Business Studies Solved Question Papers 2023 [AHSEC Class 12 Business Studies Solved Question Papers]

Business Studies Solved Question Paper 2023
AHSEC Class 12 Solved Question Paper

For New Course Students

Full Marks: 80

Pass Marks: 24

Time: Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. (a) What is meant by profession?       1

Ans: Profession is an occupation for which specialized skills and training are required and these skills are used not for private profit but for the larger interests of the society.


What function of management ensures work accomplishment according to plan?

Ans: Controlling function

(b) Give the meaning of time study.        1

Ans: Time study helps in determining the time required by an average skill worker to efficiently perform a particular job. Time study helps in determining the standard time for the job.

(c) Under which environmental factor does fiscal policy fall?      1

Ans: Economic environment


What is disinvestment?

Ans: Disinvestment means government selling its profit or loss making venture's stack to public through an IPO or to private company on auction basis. 

(d) What is meant by apprenticeship training?   1

Ans: The workers seeking to enter skilled jobs are sent for apprenticeship training programme which is an on-the-job method of training. In the Apprenticeship Programme, a master worker or a trainer is appointed who guides the worker or learner regarding the skill of job. It is suitable for people seeking to enter skilled traits for example – plumbers, electricians, iron worker etc.

(e) What is the other name of long term investment decision? 1

Ans: Capital budgeting

(f) What is Treasury bill? 1

Ans: Treasury bills are instruments of money market issued by the Government of India. They are freely transferable. They are issued in the multiples of 25000. These are in the form of Zero coupon bond that is issued at a discount redeemable at par. No interest is given on such securities.

2. What is right issue?   2

Ans: Equity shares of a company are issued to the existing equity shareholders at discounted price is called the right issue. In this issue additional securities are offered to the existing shareholders.


Write two features of new issue market.

Ans: Primary Market (New issue market) Features

1. It is a market for the new long term capital. It helps new company in capital formation.

2. It is the market where the securities are issued for the first time. It is also referred as new issue market.

3. What is meant by management by exception?             2

Ans: Management by exception is an important principle of management control based on the belief that an attempt to control everything results in controlling nothing. Thus, only significant deviations which go beyond the permissible limit should be brought to the notice of management.

4. Write two objectives of training.                         2

Ans: Objectives of training:

(1) To improve Performance: Training helps in increasing productivity of workers and thus leads to reduction in cost and increase in profit.

(2) To reduce wastage of resources: Through the superior level training, the problem of wastage of materials can be avoided.

5. What is the role of budget in a plan?                 2

Ans: A budget is a quantitative expression of the plan of action. It is a statement of expected results and expected cost expressed in numerical terms. Budget is a statement which helps us to know the future results and to achieve these results how much we will have to spend. There are different types of budgets for example, production budget, sales budget, cash budget, fixed and flexible budget, overheads budget etc.

6. Write three differences between training and development. 3



It is a process of imparting knowledge for doing specific job.

It is a process of learning opportunities designed to help employees grow.

It is a job oriented process.

It is a carrier oriented process.

It focuses on technical skills.

It focuses on conceptual and human ideas.


Briefly explain three internal sources of recruitment.

Ans: Methods of recruitment under internal source:

a) Transfer: Transfer means shifting of employees from one job to another at the same level of authority. Generally, with the transfers there is no change in the rank, responsibilities and prestige. Only the place of working is changed.

b) Promotion: Promotion refers to shifting of employees from one job position to other with higher level of authority. In promotion the authority level, the rank, responsibilities and prestige improve or increase. Generally, with the promotions there is increase in salary also.

c) Recommendation by Present Employees: The present employees of an enterprise may be informed about likely vacant position. The employees recommend their relations or persons intimately known to them. Management is relieved of botheration for looking out prospective candidates. The persons recommended by the employees will be suitable for the job because they know the needs & requirement of various positions.





7. Write three importance of controlling.            3

Ans: Advantages (Importance) of Controlling:

(i) Accomplishing organisational goals: The controlling function measures progress towards the organisational goals and brings to light the deviations, if any, and indicates corrective action.

(ii) Judging accuracy of standards: A good control system enables management to verify whether the standards set are accurate or not. An efficient control system keeps a careful check on the changes taking place in the organisation and in the environment and helps to review and revise the standards in light of such changes.

