The M.Com. Programme in Commerce under Open
and Distance Learning shall comprise of 16 (Sixteen) courses of hundred marks
There shall be 13 (Thirteen) compulsory
courses till the fourth semester and 3 (three) optional courses in fourth
semester to be selected from Group – ‘A’,
The snapshot of courses comprising the four semesters of M.Com. Programme in Commerce under Open and Distance Learning are as follows:
MCOM 4TH Sem Syllabus [Dibrugarh University DODLDU 2024]
Dibrugarh University DODLDU (Distance Education)
is compulsory and one group among ‘A’ or ‘B’ to be selected as Optional courses)
Course Code |
Course Name |
No. of Assignments |
In Semester Marks |
End Semester Marks |
Credit Value of the course |
COM-401 |
Analysis. |
2 |
20 |
80 |
4 |
(Optional paper (Any one group – ‘A’, ‘B’) |
COM-402 (A) |
Resource Management. |
2 |
20 |
80 |
4 |
COM-403 (A) |
Relation. |
2 |
20 |
80 |
4 |
COM-404 (A) |
Resource Development. |
2 |
20 |
80 |
4 |
COM-402 (B) |
Financial System. |
2 |
20 |
80 |
4 |
COM-403 (B) |
Services. |
2 |
20 |
80 |
4 |
COM-404 (B) |
Analysis and Portfolio Management. |
2 |
20 |
80 |
4 |
Course: COM-401 (4th Semester) - Statistical
Analysis (Credits: 4)
I: Probability and Theoretical Distribution. Marks-30
Probability and Probability Rules –
Classical, Relative, Subjective, Addition & Multiplication Probability
Models, Conditional Probability and Bayes’ Theorem, Probability Distribution –
Binominal, Poison & Normal, their characteristics & applications,
Statistical Decision Theory.
II: Statistical Inference and Testing. Marks-30
Statistical Estimation & Testing, Point
& Interval estimation of population mean, Proportion & variance,
Statistical Testing – hypotheses and errors, sample size determination, Large
& Small Sampling Tests (Parametric).
III: Non-Parametric Tests & Reporting. Marks-20
Application of Non-Parametric Tests-
Comparison with Parametric Tests, Rank Correlation Test, Chi-square Tests, Sign
Test, Median Test, Wilcoxon Signed Test, Kruskal-Walle's Tests, Interpretation
of Statistical Data, Report-writing-steps, problems, content, precaution,
utility characteristics.
Books and Suggested Readings:
1. Richard I & Levin, Statistics for
Management (Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi).
2. B.L. Agarwal, Basic Statistics (New Age
International (P) Ltd. Publishers, New Delhi).
3. Larsen, Mark & Cooil, Statistics for
Applied Problem Solving and Decision Making (International Thomson Publication,
4. S.C. Gupta, Fundamental of Statistics
(Himalaya Publishing House, Delhi).
5. C.R. Kothari, Research Methodology (Wishwa
Prakashan, New Delhi).
Optional Courses: Choose
any one Group (‘A’, ‘B’)
Course: COM-402 (A) (4th
Human Resource
Credits: 4
I: Human Resource Management – Concepts and Role of HRM. Marks-16
Introduction to HRM – Personnel Management:
Human Resource Management – Evaluation of Human Resource Management, Human
Resource Management and Personnel Management. Functions of Personnel
Management: Functions and Objectives of Human Resource Management, the Changing
Role of Human Resource Management.
II: Human Resource Management Planning and Development. Marks-16
Manpower Planning and HRD: Manpower Planning,
Recruitment and Selection – Human Resource Development. Training and
Development: Employee Training – Principles and techniques, Executive
Development – Principles and Techniques, Career Development.
III: Wage Payment and Performance Appraisal. Marks-16
Systems of Wage Payments: Wages and Salary
Administration – Systems of wage payments/incentives-monetary and non-monetary.
Performance appraisal: Performance appraisal - Promotion and transfer.
IV: Employee Motivation and Communication. Marks-16
Motivating Employee: Employee morale and
motivation – Management Technique designed to increase motivation, job
satisfaction. Communicating Employee: Communication and Counseling.
