Internal Reconstruction Question Bank
Capital Reduction Question Bank
[BCOM 2nd Sem CBCS Pattern and NEP Syllabus 2025]
1. (2018) Following are the Ledger balances of XYZ Co. Ltd. As on 31st March, 2018:
Debit balances |
Rs. |
Credit balances |
Rs. |
Share Capital: Fully Paid 10000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each 500, 9% Preference Shares of Rs. 100 each Sundry Creditors |
1,00,000 50,000 25,000 |
Land and Building Plant and Machinery Stock-in-trade Sundry Debtors Cash at Bank Profit and Loss Account (Dr.) |
60,000 25,000 25,000 14,500 500 50,000 |
1,75,000 |
1,75,000 |
Due to heavy losses, the following scheme of reconstruction is agreed by the company:
1) To reduce the value of each equity share to Rs. 4
2) To convert existing preference shares into 400, 12% Preference Shares of Rs. 100 each.
3) To write down the value of stock by Rs. 5,000.
4) After writing-off the debit balance of Profit and Loss Account, any balance left was to be used in raising a reserve against sundry debtors.
Give necessary Journal Entries in the books of the company to record the above adjustments and prepare the Revised Balance Sheet after reduction.
2. (2017) P Ltd. had the following Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2015:
Liabilities |
Rs. |
Assets |
Rs. |
Share Capital: 8000 Equity Shares of Rs. 100 each fully paid 7½% Debentures Profit prior to incorporation Sundry Creditors |
8,00,000 3,00,000 10,000 2,00,000 |
Land & Building Plant & Machinery Goodwill Patents Cash in Hand Stock Debtors Profit & Loss A/c Preliminary Expenses |
4,00,000 3,50,000 1,00,000 20,000 10,000 90,000 1,00,000 1,90,000 50,000 |
13,10,000 |
13,10,000 |
The following scheme of reconstruction was adopted:
a) Each share was to be reduced to a share of Rs. 50 each.
b) Each shareholder was to subscribe for half the number of shares already held by him and pay immediately in cash for the new shares acquired.
c) All fictitious assets including goodwill and patents were to be eliminated.
d) A provision of 5% on debtors in respect of doubtful debts to be created.
e) Machinery was to be written down by Rs. 40,000.
Give Journal Entries to record the above and show the Balance Sheet after the scheme is carried through. 6+5=11
3. (2016) The ledger balances of HiFi Ltd. as on 31st March, 2016 are as follows:
Cr. Balances |
Amount |
Dr. Balances |
Amount |
Share Capital: Authorized Capital: 50000 Preference shares of Rs. 10 each 50000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each Issued and Paid-up: 25000 Preference shares of Rs. 10 each 25000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each Current Liabilities: Sundry Creditors Bank Overdraft |
5,00,000 5,00,000 10,00,000 2,50,000 2,50,000 40,000 36,000 |
Goodwill Leasehold Premises Plant and Machinery Patents Stock Debtors Cash Surplus A/c (negative balance) |
20,000 1,07,000 60,000 1,73,900 34,000 56,000 100 1,25,000 |
5,76,000 |
5,76,000 |
The company proved unsuccessful and resolutions were passed to carry out the following scheme of reconstruction by reduction of capital:
1) That the Preference Shares be converted to an equal number of fully paid shares of Rs. 5 each.
2) That the Equity shares be reduced to an equal number of fully paid shares of Rs. 2.50 each.
3) That the amount so available be utilized towards wiping out losses and reduction of assets as follows:
Goodwill and Surplus A/c (negative balance) to be written off entirely; Rs. 27,000 to be written off from Leasehold Premises, Rs. 14,000 to be written off from Stock; Rs. 6,000 to be provided for Doubtful debts, 20% should be written off from Plant and Machinery and the balance be written off from patents.
Make Journal Entries in the books of the company and prepare Balance Sheet giving effect to the above scheme.
Also Read:
4. (2015) Ganapati Co. Ltd. had the following Ledger balances as on 31st March, 2015:
Cr. Balances |
Rs. |
Dr. Balances |
Rs. |
Issued and subscribed capital: 8000 shares of Rs. 100 each fully paid 800, 6% Debentures of Rs. 1,000 each Bank Overdraft Sundry Creditors Bills Payable |
8,00,000 8,00,000 2,40,000 3,00,000 1,00,000 |
Goodwill Land and Buildings Plant and Machinery Stock Sundry Debtors Cash at Bank Preliminary Expenses Profit & Loss A/c (Dr.) |
2,40,000 3,60,000 8,00,000 1,88,000 1,84,000 50,000 24,000 3,94,000 |
22,40,000 |
22,40,000 |
The following scheme of reconstruction was adopted:
a) Without altering the number of shares in issued and subscribed capital, the face value and paid-up value of each share was to be reduced to Rs. 50.
b) The existing debentures be converted into 400, 7 ½ % debentures of Rs. 1,000 each, fully paid.
c) The assets be revalued as under:
Land and Building – Rs. 3,28,000
Plant and Machinery – Rs. 7,20,000
Stock – Rs. 1,78,000
Sundry Debtors subject to a Bad Debts provision of Rs. 20,000
d) Goodwill, Preliminary Expenses and the debit balance of Profit & Loss A/c will be completely written off.
