Financial Institutions and Markets Question Paper 2022 [Assam University BBA 6th Sem Hons CBCS Pattern]

Financial Institutions and Markets Question Paper 2022 

[Assam University BBA 6th Sem Hons CBCS Pattern]

Course No.: BBACC-602T

(Financial Institutions and Markets)

Full Marks: 70

Pass Marks: 28

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions


Answer any ten of the following questions:               2 x 10=20

1. Write a short note on financial system.

2. Mention the use of financial system.

3. Mention any two provisions of the Banking Regulation Act.

4. Define financial market.

5. What is money market?

6. What is capital market?

7. What is secondary market?

8. Write a note on BSE.

9. Write a note on NSE.

10. What is repo rate?

11. What is reverse repo rate?

12. What is debt market?

13. What is corporate bond?

14. What is Government bond?

15. What is Oversubscription?


Answer any five of the following questions:                   10 x 5=50

16. Explain briefly the components of Indian financial system.

17. Discuss the role of RBI as a central banker.

18. Briefly explain the factors affecting financial markets.

19. Explain the integration of Indian financial markets with Global financial markets.

20. Distinguish between NSE and BSE.

21. Explain the role of Bulls and Bears in stock market.

22. Briefly discuss the participants of money market.

23. Write notes on (a) call money market and (b) treasury bill market.

24. Explain briefly government securities issued by State Government of India.

25. Distinguish between Corporate bonds and Government bonds.


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