Environmental Education Solved Question Paper 2019
AHSEC Class 11 Solved Question Paper
Full Marks: 40
Pass Marks: 12
Time: Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. (a) Express in one or two words: 1x5=5
a) What is the percentage of Carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere?
Ans: Percentage of carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere is 0.03%.
b) What is known as a group of individuals of the same species present in an area at a given time?
Ans: Population
c) Give example of one non-renewable resource and one vehicular emission causing air pollution.
Ans: Example of a non-renewable resource: Coal.
Example of vehicular emission causing air pollution: Carbon monoxide.
d) Bhopal Gas disaster took place in which month and year?
Ans: 2 December 1984
e) In which month of the year ‘Road Safety Week’ is observed?
Ans: Road safety week is celebrated in the month of January.
(b) Fill in the blanks: 1x3=3
a) Every food chain starts with a _____.
Ans: Producer
b) Pitcher plant is _____ plant.
Ans: Carnivorous
c) Motor Vehicles Act was implemented in the year _____.
Ans: 1989
2. Write short account on any five of the following: 2x5=10
a) Abiotic components of environment.
Ans: Abiotic factors are the non-living components of an ecosystem, including temperature, water, air, soil, and sunlight. These factors influence the distribution and abundance of organisms in an ecosystem.
b) Food chain.
Ans: Food Chain: The transfer of food energy from the producers, through a series or organism with repeated eating and being eaten, is known as a food chain. Producers utilise the radiant energy of Sun, which is transformed to chemical from during photosynthesis.
The energy as stored in food matter manufactured by green plants is then utilised by the plant eaters herbivorous. Herbivorous in turn are eaten by the Carnivorous. These in turn may be eaten still by other carnivorous. Some organisms are Omnivorous eating the producers as well as the Carnivorous at their lower level in the food chain.
c) Bio piracy.
Ans: Bio piracy is the theft or usurpation of genetic materials especially plants and other biological materials by the patent process. It is a situation where indigenous knowledge of nature, originating with indigenous people, is used by others for profit, without permission from and with little or no compensation or recognition to the indigenous people themselves.
d) Mineral resources of Assam.
Ans: Assam is rich in mineral resources. Petroleum, natural gas, coal, limestone and china clay are the main economic minerals of Assam. Assam is the pioneer State in the country as far as exploration and production of Petroleum is concerned.
e) Thermal pollution.
Ans: The excessive heat dissipated into air or water from the industries increases the temperatures of the entire ecosystem and hence causes thermal pollution. Industrial waste and heat not only causes widespread climatological changes but also it can cause the damage of aquatic and terrestrial life. The effect of thermal pollution is more prominently marked in aquatic system.
f) Requirements for an International Driving Permit.
Ans: International Driving Permit will be issued to an applicant who holds a valid Indian Licence and who is a resident of India. The application shall be made in Form 4A or in writing to the RTO within whose jurisdiction the applicant resides, specifying the countries to be visited and the duration of stay etc. Requirements of International Driving Permit:
- Valid driving Licence held by the applicant and copies thereon.
- Copies of Passport, Visa (where applicable) and Air ticket for verification.
- Fees as prescribed along with user charges.
g) Greenhouse effect.
Ans: The greenhouse effect is the way in which heat is trapped close to Earth's surface by “greenhouse gases.” These heat-trapping gases can be thought of as a blanket wrapped around Earth, keeping the planet toastier than it would be without them. Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides, and water vapor.
3. Define and distinguish any four of the following: (2+1) x 4 = 12
a) Population and community.
b) Consumer and decomposer.
Ans: Consumers: Consumers are organisms that obtain energy and nutrients by feeding on other organisms. There are three main types of consumers: herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. Herbivores eat only plants, carnivores eat only other animals, and omnivores eat both plants and animals. Consumers are also called heterotrophs.
Decomposers: Decomposers are organisms that break down dead organic matter and recycle the nutrients back into the ecosystem. Decomposers include bacteria, fungi, and worms. They are important for maintaining the balance of nutrients in the ecosystem.
c) Renewable and non-renewable energy sources.
Ans: Renewable resources: Renewable resources are resources that are in-exhaustive and can be regenerated within a given span of time e.g. Crops, solar energy, forest, wildlife etc. Such resources are being continuously consumed by living beings but renewed by nature.
Non-renewable resources: Non-renewable resources are resources that which cannot be regenerated by nature after being consumed. Such resources are available only in finite quantities e.g. fossil fuel like coal, petroleum, minerals like iron, copper etc.
Difference between Renewables resources and Non-renewable resources
Basis of difference |
Renewable Resources |
Non-renewable resources |
Meaning |
Renewable resources are resources that are in-exhaustive and can be regenerated within a given span of time. |
Non-renewable resources are resources that which cannot be regenerated by nature after being consumed. |
Sources |
Renewable resources mainly includes solar energy, wind, water etc. |
Non-renewable resources mainly includes fossil fuels, minerals, nuclear energy etc. |
Exhaustibility |
These resources are inexhaustible in nature. |
These resources are exhaustible in nature. |
Depletion |
These resources cannot be depleted over time. |
These resources are depleted over time. |
d) Autotrophs and heterotrophs.
