Industrial Relations Question Paper 2023 [DODLDU MCOM 4TH SEM Question Papers]

Industrial Relations Question Paper 2023
[DODLDU MCOM 4TH SEM Question Papers]

2023 (Held in 2024)


Paper: COM-403 A (Industrial Relation)

Full Marks: 80

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. Answer the following questions as per direction:           1x8=8

(a) Industrial relation mains ethos lies on to prevent industrial unrest and work stoppages. (True/False)

(b) State has no role in maintaining industrial relation. (True/False)

(c) Covid-19 pandemic exerted negative impacts on industrial relation environment in India. (True/False)

(d) Define trade dispute.

(e) Trade Union does not include, ‘General Labour Unions’. (True/False)

(f) State the meaning of industrial democracy.

(g) What do you mean by INTUC?

(h) ‘Works Committees’, is an example of tripartite bodies.

2. Write short notes on the following: (any four)                4x4=16

(a) Employers’ organization.

(b) Workers’ participation in management.

(c) The role of trade unions in case of promoting ‘workers’ education.

(d) Basic objectives of industrial relation.

(e) Duties of labour welfare officer.

(f) Works committees.

3. Make a detailed explanation on psychological and sociological approaches to industrial relations. 7+7=14


Discuss in detail about the objectives and importance of industrial relations in India.         14

4. Discuss thoroughly the main problems of trade unions.              14


Critically analyse the objectives and functions of trade unions.

5. Define industrial dispute. Discuss in detail about the preventive mechanism of industrial dispute. 4+10=14


Discuss the causes of industrial disputes. Also narrate the works and functions of tripartite bodies. 4+10=14

6. What do you mean by collective bargaining? Discuss the main features and importance of collective bargaining methods. 4+10=14


Discuss elaborately the three-tier system of adjudication.              14


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