Financial Institutions and Markets Question Paper 2021
[Assam University BBA 6th Sem Hons CBCS Pattern]
Course No.: BBACC-602T
(Financial Institutions and Markets)
Full Marks: 70
Pass Marks: 28
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
Answer any ten questions of the following: 2 x 10=20
1. What is meant by Financial System?
2. Mention two needs of Financial Reforms.
3. Mention two provisions of the Banking Regulations Act.
4. Write down two functions of NBFC.
5. What is meant by Financial Market'?
6. Define Money Market.
7. Define Capital Market.
8. Mention two factors affecting Financial Market.
9. What is Stock Market?
10. Write the abbreviations of BSE and NSE.
11. What is the meaning of Bulls' in stock market?
12. What is the meaning of Bears' in stock market?
13. Who are the participants in Money Market?
14. Mention two roles of Money Market.
15. Write the segments of Money Market.
16. What is Treasury Bill?
17. What is Debt Market?
18. Name few Government securities in India.
19. What is meant by ‘bond’?
20. Distinguish, in brief, between Government bond and Corporate bond.
Answer any five questions of the following: 10 x 5=50
21. Discuss the structure of Indian financial system.
22. Elaborate the role of RBI in regulating banking system for the country.
23. Point out the major distinction between money market and capital market.
24. Elucidate how financial market influences the economy of a country.
25. Write a detailed note on International Stock Exchange.
26. Compare and contrast between free-float and full-float methodologies in determining market capitalization.
27. Explain the composition of Debt Market in India.
28. Write short notes on the following: 5+5=10
(a) Repo rates.
(b) Reverse repo rates.
29. Distinguish between oversubscribed and under subscribed issue of a new share. Also discuss the settlement system for Government securities in India.
30. Compare and contrast between the securities issued by Central Government and the securities issued by State Government.
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