Human Resource Development Question Paper 2023, Dibrugarh University B.Com 5th Sem CBCS Pattern

 Dibrugarh University B.Com 5th Sem Question Papers CBCS Pattern

Human Resource Development Question Paper 2022

(Held in January/February, 2022)
COMMERCE (For Honours/Non-Honours)
Paper: DSE-502
Full Marks: 80 (Pass Marks: 32)

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. (a) Write True or False:                             1x4=4

(1) HRD culture is an integral part of organizational culture.

(2) HRD approach intends better adjustment of the individuals to their job and environment.

(3) Promotion is not a source of recruitment.

(4) A transfer may involve a promotion or demotion or no change at all in the status and responsibility.

(b) State two objectives of training.                          2

(c) Mention two advantages of job rotation.                         2

2. Write short notes on any four of the following:          4x4=16

(a) Human Resource Planning.

(b) Career Development.

(c) HRD Audit.

(d) Functions of HRD Manager.

(e) Job Analysis.

(f) Recruitment.

3. What do you mean by HRD? Discuss the importance and need of HRD in a giant industrial enterprise.    4+10=14


Write a note on the objectives of HRD.                               14

4. Explain in detail about the elements of HRD climate.                                   14


What is HRD culture? How does it influence performance of employees?          7+7=14

5. Give your suggestions to make HRD more effective in Indian organizations.   14


Discuss the concept of strategic HRD. How does it help in fulfilling the overall objectives of HRM?           7+7=14

6. Discuss the objects of training and enumerate the steps in a training process.        7+7=14


Explain the various methods of training.                             14

Also Read: 

Human Resource Development Question Paper [Dibrugarh University B.Com 5th Sem CBCS Pattern]

- Human Resource Development Question Paper 2021

- Human Resource Development Question Paper 2022

- Human Resource Development Question Paper 2023


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