Ans: Autotrophs or Producers: Producers are organisms that produce their own food using energy from the sun through a process called photosynthesis. The most common producers in terrestrial ecosystems are plants, while in aquatic ecosystems, they can include algae and phytoplankton.
Heterotrophs or Consumers: Consumers are organisms that obtain energy and nutrients by feeding on other organisms. There are three main types of consumers: herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. Herbivores eat only plants, carnivores eat only other animals, and omnivores eat both plants and animals.
e) In situ and ex-situ conservation.
Ans: There are two basic approaches to conservation of biodiversity namely in-situ and ex-situ conservation.
In situ: Conservation of ecosystems and natural habitants in which species are living is referring to in-situ conservation. In India, ecologically unique and biodiversity-rich regions are legally protected as biosphere reserves, national parks and sanctuaries. India now has 14 biosphere reserves, 90 national parks and 448 wildlife sanctuaries. India has also a history of religious and cultural traditions that emphasized protection of nature. In many cultures, tracts of forest were set side, and all the trees and wildlife within were venerated and given total protection.
Ex-situ: In this approach, threatened animals and plants are taken out from their natural habitat and placed in special setting where they can be protected and given special care. Zoological parks, botanical gardens and wildlife safari parks serve this purpose. There are many animals that have become extinct in the wild but continue to be maintained in zoological parks. In recent years ex situ conservation has advanced beyond keeping threatened species in enclosures.
f) Natural and manmade pollution.
Ans: Natural pollution occurs naturally and won't cause excessive harm to our lives due to its regeneration ability. Natural process of pollution includes dust storms, forest fires, ash from volcanoes, decay of organic matter, pollen grains floating in air etc.
Man-made pollution is caused by human activities, and hard to get rid of. The backbones of man-made pollution are human population and technology. Manmade sources include population explosion, deforestation, urbanization and industrialization.
4. Answer any two questions of the following: 5x2=10
a) Write about the needs and methods of water conservation.
Ans: The Need of water conservation efforts include:
1. Ensuring availability of water for future generations.
2. Energy conservation because by introducing new water pumping techniques, delivery and waste water treatment facilities which consumes a significant amount of energy.
3. Habitat conservation by minimising human water use which helps to preserve fresh water habitats for local wildlife and water quality.
Methods of Water conservation:
1. Rain water harvesting: Rainwater harvesting is the system of collecting water from its source itself. It is the accumulation and deposition of rainwater for reuse rather than allowing it to run off.
2. Watershed management: Watershed Management seeks to manage water supply, the quality of water, drainage, water rights and the overall planning and utilisation of watersheds.
b) Give an account on the management of natural disaster like earthquake in India.
Ans: Steps for Disaster Management during earthquake:
- Before the Disaster (Precautions, Mass Awareness, Prediction, Preparation, etc.)
- During the occurrence of Disasters (Special steps to be taken as per type of the disaster, search and rescue operation, etc.)
- After the Disaster (Relief and Rehabilitation of the affected, heath services, reconstruction of communication systems, etc.)
Role of students in disaster management
a) During earthquake, one should take shelter under the hard frames of the doors, corner of the house, strong table/beds or in open spaces.
b) One should never take shelter under electric wire/posts, tall trees, water tanks, windows or furniture with glasses, kitchen, bathrooms.
c) The Almirah, rack and furniture in the bedrooms or living rooms should be fixed properly.
d) A bag containing of emergency items like drinking water, foods, first aids, whistle, torch lights should be kept near the main entrance of the house for use in an emergency situation.
e) Precautionary and prohibitory measures imposed by the administration in such situations should strictly be followed.
c) What are the causes and effects of global warming?
Ans: Causes of Global Warming:
1. Global concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
2. Unscientific land usage in agriculture and farming.
3. Water, Air and soil Pollution.
4. Deforestation
Effects of Global Warming
1. Global mean sea level is projected to rise by 9 to 88cm by the year 2100.This will seriously affect various Nations especially Nile delta in Egypt, Ganga -Brahmaputra delta in Bangladesh, Maldives Island, etc.
2. It leads to different types of health problems.
3. Human societies will be severely affected by extreme climatic conditions such as droughts and floods. The situation of non-availability of food, shelter and safe drinking water will lead to the disaster of mankind.
4. It will seriously affect the agricultural production and also cause reduction of food leading to starvation and malnutrition.
5.It leads to destruction of our biodiversity and ecosystem.
d) Mention at least three road rules applicable in a school bus and two traffic rules to ensure road safety.
Ans: Safety rules in a school bus:
1. Driver must have 5 years’ experience of driving heave vehicle.
2. The driver becomes unfit to drive school bus if he commits the following offences twice during a year.
3. Maintain adequate distance from other vehicle ahead to avoid collision if the vehicle in front suddenly slows down or stops.
Road Safety rules:
1. Keep the vehicle as far as possible to the left hand side of the road and allow other vehicles to move by your right hand side.
2. Overtake vehicles from same direction by right hand side.
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