(iii) Making efficient use of resources: By exercising control, a manager seeks to reduce wastage and spoilage of resources. This ensures that resources are used in the most effective and efficient manner.


Write a note on ‘return on investment’ as a modern technique of control.

Ans: Return on Investment (ROI): Investment consists of fixed assets and working capital used in business. Profit on the investment is a reward for risk taking. If the ROI is high, then the financial performance of a business is good and vice-versa. ROI is a tool to improve financial performance. It helps the business to compare its present performance with that of previous years' performance.

8. What is the significance of the concept called ‘consumer welfare’?     3

Ans: Consumer welfare refers to the well-being and satisfaction of consumers in the marketplace. It encompasses various factors such as product quality, safety, affordability, choice, and access to information. Essentially, it revolves around ensuring that consumers are able to make informed decisions, receive value for their money, and are protected from unfair or harmful business practices.

The significance of the concept of consumer welfare:

1. Protection of Rights: Consumer welfare emphasizes the protection of consumer rights, ensuring that consumers are treated fairly and honestly by businesses. This includes safeguarding against fraud, deception, and exploitation.

2. Enhanced Competition: Prioritizing consumer welfare fosters healthy competition among businesses. When consumers have access to transparent information and a variety of choices, it incentivizes businesses to improve their products and services to meet consumer demands effectively.

3. Social Welfare: Consumer welfare contributes to overall social welfare by ensuring that essential goods and services are accessible and affordable to all segments of society. This helps to reduce inequality and improve the standard of living for individuals and communities.


Briefly write three importance of consumer protection from the point of view of consumers.

 Ans:  Importance of Consumer Protection from the point of view of consumer:

a) Consumer’s ignorance: Most of the consumers are ignorant about their light and relief’s available to them. So it was essential to create awareness among consumer for their lights.

b) Unorganized consumers: Consumer are not much organized so us to protect their interest. Until their organization become strong and powerful, proper protection has to be provided.

c) Wide Spread Exploitation of Consumer: the balance sheet man through various unfair trades. Practice like loading, black-marketing, adulteration etc.

9. Why entrepreneurship is regarded as a creative activity? Briefly explain.         3

Ans: Out of syllabus


Explain the role of consumer organisations and NGOs in protecting the interest of consumers.

Ans: Functions of Consumer organisation and Non-Government Organisations (NGO):

a) Creating consumer awareness: They publish periodicals brochures journals etc. for creating consumer awareness.

b) Encourage the consumer: They encourage and educate the consumer to protect against exploitative, unfair trade practice of the seller.

c) Focus on consumer problem: They arrange seminars, workshops and conference for the purpose of focusing on problem of consumer.

d) Problem legal assistance: They provide legal assistant for getting legal remedy against the damage caused to consumer.

10. ‘Management is not considered as a fully-fledged profession.’ Discuss.          5

Ans: Management is a Profession: Profession is an occupation for which specialized skills and training are required and these skills are used not for private profit but for the larger interests of the society.  There is a professional body to control the behaviour of its members.  At present management is not a full-fledged profession but it is heading towards becoming a profession. Management is by and large becoming a profession. Management is emerging now as a profession because it has the following essential features of process:

a) Management is a specialised body of knowledge having its own principles, concepts and theories.

b) Proper training and education is essential for managers to improve managerial skills.

c) Indian Management Association and All India Management Development Association is set up in India to lays down the standards of education and training for that entering management profession.

d) Manager must strictly observe code of conduct and ethics.

e) There is dominance of service motive in any profession. Management aims at providing maximum efficiency at eh lowest cost so as to serve the interests of employers, consumers, society and nation at large.

In conclusion, it may be said that managers at the top level do not satisfy all the requirements of profession but management is becoming a profession.


Explain the nature of coordination.

Ans: Coordination is defined as the process of bringing about unity and harmony of functioning amongst the various elements of an organisation.  In the words of Henry Fayol,” To co-ordinate is to harmonise all the activities of a person in order to facilitate its working and its success.”

The key features of coordination are as follows:

a) Coordination is not a distinct function but the very essence of management.

b) It is the result of conscious and concerted action by management.

c) Coordination is a continuous, never ending or on-going process. It is also a dynamic process.

d) Coordination is required in group efforts not in individual effort.

e) Coordination has a common purpose of getting organizational objectives accomplished.

