Environmental Studies Question Paper 2023 [Assam University B.COM. 2nd Sem Foundation Course]

 Assam University B.Com 2nd Sem Question Paper

Environmental Studies Question Paper 2023


TDC (CBCS) Even Semester Exam., 2023

FOUNDATION COURSE (For Science, Commerce, BBA and BCA)

Course No.: EVSAECC-201T (Environmental Studies)

Full Marks: 50

Pass Marks: 20

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions


Choose the correct answer (any fifteen):                 1 x 15 = 15

1. Terrestrial ecosystem means ecosystem

(a) on land.

(b) in water.

(c) Both of the above.

(d) None of the above.

2. The type of succession occurring on a bare rock is called

(a) halosere.

(b) lithosere.

(c) hydrosere.

(d) None of the above.

3. In any ecosystem all chlorophyll-bearing organisms function as

(a) consumers.

(b) producers.

(c) decomposers.

(d) None of the above.

4. The over nourished lakes with ‘algal blooms’ are called

(a) oligotrophic.

(b) eutrophic.

(c) dystrophic.

(d) None of the above.

5. Major cause of deforestation is

(a) shifting cultivation.

(b) fuel wood requirements.

(c) raw material for industries.

(d) All of the above.

6. Biomass energy can be obtained from

(a) energy plantations.

(b) petro-crops.

(c) agricultural and urban waste biomass.

(d) All of the above.

7. Which of the following types of coal has maximum carbon and calorific value?

(a) Bituminous.

(b) Lignite.

(c) Wood coal.

(d) Anthracite.

8. Which one of the following is not a fossil fuel?

(a) Coal.

(b) Petroleum.

(c) Diesel.

(d) CNG.

9. Who put forward the concept of ‘biodiversity hotspot’?

(a) Norman Myers.

(b) Charles Darwin.

(c) T. H. Morgan.

(d) Hugo de Vries.

10. Name the sanctuary located in South Assam.

(a) Garampani.

(b) Nameri.

(c) Orang.

(d) Borail.

11. Any species whose range is restricted to a limited geographical area, is known as

(a) endangered species.

(b) exotic species.

(c) extinct species.

(d) endemic species.

12. Which of the following is an example of in-situ conservation?

(a) National Parks.

(b) Sanctuaries.

(c) All of the above.

(d) None of the above.

13. Bhopal gas Tragedy took place in the year

(a) 1984.

(b) 1986.

(c) 1988.

(d) 1989.

14. Air pollutants maxing up with rain can causes

(a) high acidity.

(b) low acidity.

(c) neutral conditions.

(d) None of the above.

15. The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act was enacted in the year

(a) 1981.

(b) 1991.

(c) 2003.

(d) 1979.

16. The Environment (Protection) Act in India was enacted in

(a) 1986.

(b) 1972.

(c) 1981.

(d) 1980.

17. ‘Kerala Shastriya Sahitya Parishad’ was associated with the

(a) Chipko Movement.

(b) Narmada Movement.

(c) Appiko Movement.

(d) Silent Valley Movement.

18. The Seismograph is used to measure the intensity of

(a) sea wave.

(b) cyclone.

(c) earthquake.

(d) wind.

19. The Earth Summit 1992 was held at

(a) Rio de Janeiro.

(b) Stockholm.

(c) New York.

(d) Geneva.

20. Bishnois of Rajasthan were associated to save

(a) Khejri tree.

(b) Mango tree.

(c) Acacia tree.

(d) Neem tree.


Answer any five of the following questions:           2 x 5 = 10

21. What do you mean by biogeochemical cycle?

22. What is food web?

23. What are the effects of deforestation?

24. What do you mean by renewable resources?

25. Name two biodiversity hotspots in the Indian subcontinent.

26. What is biosphere reserve?

27. What are primary and secondary pollutants? Give examples.

28. What is solid waste?

29. Define environmental ethics.

30. What is meant by disaster management?


Answer any five of the following questions:          5 x 5 = 25 

31. Write a detailed note on ecological succession.

32. Explain how the flow of energy takes place in an ecosystem.

33. Explain renewable and non-renewable energy resources with examples.

34. Give a short description on the alternative sources of energy.

35. Discuss briefly about global biodiversity hotspots.

36. Write a note on man-animal conflict in Indian context.

37. Write a note on major air pollutants and their effects.

38. What are the causes and effects of global warming?

39. Write a brief note on the Silent Valley Movement.

40. Write a note on landslides and its mitigation measures.


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