Business Policy and Strategies Question Paper 2022 [Assam University BBA 6th Sem Hons CBCS Pattern]

Business Policy and Strategies Question Paper 2022 

[Assam University BBA 6th Sem Hons CBCS Pattern]

Course No.: BBACC-601T

(Business Policy and Strategies)

Full Marks: 70

Pass Marks: 28

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions


Answer any ten of the following questions:                  2 x 10=20

1. What is meant by business policy?

2. Differentiate between business policy and strategy.

3. Differentiate between mission and vision of a company.

5. Differentiate between external and internal environments.

6. What is meant by value chain?

7. What is meant by generic strategies?

8. Distinguish between offensive and defensive moves while implementing competitive strategies.

9. Mention any two corporate strategies that may facilitate growth of a company.

10. What is meant by strategic gap?

11. What is meant by experience curve?

12. Mention any two grand strategies which may be adopted by the company.

13. What is meant by strategic leadership?

14. What is meant by strategic control?

15. What is meant by strategic surveillance?


Answer any five of the following questions:                    10 x 5=50

16. Discuss the characteristics of corporate, business and functional level strategic management decisions.

17. Mention the steps involved in the formulation of a mission statement.

18. Discuss the external factors that impact the functioning of a company.

19. Analyze the Five-Force Model as propounded by Micheal E. Porter.

20. Write a note on Porter's generic competitive strategies.

21. Discuss the steps involved in formulating corporate strategies.

22. Write a note on BCG matrix.

23. Discuss the grand strategy selection matrix.

24. Explain the link between functional and business-level strategies.

25. Write a detailed note on balanced score card.


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