Entrepreneurship Question Paper 2022 [Assam University B.COM. 4th Sem]

 Assam University B.Com 4th Sem Question Papers

Entrepreneurship Question Paper 2022


TDC (CBCS) Even Semester Exam., 2022

COMMERCE(4th Semester)

Course No: COMSEC-401T(Entrepreneurship)

Full Marks: 50

Pass Marks: 20

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions


Answer any fifteen of the following as directed:           1 x 15 = 15

1. State one of the traits of a successful entrepreneur.

2. What do you mean by technopreneurship?

3. What is creative behaviour?

4. State one distinction between entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship.

5. Micro-enterprises are more labour-intensive and less capital-intensive. (State True or False)

6. Who was Jamsetji Tata?

7. What is the meaning of business group?

8. What do you mean by succession planning?

9. What do you understand by institutional finance?

10. What is a District Industries Centre (DIC)?

11. Why was EXIM bank set up?

12. IFCI is regulated by _______. (Fill in the blank)

13. Define a project report.

14. What is meant by network analysis?

15. What is layout?

16. What is preliminary contract?

17. What is mobilization of resources?

18. Mention one basic start-up problem.

19. Define intellectual resources.

20. _______ mobilization is often termed as new business development. (Fill in the blank)


Answer any five of the following questions:          2 x 5= 10

21. State two features of entrepreneurship.

22. Write two distinctions between an entrepreneur and a manager.

23. Mention two objectives of micro-enterprises.

24. Write two advantages of family business.

25. What is the need for institutional finance for small enterprises?

26. Mention two objectives of Technical Consultancy Organizations (TCOs).

27. Distinguish between PERT and CPM.

28. Write down two contents of a business plan.

29. Write a short note on mobilization of physical resources.

30. What do you understand by contract management?


Answer any five of the following questions:          5 x 5 = 25

31. Discuss the main functions of an entrepreneur.

32. What do you mean by an innovative entrepreneur and how is innovation important as a dimension of entrepreneurship?     2+3=5

33. Explain the role of micro-enterprises in economic development.

34. Discuss the major challenges faced by family business in India.

35. How do the SFCs contribute to the development of small-scale enterprises in India?

36. Write a short note on SIDBI.

37. Discuss the stages of project formulation.

38. Enumerate the common errors committed in formulating a business plan of a small enterprise.

39. Discuss the various aspects taken into consideration during the process of human resource mobilization.

40. Describe the methods to solve start-up problems.


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