Distribution and Supply Chain Management Question Paper 2022 [Assam University BBA 6th Sem Hons CBCS Pattern]

Distribution and Supply Chain Management Question Paper 2022 

[Assam University BBA 6th Sem Hons CBCS Pattern]

Full Marks: 70

Pass Marks: 28

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

Candidates have to answer either from Option – A or Option – B


Course No.: BBADSE-602T (A)

(Distribution and Supply Chain Management)


Answer any twenty of the following questions:               1 x 20=20

1. What is meant by marketing channels?

2. Differentiate between marketing channels and distribution logistics.

3. What is meant by CFA?

4. “Marketing channels bridge the gap between the firm and the customer.” Justify the statement.

5. Mention any one external factor affecting the composition of marketing channel.

6. What is meant by distribution logistics?

7. Differentiate between logistics and reverse logistics.

8. Mention one function of transportation as an element of distribution logistics.

9. What is meant by ‘warehousing’?

10. What does ‘EOQ’ stand for?

11. Define the term ‘supply chain management’.

12. Distinguish between supply chain management and distribution management.

13. Mention one challenge in the context of supply chain management.

14. Differentiate between supply chain management and value chain management.

15. Differentiate between supply chain management and supply management.

16. What is meant by supply chain integration?

17. What is meant by formal integration?

18. What is meant by backward integration?

19. What is meant by push-based supply chain?

20. What is meant by pull-based supply chain?

21. What is meant by strategic alliance?

22. Differentiate between strategic alliance and joint venture.

23. What is meant by retailer-supplier partnership?

24. What is meant by third party logistics?

25. Mention one use of information technology in supply chain management.


Answer any five of the following questions:                 2 x 5=10

26. Give any two examples of MNC’s which do not use any marketing channel.

27. What is meant by designing a marketing channel?

28. Define the term ‘inventory management’.

29. Mention any two importance of ‘inventory control’ in the context of distribution logistics.

30. What is meant by the term ‘strategic fit’?

31. How has competition affected supply chain management practices?

32. Define the term ‘demand forecasting’.

33. Mention any two methods of demand forecasting.

34. Mention any two importance of strategic alliance.

35. Write any two issues associated with retailer supplier partnership.


Answer any five of the following questions:              8 x 5=40

36. Discuss the rationale of marketing channel.

37. Elaborate the environmental factors affecting the functioning of marketing channel.

38. Mention the tasks involved in transportation management.

39. Write a detailed note on logistic management.

40. Discuss the importance of supply chain management.

41. How does strong supply chain management help a company to achieve competitive advantage?

42. Differentiate between push-based and pull-based supply chain with example.

43. Discuss the importance of demand forecasting in supply chain management.

44. Discuss the different forms of strategic alliance.

45. Write a detailed note on supplier evaluation and selection in a dynamic supply chain environment.


Course No.: BBADSE-602T (B)

(Strategic Corporate Finance)


Answer any twenty of the following questions:              1 x 20=20

1. What is corporate finance?

2. What is financing decision?

3. What is corporate finance planning?

4. What is financial health?

5. What is economic value addition?

6. Define cost management.

7. What is costing?

8. What is cost?

9. Define cost accounting.

10. What is relevant cost?

11. What is vendor loan note?

12. What is asset finance?

13. What is private equity?

14. What is bank debt?

15. What is management buyout?

16. What is bankruptcy?

17. Define retirement sale.

18. What is cost of capital?

19. What is financial distress?

20. What is financial restructuring?

21. What is market cap?

22. Define earning multiplier.

23. Define times-revenue method.

24. What is net asset value?

25. Mention one need for company valuation.


Answer any five of the following questions:               2 x 5=10

26. Mention any two differences between corporate finance strategy and corporate finance planning.

27. Define the significance of strategy in financial decisions.

28. Define zero-based budgeting.

29. Mention two differences between relevant and irrelevant costs.

30. Mention two limitations of MBO.

31. Mention two advantages of MBO.

32. What is cost saving?

33. Mention two most common types of bankruptcy.

34. What is company valuation?

35. Define discounted cash flow method.


Answer any five of the following questions:              8 x 5=40

36. Discuss about different types of financial strategy for shareholders’ wealth maximization.

37. Explain briefly about corporate value addition and economic value addition.

38. Discuss about different types of strategic costing and their relevance.

39. Explain briefly strategic cost reduction techniques and value chain analysis.

40. Discuss the essentials for the success of MBO system.

41. Explain the advantages and limitations of MBO system.

42. Discuss the different factors affecting capital structure.

43. Explain briefly various symptoms and predictions of bankruptcy.

44. Discuss about the link between valuation and corporate finance.

45. Explain briefly the value enhancement tools and techniques of company valuation.


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