Assam University B.Com 4th Sem Question Papers
TDC (CBCS) Even Semester Exam., 2022
COMMERCE (4th Semester)
Course No: COMGEC-401T(Indian Economy)
Full Marks: 70
Pass Marks: 28
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. What do you mean by per capital income?
2. Give the full form of PQLI.
3. Mention one indicator of economic development.
4. What is Human Development Index?
5. Economic growth and economic development are considered as two sides of the same coin. [State True or False]
6. What is national income?
7. ‘Trade and Commerce’ is a component of primary/tertiary sector. [Choose the correct answer]
8. What is meant by commercialization of agriculture?
9. Mention one feature of Indian agriculture at the time of Independence.
10. Central Statistical Organization was set up in _______. [Fill in the blank]
11. Write the full form of NDC.
12. What is meant by import substitution?
13. Define globalization.
14. In which year second phase of economic reforms was introduced in India?
15. NITI Aayog/RBI is authorized to formulate monetary policy in India. [Choose the correct answer]
16. Define poverty.
17. Birthrate and death rate are the two important demographic statistics on which the growth rate of population of a country depends. [State True or False]
18. What is educated unemployment?
19. _______ refers to the reforms of institutional factors related to land. [Fill in the blank]
20. Mention one feature of the Competition Act, 2002.
21. Define Green Revolution.
22. The first phase of industrialization is known as Strong Industrial Base/Declaration and Retrogression. [Choose the correct answer]
23. What is capital market?
24. Mention one objective of the World Trade Organization.
25. Write the full form of PM-KISAN.
Answer any five of the following questions: 2 x 5= 10
26. Why is human development essential in a country like India?
27. Point out two differences between economic growth and economic development.
28. State two features of national income in India.
29. Write two reasons for the failure of planning process to bring any change in the occupational structure of India.
30. State two objectives of fiscal policy.
31. Point out two reasons for failure of economic planning in India.
32. State two objectives of land reforms in India.
33. Explain two factors responsible for environmental degradation in India.
34. Point out two causes of low-agricultural productivity in India.
35. Give a brief description of ‘Make in India’ Programme.
Answer any five of the following questions: 8 x 5=40
36. Discuss the basic characteristics of an underdeveloped economy.
37. Explain any two measures used to ascertain the degree of development attained by a country.
38. Elaborate the basic features of Indian economy at the time of Independence.
39. What change has been observed in the industrial structure of India after Independence? Discuss.
40. Describe the measures adopted for import substitution in India and assess its achievements. 4+4=8
41. Delineate the factors responsible for slow process of economic reforms in India.
42. Briefly elaborate the causes of high-growth rate of population in India.
43. Discuss the impact on institutional framework in India due to changes in policy perspectives after 1991.
44. What is FDI? Discuss the role of FDI in a developing country like India. 2+6=8
45. Explain the role of public sector in Indian economy.
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