104 Entrepreneurship Development Question Paper 2022 [DODLDU MCOM 1st SEM Question Paper]

104 Entrepreneurship Development Question Paper 2022
[DODLDU MCOM 1st SEM Question Paper]

Paper: COM – 104 (Entrepreneurship Development)

Full Marks: 80

Time: Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. (a) Define the terms ‘entrepreneur’ and entrepreneurship’. Explain the role of an entrepreneur in the economic development of India.         6+10=16


(b) Discuss the differences between an entrepreneur and a manager. In what ways are entrepreneurs different from enterprises?       10+6=16

2. (a) Discuss the essential qualities of a successful entrepreneur.       16


(b) Critically evaluate the views on entrepreneurship put forward by Schumpeter, Walker and Drucker.

3. (a) Discuss the role of NABARD and SIDBI in the entrepreneurship development. 8+8=16


(b) Explain when an idea becomes an opportunity. Explain various steps involved in identifying and evaluating business opportunities by an entrepreneur.           4+12=16

4. (a) What do you mean by EDPs? Explain the importance of EDPs for entrepreneurship development.    4+12=16


(b) Describe in detail various phases of EDP. Elaborate the problems faced by an EDP.            10+6=16

5. (a) Discuss various factors impeding the growth of entrepreneurship in North-East India. What measures would you suggest to overcome these factors?         8+8=16


(b) Discuss the prospects of entrepreneurship development in North-East India with a brief profile of the region.    10+6=16

Also Read: MCOM 1st SES Question Papers (Dibrugarh University - DODL)

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102 - Organisational Behaviour and Theory I: 2021  2022  2023
103 - Cost and Management: 2021 2022  2023
104 - Entrepreneurship Development: 2021 2022 2023


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