V: Personnel Control and Policies. Marks-16
Personnel Control: Personnel Control –
Personnel records and statistics, Personnel research. Personnel Policies: Audit
of Personnel and programmes.
Books and Suggested Readings:
1. Tripathi, P.C., Human Resource Management,
Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi
2. Sheikh, A.M., Human Resource Development
and Management, S.Chand Publishing, New Delhi
3. Rao, T.V., Human Resource Development:
Experiences, Interventions, Strategies, Sage Publications, New Delhi
4. Gary Dessler, (2000), 8th Edition, “Human
Resource Management”, Prentice Hall Incorporated, Upper Saddle River, New
5. Noe, R.A. Hollenbeck, J.R. Gerhart, B. and
Wright, P.M.(2000) Human Resource Management, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, New
6. Taylor, S, (1998), “Employee Resourcing”,
CIPD, London.
7. Stewart, J. and McGoldrick, J. (Eds)
(1996) Human Resource Development: Perspectives, Strategies and Practice,
London: Pitman Publishing.
- M.Com 1ST Semester Syllabus
- M.Com 2nd Semester Syllabus
- M.Com 3rd Semester Syllabus
- M.Com 4th Semester Syllabus
Course: COM-403 (A) (4th
Industrial Relation
Credits: 4
I: Industrial Relations – Basics. Marks-16
Introduction to Industrial Relation:
Objective, Introduction, Industrial Relation Concept, Approaches to Industrial
Relation, Importance & Scope. Industrial Relation – a systematic approach:
Objective, Introduction, pre-requisites of successful Industrial Relation
Programme, Characteristics of Industrial Relation System.
II: Trade Union – An Actor to Industrial Relation. Marks-16
Introduction to Trade Union: Objective,
Introduction, Trade Union-Concepts, Functions, Problems of Trade Unions, Tools
used by Trade Unions. Worker's Education: Objective, Introduction, Meaning,
Scope, Purpose, Venue & Technique.
III: Industrial Dispute. Marks-16
Industrial Disputes: Objective, Introduction,
Forms, Causes, Role of Wage Policies. Preventive Measure: Objective,
Introduction, Institution of Labour Welfare, Bipartite & Tripartite Bodies,
Standing Orders, Grievance Procedure & Ethnical Codes.
IV: Settlement of Industrial Dispute. Marks-16
Worker's Participation in Management:
Objective, Introduction, Concepts, forms, level of participation, evaluation of
function. Collective Bargaining: Objective, Introduction, Concepts, Importance,
Principles, Forms, Levels, Evaluation of Functioning.
V:Industrial Dispute Settlement Machinery. Marks-16
Conciliation and Arbitration: Objective,
Introduction, Conciliation, Concept, Procedure & Types, Arbitration
“Concept, Procedure & Type Adjudication and Industrial Environment:
Objective, Introduction, Adjudication – Concept, Procedure, Types, Evaluation
of working and justification, Industrial Peace, Industrial Democracy.
Books and Suggested Readings:
1. C.B. Mamoria, Dynamics of Industrial
Relations in India, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi.
2. A Monappa, Industrial Relations, Tata
McGraw Hill Co., New Delhi.
3. S. Modi, Dynamics of Trade Unionism, Deep
& Deep Publications, New Delhi.
4. K.S. Bangoo, Dynamics of Industrial
Relations, Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi.
Course: COM-404 (A) (4th
Human Resource
Credits: 4
I: Introduction to Human Resource Development. Marks-16
Concepts, benefits & Pre-requisite of
HRD, Distinction between HRM and HRD, HRD Practices in India, HRD Structure,
Culture and Climate, HRD as a System, HRD Audit, HRD and Organizational
Effectiveness, Approaches to Evaluate the HR function.
II: Strategic HRD. Marks- 16
Role of Strategic HRD, Objectives of
Strategic HRD, Components and Principles of Strategic HRD, Quality of Work Life
(QWL), Approaches and Techniques of QWL, Job enrichment, Quality Circles.
III: Change Management. Marks-16
Introduction, Challenges before the HR
manager, Responding to change, Effect of Competition on HRM, Retention
Strategy, Techniques of Continuous Improvement.