11. Discuss the principle of unity of command and unity of direction.     5

Ans: Unity of command: According to this principle of Fayol, every employee should receive orders and instructions from one boss and he should be responsible and accountable to him only. This principle will be violated if an employee is asked to receive orders from more than on superior.

Unity of Direction: According to this principle “One unit means objective and one plan. There must be one plan for an organization at a time and should be directed by one manager using the same plan. This principle leads to good coordination in the organisation.


Distinguish between scientific management and general management.

Ans: Difference between scientific and general administrative management are given below:

1. Scientific management theory considers employee efficiency, whereas administrative management theory considers human and behavioural determinants of the organization.

2. Administrative theory emphasizes on activities like planning and controlling, whereas scientific theory emphasizes on work study and time of study of workers.

3. Administrative management theory has more emphasis on top management, whereas scientific management theory has an emphasis on low-level management in an organization.

4. Administrative management theory can be applied to any organization, because it is universally applicable, but scientific management theory is applied only to specialized organizations.

12. Give five impacts of globalization on Indian economy.            5

Ans: Liberalisation and Globalisation of Indian economy through industrial policy change in 1991 have created both challenges and opportunities for the Indian business. Impact of Government Policy Changes on Business and Industry (Significance of liberalisation and globalisation) can be studied under the following heads:

a) Increasing competition: As a result of changes in the rules of industrial licensing and entry of foreign firms, competition for Indian firms has increased especially in service industries like telecommunications, airlines.

b) More demanding customers: Customers today have become more demanding because they are well-informed. Increased competition in the market gives the customers wider choice in purchasing better quality of goods and services.

c) Rapidly changing technological environment: Increased competition forces the firms to develop new ways to survive and grow in the market. New technologies make it possible to improve machines, process, products and services.

d) Necessity for change: In a regulated environment of pre-1991 era, the firms could have relatively stable policies and practices. After 1991, the market forces have become turbulent as a result of which the enterprises have to continuously modify their operations.

e) Threat from MNC: Massive entry of multi-nationals in Indian marker constitutes new challenge. The Indian subsidiaries of multi-nationals gained strategic advantage. Many of these companies could get limited support in technology from their foreign partners due to restrictions in ownerships. Once these restrictions have been limited to reasonable levels, there is increased technology transfer from the foreign partners

13. Write five limitations of planning.    5

Ans: Limitations of Planning: The success of enterprise is possible only when plans are properly drawn up and implemented. The business environment is dynamic, nothing is constant. The organisation has to constantly adapt itself to the changes of in business environment. I agree with the statement” Though Planning is an important tool of management, yet it is not a remedy in business environment. Planning can’t prevent problem. It can only product them to prepare contingency plans to deal with them if and when they occur. Planning fails in spite of efforts of management because of its limitations which are stated below:

1. Planning does not work in dynamic environment: The business environment is dynamic, nothing is constant. The environment consists of a number of dimensions— economic, political, technological, legal and social dimensions. The organisation has to constantly adapt itself to the changes in business environment. However, it is not always possible to accurately assess future trends in the environment.

2. Planning is a time consuming process: Planning is a time consuming process. It requires collection of information, its analysis and interpretation. These activities may take considerable time.

3. Planning involves huge costs: Planning is an expensive process in terms of money. When plans are drawn up, huge costs are involved in the formulation of plans. If the costs are not justified by the benefits derived from the plan, it may have adverse effect on the enterprise.

4. Planning creates rigidity: Planning leads to rigid mode of functioning for managers. This has adverse effect on the initiative to be taken by them.

5. Planning does not guarantee success: The success of an enterprise is possible only when plans are properly drawn up implemental. Managers have a tendency to rely on previously tried and tested successful plans. But it is not always true that a plan which has worked before, will work effectively again.









14. What are the different sources of working capital? Briefly discuss.   5

Ans: Various Sources of Working Capital

1) Trade credit is a short term credit facility extended by suppliers of raw materials and other suppliers. It is a common source. It is an important source. Trade credit is an informal and readily available credit facility. It is unsecured. It is flexible too; that is advance retirement or extension of credit period can be negotiated. Trade credit might be costlier as the supplier may inflate the price to account for the loss of interest for delayed payment.