Give Journal Entries to implement the above scheme and prepare the Balance Sheet after the reconstruction scheme is carried through. 8+6=14
5. (2013) Kamrup Company Ltd had the following Balance Sheet as on 31st March, 2012:
Liabilities |
Amount |
Assets |
Amount |
Authorized Capital 5000 Shares of Rs. 100 each Issued and Subscribed Capital: 2000 Shares of Rs 100 each 200, 6% debenture of Rs 1000 each Sundry Creditors Bills Payable Bank Overdraft |
2,00,000 2,00,000 75,000 25,000 60,000 |
Goodwill Land & Building Plant & Machinery Stock Sundry Debtors Cash at Bank Preliminary Expenses Profit & Loss A/c (Dr) |
60,000 90,000 2,00,000 47,000 46,000 12,500 6,000 98,500 |
5,60,000 |
5,60,000 |
The Following schemes of reconstruction were adopted:
(1) Without altering the number of shares in authorised, issued and subscribed capital, the face value and paid value of each shares was to be reduced to Rs. 50
(2) The existing debentures be converted into 100, 9 1/2% Debentures of Rs. 1,000 each
(3) The assets be revalued as under: Land and Building Rs. 82,000, Plant and Machinery Rs. 1,75,000, Stock Rs. 44,500, Sundry Debtors subject to a bad debt provision Rs.5,000
(4) Goodwill, preliminary expenses and the debit balance of Profit & Loss A/C are completely written off. Give Journal Entries to implement the above schemes of reconstruction and prepare the Balance Sheet.
6. (2011) The following was the Balance Sheet of XYZ Co. Ltd. before reconstruction:
Liabilities |
Rs |
Assets |
Rs |
Issued and Paid-up Capital: 12,000, 7% Preference Share of Rs 50 each 15000 Equity Shares of Rs 50 each Loan Sundry Creditors Other Liabilities |
6,00,000 7,50,000 5,73,000 2,07,000 35,000 |
Building Plant Trademarks and Goodwill Stock Debtors Preliminary Expenses Profit & Loss A/c |
4,00,000 2,68,000 3,18,000 4,00,000 3,28,000 11,000 4,40,000 |
21,65,000 |
21,65,000 |
The company is now earning profit but is short of working capital and a scheme of reconstruction had been approved by both classes of shareholders and sanctioned by the court. The scheme is:
(a) The equity shareholders have agreed that their Rs 50 shares to be reduced to Rs 2.50 per share.
(b) They have also agreed to subscribe in cash for three new equity share of Rs 2.50 each for each share held by them.
(c) The preference shareholders have agreed to cancel the arrear of dividend and to accept four new 5% preferences shares of Rs 10 each for every preference share they held and each shareholder to buy six new equity shares of Rs 2.50 each fully paid for each preference share.
(d) Loan creditors of Rs 1, 50,000 have agreed to convert their loan into preference share of Rs 10 each and 12000 new equity shares of Rs 2.50 each.
(e) The directors have agreed to subscribe in cash for additional 40000 new equity shares of Rs 2.50 fully paid.
(f) Of the cash received by issue of new shares Rs 2, 00,000 is to be used to reduce the loan due by the company.
(g) The amount available is to be applied to write off preliminary expenses, Profit & Loss A/c debit balance and to write off plant and machinery by Rs 35,000. The balance is to be used to write off the value of trademarks and goodwill. Show the Journal Entries to put through the scheme and prepare the Balance sheet after reconstruction. 2005
7. Jeevan Jyoti Company Ltd. Hade the Following Balance Sheet on the 31st March, 2004
Liabilities |
Rs. |
Assets |
Rs. |
8000 Shares of Rs. 100 each fully paid up 7 ½ % Debentures Profit prior to incorporation Sundry Creditors |
8,00,000 3,00,000 10,000 2,00,000 |
Land & Building Plant & Machinery Goodwill Patents Cash in Hand Stock Debtors Profit and Loss A/c Preliminary Exp. |
4,00,000 3,50,000 1,00,000 20,000 10,000 90,000 1,00,000 1,90,000 50,000 |
13,10,000 |
13,10,000 |
The following scheme of reconstruction was adopted: -
a) Each share was to be reduced to a share of Rs. 50 each.
b) Each Shareholder was a subscribed for half the number of share shares already held by him and pay immediately in cash for the new shares acquired.
c) All fictitious assets including goodwill and patents were being eliminated.
d) A provision for 5% on debtors in respect of doubtful debts to be created.
e) Machinery was to be written down by Rs. 40000.
8. (2007) Evaluate Company Ltd. Had the following balance sheet as at 31st March 2006:
Liabilities |
Rs |
Assets |
Rs. |
Authorised Capital: 5000 Shares of Rs. 100 each Issued at subscribed Capital 2000 Shares of Rs. 100 each Fully paid 200, 7 ½ Debentures of Rs 1000 each Sundry Creditors Bills Payable Bank Overdraft
2,00,000 2,00,000 75,0000 25,000 60,000 |
Goodwill Land & Building Plant & Machinery Stock Sundry Debtors Preliminary Exp. Profit & Loss A/C (Dr) |
60,000 90,000 2,00,000 47,000 46,000 1,25,000 6,000 98,500 |
5,60,000 |
5,60,000 |
The following scheme of reconstruction was adopted:
1. Without altering the number of shares in authorized issued and subscribed Capital, the face value of paid up value of each share was to be reduced to Rs. 50.
2. The existing debentures be converted into 100, 8 ½ % debentures of Rs 1,000 each fully paid.
3. The assets are Revalued as under: Land & Building-82,000, Plant & Machinery- 18,0000; Stock-44,500; Sundry Debtors subject to Bad Debts Provision of Rs 5,000.
4. Goodwill, Preliminary Exp. and Debit balance of Profit & Loss A/c be completely written off.
Give journal entries to implement the above scheme and prepare the Balance Sheet after the reconstruction scheme is carried through.
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Important Theory Questions for 2025 BCOM Exams available here.
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