:
Ans: Biosphere
27. The layers of gases surrounding a planet or other celestial body is called:
Ans: Atmosphere
28. Give one example of Renewable natural resource.
Ans: hydropower, geothermal power, wind energy, and solar energy
29. Organism that live in the absence of oxygen:
Ans: Tapeworm
30. Biotic components of ecosystem which can produce their food themselves.
Ans: autotrophs
31. Living species which are found only is a particular region of the world:
Ans: endemic species.
32. Cactus plants are known as:
Ans: Cactaceae Plants
33. Organic matter produced by living organisms is known as:
Ans: Humus
34. Long term pattern of weather in a particular area is called:
Ans: Climate
35. The succession in which an area is colonized by organisms for the first time is called:
Ans: Primary Succession
36. The species that invade a nude area are called ……. Species.
Ans: Pioneer community
37. Solar energy is a continuous/flow resource.
Ans: Continuous
38. Malathion is a pesticidal/fungicidal chemical.
Ans: pesticidal
39. Malathion is used to control:
Ans: Mosquitos
40. Percentage of nitrogen present in the atmosphere:
Ans: 78 Percent
41. Percentage of oxygen present in the atmosphere:
Ans: 21 percent
42. Percentage of argon present in the atmosphere:
Ans: 0.9%
43. Effluents from fertilizers industry are mainly phosphate and sulphate/Carbon dioxide, nitrogenoxiddes and sulphate.
Ans: Carbon dioxide, nitrogenoxiddes and sulphate.
44. Cycling of nutrients among living organisms, air, water and soil is called bio geological chemical/bio geological cycle.
Ans: bio geological cycle.
45. Population of various species living and interacting in a given area is known as:
Ans: Community
46. Species that are facing a very high rate of extinction in natural condition is known as:
Ans: Vulnerable species
47. A complex interlocking series of food chain is called as:
Ans: food web.
48. Which of the two ecosystems has a high biodiversity?
Ans: tropical ecosystems
49. Write full form of: BOD: Biological Oxygen Demand
50. Write full form of: MAB: Man and Biosphere Programme
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