2) Commercial banks are the next important source of working capital finance commercial banking system in the country is broad based and fairly developed. Straight loans, cash credits, hypothecation loans, pledge loans, overdrafts and bill purchase and discounting are the principal forms of working capital finance provided by commercial banks.  They provide loan in the following form:

a)    Straight loans are given with or without security. A onetime lump-sum payment is made, while repayments may be periodical or one time.

b)    Cash credit is an arrangement by which the customers (business concerns) are given borrowing facility upto certain limit, the limit being subjected to examination and revision year after year. Interest is charged on actual borrowings, though a commitment charge for utilization may be charged.

c)    Hypothecation advance is granted on the hypothecation of stock or other asset. It is a secured loan. The borrower can deal with the goods.

d)    Pledge loans are made against physical deposit of security in the bank's custody. Here the borrower cannot deal with the goods until the loan is settled.

e)    Overdraft facility is given to current account holding customers t^ overdraw the account upto certain limit. It is a very common form of extending working capital assistance.

f)     Bill financing by purchasing or discounting bills of exchange is another common form of financing. Here, the seller of goods on credit draws a bill on the buyer and the latter accepts the same. The bill is discounted per cash will the banker. This is a popular form.

3) Finance companies abound in the country. About 50000 companies exist at present. They provide services almost similar to banks, though not they are banks. They provide need based loans and sometimes arrange loans from others for customers. Interest rate is higher. But timely assistance may be obtained.

4) Indigenous bankers also abound and provide financial assistance to small business and trades. They change exorbitant rates of interest by very much understanding.

5) Public deposits are unsecured deposits raised by businesses for periods exceeding a year but not more than 3 years by manufacturing concerns and not more than 5 years by non-banking finance companies. The RBI is regulating deposit taking by these companies in order to protect the depositors. Quantity restriction is placed at 25% of paid up capital + free services for deposits solicited from public is prescribed for non-banking manufacturing concerns. The rate of interest ceiling is also fixed. This form of working capital financing is resorted to by well established companies.

15. Briefly outline any five regulatory functions of SEBI.                5

Ans: Regulatory Functions: These functions are performed by SEBI to regulate the business in stock exchange. To regulate the activities of stock exchange following functions are performed:

(i) SEBI has framed rules and regulations and a code of conduct to regulate the intermediaries such as merchant bankers, brokers, underwriters, etc.

(ii) These intermediaries have been brought under the regulatory purview and private placement has been made more restrictive.

(iii) SEBI registers and regulates the working of stock brokers, sub-brokers, share transfer agents, trustees, merchant bankers and all those who are associated with stock exchange in any manner.

(iv) SEBI registers and regulates the working of mutual funds etc.

(v) SEBI regulates takeover of the companies.

(vi) SEBI conducts inquiries and audit of stock exchanges.


Briefly explain five money market instruments.

Ans: Money market is the short term security market. Following are the instruments dealt in money market.

a) Treasury bills: T-bills short term government security ranging from 14 days to 364 days issued by RBI on behalf of the government to meet its short-term financial needs. No fixed interest in payable on Treasury bills. Normally TBs are issued at the lowest interest rate agreed on competitive bidding. These bills are negotiable instruments and freely transferable.

b) Commercial Paper: Commercial papers are unsecured promissory notes issued by highly creditworthy companies to raise funds for short term. It usually has a maturity period of 15 days to one year. CPs are normally issued at a discount and redeemed at par.  The commercial banks and mutual funds are the main investors of commercial papers.

c) Call money and short notice money: Call money refers to money given for a very short period ranging from 1 day to 7 days. Surplus funds of the commercial banks and other institutions are usually given as call money. Banks are the borrowers as well as lenders for the call funds. If the loan is given for one day and can be called back on demand, it is called money at call but if the loan cannot be called back on demand and will require 3 days’ notice, it is called money at short notice. Money at short notice can be of maximum 14 days.

d) Certificate of deposit (CD): Certificate of deposit is a time deposit having a maturity period from 91 days to 12 months. CDs are issued only by a bank. It is a bearer certificate which is freely transferable and can be sold in secondary market. Banks are not allowed to discount these documents.

e) Commercial bills: These are the trade bills which are drawn at the time of credit sales by the Drawer (Supplier) and accepted by the Drawee (Debtor). It is an acknowledgment of debt normally having a maturity period of 90 days. It is a negotiable instrument and can also be endorsed from one person to another.  It can also be discounted with the bank before maturity.

