Education Question Paper 2022 [AHSEC Class 11 Education Question Paper]

Education Question Paper 2022 
[AHSEC Class 11 Education Question Paper]

Full Marks: 100
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. Give appropriate answer as directed:     1x12=12

(a) “By education I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in child and man-body, mind and spirit.” Who said this?

(b) Homosexuality is the characteristics of _______ period. (Fill in the blank)

(c) Write the full form of SCERT.

(d) What is the IQ of a genius child?

(e) Who is called the father of Educational Psychology?

(f) What is e-mail?

(g) “Emotion is a moved or stirred up state of individual.” Who said this?

(h) Who first introduced ‘Monitorial System’?

(i) Name any one part of peripheral nervous system.

(j) What is drive?

(k) Animism is the characteristic of infancy period. (Write True or False)

(l) In which year was the Assam Primary Education Act constituted?

2. Answer the following questions:      2x12=24

(a) Write two educational provisions for infancy.

(b) Mention any two functions of UGC.

(c) Write two major functions of cerebrum.

(d) What do you mean by childhood?

(e) Name two kinds of duct gland.

(f) Write two roles of students in the school.

(g) Write briefly two roles of teacher as a motivator.

(h) What do you mean by Clinical Psychology?

(i) Write two functions of spinal cord.

(j) Mention two challenges before the teachers in the context of new social background.

(k) Mention two ways of modification of instinct.

(l) What is instinct?

3. Answer the following questions:   4x10=40

(a) Write four major characteristics of formal education.

(b) Write four major functions of NCERT.

(c) Mention four needs of adolescence period.

(d) What is illusion? Write three causes of it.                1+3=4

(e) Briefly write about the democratic aims of education.

(f) Write four educational importance of library.

(g) Write four principles of Wardha Scheme, 1937.

(h) Mention four characteristics of habit.

(i) Mention four principles of formation of good habits.

(j) Write briefly about Serampore Trio.

4. Briefly write about the relationship of Education with Philosophy and Sociology.       3+3=6

5. What is Educational Psychology? Why does a teacher need to study Psychology?     2+4=6

6. Mention two personal qualities of a teacher. Discuss briefly the responsibilities of a teacher as counselor.        2+4=6


What are cocurricular activities? Discuss about four types of cocurricular activities.     2+4=6

7. What is Sarve Shiksha Abhiyan? Briefly write five aims and objectives of Sarve Shiksha Abhiyan.  1+5=6


What do you mean by Total Literacy Campaign? Briefly write five characteristics of Total Literacy Campaign.     1+5=6

Also Read: AHSEC Class 11 Education Question Paper


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