Trade Unionism Important Questions for Upcoming Exam [Dibrugarh University BCOM 6th Sem CBCS Pattern]

In this Post You will Get Trade Unionism Important Questions for Dibrugarh university BCOM 6th Sem CBCS Pattern. You will Also Get Trade Unionism Question Papers and E-Book Here.

Trade Unionism Syllabus – Dibrugarh University BCOM 6th Sem

Course No. DSE 602 (GROUP-II) Trade Unionism

Marks: 100 (Internal Assessment 20 + Term End 80)

Lecture: 60 Tutorial: 4

Objective: The objective of this course is to orient students about the concept and the role and functions of Trade Unionism

Course Contents:

Unit-I: Introduction to Trade Unionism: Concept, functions, Objectives and Structure of Trade Unionism. Recognition of Trade Unionism, Problems of Indian Trade Unions.    Marks 20: 15L+1T

Unit-II: White Collar Trade Unions-Meaning and features. Growth of white collar unions in India, differences between white collar workers and blue collar workers, Managerial Associations-nature, growth and activities of Managerial Association.         Marks 20: 15L+1T

Unit-III: Employers’ Association-Introduction, Aims and Objectives. Growth of Employers’ Associations. Organization and Management of Employers’ Association in India.       Marks 20: 15L+1T

Unit-IV: International Labour organization- Background, Structure, Major activities of ILO, The Philadelphia Declaration. Impact of ILO in Labour Legislation in India.   Marks 20: 15L+1T

Text and Reference Books:

1)    Modi. S. Dynamics of Trade Unionism. (Recommended in the earlier/existing syllabus)

2)    Sing B.D. Industrial Relations Emerging Paradigms, (2009), Publisher- EXCEL BOOKS, A-45, Narayan, Phase-I, New Delhi-110 028

3)    ILO, Industrial Labour in India. (Recommended in the earlier/existing syllabus)

In this Post You will Get Trade Unionism Important Questions for Dibrugarh university BCOM 6th Sem CBCS Pattern. You will Also Get Trade Unionism Question Papers and E-Book Here.

Trade Unionism Important Questions

Unit 1: Introduction to Trade Unionism

Q. Explain the concept and functions of trade unions.  2014, 2016

Q. Define trade union. What are the advantages and disadvantages of trade unions? 2017

Q. Discuss the objectives and structure of trade unions.    2015, 2022

Q. What is meant by recognition of a Trade Union? Discuss the rights of recognised Trade Unions.  2016

Q. Explain briefly the problems of trade unions in India. What measures can you suggest to overcome these problems? 2014, 2015, 2017

Q. Write in brief on the emergence and growth of white collar unionism in India. 2022

Q. Trace the origin and development of trade unionism in India.   2014, 2017

Unit 2: White Collar Trade unions

Q. What do you mean by white collar and blue collar workers? Give some examples. Distinguish between them.  2014, 2015

Q. Explain the features of white collar and blue collar workers.  2014

Q. Discuss the growth of white-collar unions in India from the early stages to present times.  2016

Q. Explain different factors that are responsible for emergence of white-collar trade union.        2017

Q. What do you mean by Managerial Associations? Explain its significance and limitations.   2016, 2017

Q. Discuss the activities of Managerial Associations in India.  2015

Q. Discuss the reasons behind growth of managerial association in India.  2022

Unit 3: Employers Association

Q. What do you mean by Employers, Association? Discuss the aims and objectives of Employers' Associations.   2014, 2015, 2017, 2022

Q. Is membership in Employers' Association voluntary in India? Discuss in brief the growth of Employers' Associations in India.   2014, 2016, 2017

Q. Explain in short the functioning of employers’ association in India.                         2022

Q. Describe the organization and management of Employers' Associations in India.  2015, 2016

Q. Discuss the structure of employers’ organisations in India.  2022

Unit 4: International Labour Organisation

Q. Give a brief outline of the historical background of ILO.  2015, 2017

Q. Discuss the structure of ILO. 2016

Q. Discuss the major activities of ILO.     2014

Q. Discuss the Philadelphia Declaration in detail along with its principles and impact. 2014, 2016

Q. Discuss the impact of ILO in Labour Legislation in India. 2014, 2015, 2017, 2022

Q. Distinguish between conventions and recommendations of ILO. Explain the procedure followed for adopting Conventions and  ecommendations of ILO.    2014, 2015

This is all about Trade Unionism Important Questions for Dibrugarh university BCOM 6th Sem CBCS Pattern. You will Also Get Trade Unionism Question Papers and E-Book Here.

Also Read: Dibrugarh University B.Com 6th Sem

Trade Unionism Question Paper May 2014

Trade Unionism Question Paper May 2015

Trade Unionism Question Paper May 2016

Trade Unionism Question Paper May 2017

Trade Unionism Question Paper July' 2022 (CBCS Pattern)


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