16. What is formal organisation? Briefly write advantages of formal organization.           3+5=8

Ans: Formal organisation is that type of organisation in which the authority and responsibility relationship amongst various people working in an enterprise are clearly defined. It is an official framework for taking up every activity. In the words of Chester Barnard, "An organisation is formal when the activities of two or more persons are consciously coordinated towards a common objective".

Advantages of Formal Organisation

a) As definite duties and responsibilities of each employee are clearly fixed, it tends to reduce conflicts among employees.

b) Over lapping of authority and responsibility is avoided.

c) Entire organisation is systematically controlled.

d) On account of classification of tasks, right person in place at a right place, hence job satisfaction and security is experienced by the employees.

e) It makes organisation less dependent on one man.


Discuss the principles of effective delegation.

Ans: Principles of Effective Delegation of Authority or How barriers can be removed or Elements of delegation:

a) Knowledge of Objectives: Before delegating authority, the subordinates should be made to understand their duties and responsibilities. In addition, knowledge of objectives and policies of the enterprise should be provided to them.

b) Parity of Authority and Responsibility: This principle of delegation suggests that when authority is delegated, it should be commensurate with the responsibility of the subordinate.

c) Unity of Command: This principle of delegation suggests that everyone should have only one boss. A subordinate should get orders and instructions from one superior and should be made accountable to one superior only.

d) The Scalar Principle: The scalar principle of delegation maintains that there should be clear and direct lines of authority in the Organisation, running from the top to the bottom. The subordinate should know who delegates authority to him and to whom he should contact for matters beyond his authority.

e) Clarity of Delegation: The principle of clarity of delegation suggests that while delegating authority to subordinates, they should be made to understand the limits of authority so that they know the area of their operation and the extent of freedom of action available to them. Such clarity guides subordinates while performing their jobs.

17. Discuss the significance of motivation in business.   8

Ans: Motivation is a process of stimulating people to action to achieve desired goal. It is psychological term. It comes automatically from inside the employees as it is the willingness to do the work.

In the words of Dubin,” Motivation is the complex of force starting and keeping a person at work in an organisation.”

Features of Motivation:

a) It is a psychological phenomenon which generates within an individual.

b) Motivation can be positive or negative. Positive motivation is done giving incentives, rewards or promotions. Negative motivations are based on force or fear.

c) Motivation produces goal directed behaviour.

d) Motivation is dynamic and continuous process.

e) Motivation is mainly based on needs.

Importance of motivation within organisation is given below:

a) Motivation sets in motion the action of people: Motivation bridges the gap between the ability to work and willingness to work. It enables the management to secure the best utilization of physical and financial resources.

b) Motivation improves the efficiency of work performance: As motivation builds the willingness to work among the employees, the persons work with imitativeness thereby increasing their work performance.

c) Motivation leads to stability in the employees: Motivation helps in reducing the labor turnover and absenteeism. It creates confidence among the employees and secures their loyalty to the organization.

d) Helps in achieving the organisational goals: The motivated employees always try to achieve the organisational goal and contribute their best efforts for the realisation of organisational goals.

e) Motivation held the managers to introduce changes: Motivated employees are always supportive and co-operative in accepting changes in the organisation.


What is communication? Explain the different barriers to effective communication.

Ans: Communication means exchange of messages between two or more persons. These messages could mean idea, opinions, facts, information, instructions and anything that conveys a meaning. These may be conveyed in words, pictures, and actions or gestures.

In the words of Newman, Summer & Warren, “communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, and opinions by two or more persons.”

According to Keith Davis, Communication is the process of passing information and understanding from one person to another.”

The barriers to communication in an organization may be broadly categorized into following groups:

a) Physical Barriers: There are the environmental factors that also reduce the sending and receiving of communication, such as physical distance, noises and other interferences difficulty arises in communicating a message.

b) Socio-psychological or personal Barriers: There are certain socio psychological factors which restrict the free flow of communication. They are the attitude and opinions, status consciousness, one’s relations with fellow workers, seniors, and junior’s etc. family background.

c) Organizational Barriers: Organisational barriers arise due to defects in the organization structure and the communication system of an organization. Such barriers include hierarchical distance, diversion, status barriers, goal conflicts etc.  

d) Semantic Barriers: Semantic means the relationships of signs of their reference. Semantic barrier arises from the disadvantages of the symbolic system. Symbols have got number of meaning and one has to choose any one of them according to the requirement of communication.

e) Mechanical Barriers: Mechanical barriers include inadequate arrangement for transmission of news, facts and figures. Example poor office layout and defective procedure and the use of wrong media led to poor communication.

