Auditing and Corporate Governance Question Paper 2023 [Assam University B.COM. 6th Sem Hons.]

 Auditing and Corporate Governance Question Paper 2023 
Assam University B.Com 6th Sem Question Paper
TDC (CBCS) Even Semester Exam. September – 2023

COMMERCE (6th Semester)

Course No. : COMHCC-601T

(Auditing and Corporate Governance)

Full Marks 70

Pass Marks 28

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions


Answer any ten of the following questions:         2 x 10 = 20

1. What is meant by internal check?

2. Mention the importance of vouching.

3. What are the aims of internal audit?

4. State two powers of a company auditor.

5. How can the first auditor of a company be removed?

6. Who fixes the remuneration in case:

(a) the auditor has been appointed by the shareholder at AGM;

(b) the auditor has been appointed by the Central Government?

7. Mention two objectives of management audit.

8. Define cost audit.

9. Write down the objectives of computer-aided audit techniques.

10. What are the elements of corporate governance?

11. Why is corporate governance important?

12. Mention two models of corporate governance in India.

13. Mention two features of business ethics.

14. What do you mean by green governance?

15. What are the objectives of business ethics?


Answer any five of the following questions:        10 x 5 = 50

16. State the various objects and basic principles of an auditing.       5+5=10

17. What is audit programme? What are the essential requirements of a good audit programme?      2+8=10

18. State the different types of auditor’s report. Discuss the contents of auditor’s report of a limited company.      5+5=10

19. Explain the procedure for appointment of a company auditor.          10

20. Briefly explain the objectives of cost audit from the point of view of Government and manufacturers.  5+5=10

21. Explain the provisions of the Income-tax Act regarding tax audit.       10

22. Discuss the codes and standards to be followed in corporate governance.      10

23. Briefly discuss the various theories of corporate governance of firms and companies.      10

24. What is business ethics? Explain the approaches to business ethics.       2+8=10

25. Explain the important provisions on SEBI’s Clause 49 of listing agreement.       10


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