Political Science Question Paper 2024 [AHSEC Class 11 Political Science Question Paper]

Political Science Question Paper 2024
[AHSEC Class 11 Political Science Question Paper]

Full Marks: 100
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
(Indian Constitution at Work)

1. Answer the following as directed:     1x6=6

(a) _______ is regarded as the father of Political Science. [Fill in the blank]

(b) Name one supporter of negative liberty.

(c) Mention one feature of equality.

(d) Give one example of political right.

(e) Mention one difference between citizen and alien.

(f) Give one argument in favour of national self-determination.

2. Answer the following questions:         2x5=10

(a) Mention two aspects of liberty.

(b) What do you mean by economic inequality?

(c) Explain the meaning of social justice.

(d) Define politics.

(e) Mention two features of secularism.

3. Write a note on John Rawls’ theory on justice.      4

4. Explain legal rights with examples.       4

5. Write a note on global citizenship.    4

6. What do you mean by political theory? Discuss briefly the utility of studying political theory.    6


Briefly discuss about the limitations of nationalism.

7. Discuss the subject matter of political theory.      6


Discuss the different types of freedom.


(Indian Constitution at Work)

8. Answer the following as directed:       1x6=6

(a) When was the first sitting of the Constituent Assembly for undivided India held?

(b) Under Article 32, the Supreme Court/High Court can issue writs. (Choose the correct option)

(c) _______ is the Head of the Government in India. [Fill in the blank]

(d) In which year was Election Commission of India constituted?

(e) Who appoints the judges of the Supreme Court?

(f) Is the word ‘federation’ mentioned in the Indian Constitution?

9. Answer the following questions:      2x5=10

(a) What is habeas corpus?

(b) Mention two merits of proportional representation system.

(c) Write two non-federal features of the Indian Constitution.

(d) Mention two qualifications necessary to be appointed as the judge of the High Court.

(e) Why is India called a Republic?

10. Write a short note on the Right to Freedom.       4

11. Why do we need an independent judiciary?         4

12. What do you mean by ‘decentralization of power’?           4

13. Discuss the powers and functions of the Lok Sabha.       6


Discuss the powers and functions of the Legislative Assembly.

14. Highlight on the process of making an Ordinary Bill.       6


Discuss briefly the features of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act.

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