18. What is marketing? Explain the role of marketing in present day business.   2+6=8

Ans: Marketing is the process of exchange of goods and services and includes all those activities which helps in exchange of goods and services. In the words of Philip Kotler, “Marketing is human activity directed at satisfying needs and want through exchange process.”

Marketing is a unique function of business which satisfies social values, needs and wants of an individual. It serves as the springboard for all industrial production. The importance of marketing can be studied under the following heads:

A. Uses to the Society

(1)   Employment of Various Persons: Since the things are manufactured or produced due to marketing, hence many people get employment through the production activities. Transport, storage and wholesale and retail services cover many persons. In this way, it might be said that by marketing the employment is created.

(2)  Availability of Various Products for Use: Today, the sphere of marketing has become worldwide or international. Due to it, the products manufactured in the foreign lands too become avail­able for consumption. All this could become possible due to the growth of the marketing and its development.

(3)  Increase in the National Income of Country: If the marketing activities are efficiently undertaken and things are produced in accordance with the needs or requirements of the cus­tomers, there must be some increase in the demand of the things. The production goes up which leads to the increase in the national income.

(4)  Protecting the Economy against the Evil Effects of Depressions: If the produced goods are not sold, there shall be piled up the unsold materials with the producers and they will fall victim to the depression effects. Thus the marketing keeps the economy safeguarded against the evil effects of the depressions.

(5)  Increase in the Standard of Living: By an efficient sys­tem of marketing, there is a fall in the prices of the products which ultimately leads to the enhancement in the consumption capacity of the society which ultimately brings reforms and improvement in the standard of living of the society.

B. Uses to the Producers

(1)   Helpful in Earning More Profits: Whenever any manu­facturer produces some commodity, he has to seek the help of so many people in letting the same reach the hands of the consumers. For instance, there is the need of the middlemen, the godown ­owners, the traders, the owners of transport companies, etc. By establishing proper distribution channel, more profits can be earned.

(2)  Getting Information Regarding Demand. By the study of marketing, the producers are able to get information regard­ing the changing demands.

(3)  Reduction in Distribution Costs. By the wide studies of distribution, it is also known that the products be passed on to the consumers on the minimum possible costs.

(4)  Helpful in Production Planning. The producer, by studying the marketing, could plan his various policies pertaining to production.

C. Uses to the Consumers

While purchasing the products, the consumers must have full knowledge of the things. This can be possible only through marketing. By the study of marketing, the consumer is able to acquire knowledge as to how the middlemen resort to their exploitation. For avoiding the middlemen's exploitation, the con­sumer co-operative societies are being promoted and developed.

D. Uses to the Middlemen

By the 'middlemen' is meant those persons who send the products from the producer to the consumer. The lower are the ex­penses of the middlemen, the greater is their profit. By studying the marketing, they get the knowledge as to how the expenses of dis­tribution be kept lower. Unless the middlemen possess sufficient knowledge of marketing, they can't become successful.


What is publicity? Distinguish between advertising and publicity. 2+6=8

Ans: In simple word, Publicity is the public visibility or awareness for any product, service or company. Publicity is considered more effective then advertising since it is designed to familiarise the general public with the product s characteristics and advantages. Publicity may be effected through a newspaper, a magazine and some other informative media.

Community involvement can enhance a business s image and offer wonderful opportunities for mission marketing. It may involve sponsoring a local youth sports team, a summer camp for needy youngsters, or a scholarship.

Difference between advertising and publicity





The activity of generating advertisements of products and services to commercialize them is known as Advertising.

The activity of providing information about an entity, i.e. a product, an individual or a company to make it popular is known as Publicity.

Given by

It is done by company and its representative.

It is done by third party.


It is a paid form of communication.

It is unpaid form of communication.

Credibility and reliability

Credibility and reliability is more as compared to publicity.

 Credibility and reliability is less.


There is complete control over advertisement.

There is no control over publicity.


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