Business Organisation and Management Important Questions [Gauhati University BCOM 1st SEM NEP Syllabus]

Business organisation and Management Important Questions
Gauhati University BCOM 1st SEM NEP Syllabus

Question Paper Pattern

Total Marks: 100

Final Exam: 60

Internal Assessment: 40

Final Exam:

- MCQS                                                = 8 Marks

- 2 Marks Questions (6 out of 10) = 12 Marks

- 5 Marks Questions (4 out of 8)   = 20 Marks

- 10 Marks Questions (2 out of 4) = 20 Marks


Tips to Score Good Marks

1. Focus on Understanding not on Cramming

2. Attempt each and every questions as per your knowledge

3. Presentation of Answer must be good

4. Focus on VVI Question as given in this video

5. Fully cover Unit 2, Unit 4 and Unit 5

Unit 1: Introduction

Q. What is business? What points are taken into consideration while starting a business?

Q. What are the essential characteristics of a business? Explain various objectives of a business.

Q. What factors to be taken into consideration while selecting form of business organisation?

Q. Which form of business organisation is considered to be best? Explain.

Q. What is Brick and click business format? How does it work? What are its advantages and limitations?

Q. What is Brick and mortar business format? How does it work? What are its advantages and limitations?

Q. What is an e-commerce? What are its essentials? Mentions its advantages and limitations.

Q. What is outsourcing? What are its various classifications? Mention the merits and demerits of outsourcing.

Q. What is Management? Explain its various functions.

Q. What is Management Competencies? What are the essential skills and qualities of a manager? Explain the importance of management competencies.

Q. Explain the following forms of business organisation with their respective features, merits and demerits + Difference:

a) Sole Trade

b) Partnership            

c) Joint Hindu Family 

d) Cooperative Society           

e) LLP              

f) MNCs          

g) Public Enterprises

Unit 2: Business Environment

Q. What is business environment? What are its characteristics?

Q. What are various components of business environment? Explain them briefly/ (Micro, MESO and Macro)

Q. Distinguish between Micro, MESO and Macro business environment.    2023

Q. What is business ethics? Discuss it need, significance and impact on the working of an organisation.

Q. Explain some essential pillars of business ethics.

Q. What are various steps to develop business ethics in an organisation?

Q. Define CSR. Discuss its properties, need and significance.

Q. Enumerate the compulsory legislations of the companies act 2013 relating to CSR.

Q. Explain some essential pillars of CSR.        2023

Unit 3: Planning and Organizing

Part A: Strategic Planning and Decision Making

Q. What is strategic planning? Describe the essential steps to formulate strategic planning. 2023

Q. Explain the objectives, advantages and disadvantages of strategic planning.     

Q. Explain in brief the Concept of Decision making. Explain its role in business management.      

Q. What are various steps involved in decision making process?

Q. What are the various techniques of decision making (Qualitative and Quantitative, MIS, DSS)? Explain them.             2023

Part B: Organising

Q. Explain the concept of Organisation and organising. Explain its nature and importance.

Q. Explain the principles of sound business organisation.

Q. What is formal and informal business organisation? Mention their characteristics, merits and demerits. Also distinguish between them.     2023

Q. What is organisational design? What are the factors affecting organisational design?

Q. What is delegation of authority? Explain its importance in organizational management. What are the key elements in delegation of authority? 2023

Q. What is centralisation and decentralisation of authority? Distinguish between them. 

Q. Explain various organisational structures:

- Divisional

- Project

- Product

- Matrix           2023

- Virtual organisational structure

Unit 4: Directing and Controlling

Part A: Motivation

Q. What is motivation? Explain its nature and importance.

Q. What are the factors affecting motivation of an employee?

Q. Explain the following:

- Maslow theory of Motivation          

- Herzberg theory of Motivation        

- McGregor theory of Motivation

- Maslow Vs Herzberg theory of motivation

- Vroom’s expectancy theory

- Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation    

Part B: Leadership

Q. Define Leadership. Mention essential traits and qualities for Leadership.

Q. Explain the concept of leadership. Discuss its significance in the management of a large manufacturing enterprise.

Q. Explain various Leadership styles with their difference. (Transactional leadership, Transformational Leadership, Transforming Leadership.)          2023

Q. What is communication? Explain its need and importance.

Q. What are various steps involved in communication? Explain.

Q. What are various types of communication? Distinguish between formal and informal communication.

Q. What are various barriers to communication (Leakages in organisational communication)? How these barriers can be overcome?

Q. Explain the role of IT and Social media in modern day communication. What are the barriers to digital communication?         2023

Part C: Controlling in Management

Q. Explain the meaning of Controlling. Explain its steps or process.

Q. Discuss the Traditional and Modern techniques of Managerial Control.

Q. Mention essential characteristics of controlling. What are its advantages and disadvantages?

Q. Justify the Relationship between Planning and Controlling. Also distinguish between Planning and Controlling.

Unit 5: Contemporary Issues in Management

Q. What is Business Process Reengineering (BPR)? Explain its process. What are the merits and demerits of BPR?

Q. Explain various factors for the success of BPR? What are the potential reasons for its failure?  2023

Q. What is learning organisation? What are its features and elements? What are the merits and demerits of leaning organisation?

Q. What is Supply Chain Management? Explain it principles and importance.

Q. What is work-life balance? What are its negative consequences? What are the advantages and disadvantages of work-life balance?  2023

Q. What are the workplace strategies to improve work life balance?         

Q. What is freelancing? What are its benefits and drawbacks?

Q. What is work from home? What are its characteristics?

Q. Mention the merits and demerits of work from home. Distinguish between work from home and freelancing.

Q. What is flexi-time? What are its benefits and drawbacks? Give an organisational structure of flextime.

Q. What is Co-sharing/co-working? What are its benefits and drawbacks?

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