IV: International HRM. Marks-16
Concepts and dimensions of International HRM,
Comparison between domestic HRM and International HRM, International HR
Activities, Cross Cultural Issues, The Expatriate Problems, Repatriation
V: Recent Trends in HRM. Marks-16
Total Quality Management (TQM), Human
Resource Empowerment (HRE), Employee Leasing, Moon Lighting by Employees, Dual
Career Groups.
Books and Suggested Readings:
1. Tripathi, P.C., Human Resource Management,
Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi
2. Sheikh, A.M., Human Resource Development
and Management, S.Chand Publishing, New Delhi
3. Rao, T.V., Human Resource Development:
Experiences, Interventions, Strategies, Sage Publications, New Delhi
4. Gary Dessler, (2000), 8th Edition, “Human
Resource Management”, Prentice Hall Incorporated, Upper Saddle River, New
5. Noe, R.A. Hollenbeck, J.R. Gerhart, B. and
Wright, P.M.(2000) Human Resource Management, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, New
6. Taylor, S, (1998), “Employee Resourcing”,
CIPD, London.
7. Stewart, J. and McGoldrick, J.(Eds) (1996)
Human Resource Development: Perspectives, Strategies and Practice, London:
Pitman Publishing.
8. Arthur, Diane(2nd Ed.)(1995). Managing
Human Resources in Small & Mid-Sized Companies. New York: AMACOM
9. Ulrich, Dave. (2001). The HR Scorecard:
Linking People, Strategy, and Performance. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business
School Press,.
10. Sparrow, Paul (2003). Employment
Relationships: Key Challenges for HR. Boston:
Course: COM-402 (B) (4th
Indian Financial System
Credits: 4
I : Financial System and Economic Development. Marks-16
Financial System: Concept, Functions,
Structure of Financial System, Financial Intermediaries, Financial Market,
Financial Assets/ Instruments, Financial Services, Regulatory Framework, Indian
Financial System - an overview. Financial System and Development: Introduction,
Financial System and the Economy, Economic Growth and Financial System,
Economic Development and Financial System, Role of Financial Institutions,
corporate Sector and Economic Development. Legal and Regulatory Framework of
IFS: Introduction, Company Law Regulations - Share Capital, Issue of Shares,
Properties, Repurchase of Shares by Companies, Issue of debenture, Right-Issue,
Allotment of Shares. Securities Contract (Regulation) Act – Object, Regulation of
Stock Exchanges, Contracts and Options in Securities, Penalties and Procedure,
SEBI - Establishment, Powers and Functions, Securities Appellate, Tribunal,
Ombudsman / Stipendiary, Ombudsman Regulation2003. Buy back securities
-Companies Act. Requirements for listed companies 1998 main provisions.
II: Financial Market. Marks-16
Money Market: Factors, Money Market
Organization in India, Primary dealers, Money Market, Mutual Funds, RBI
-Functions, Role of RBI as Regulator of Money and Credit. Capital Market:
Definition, Types- Primary Market, Secondary Market, Functions of New Issue,
Organizational Support of NIM, Primary Market Reforms, Secondary Market and
Institutional Support – Brokers, Sub brokers, Trading and Clearing/ Self
Clearing Members, Foreign brokers, Custodial services, Depository system. Stock
Exchanges - Regulations, Functions, Role in the Capital Market, National Stock
III: Financial Intermediaries. Marks-16
Commercial bank, Merchant bankers and Private
banks, Commercial banks - Functions and Role in Financial Market, Recent Trends
in Banking sector reforms. Merchant Bankers - Regulations, Capital adequacy
requirement, Obligation Private Banks: Role in IFS and the present scenario.
Development Banks and State Level Financial Corporations, Development banks:
Nature and Characteristics, Function and Services Provided, Recent Trends in
Development Banking, Some leading DFIs-IDBI, IFCI; Concept of universal
banking. State Level Financial Corporations: Power and Functions, New Policy
Framework for the SFCs. Mutual Funds, NBFCs and Insurance Service Provider,
Mutual Funds-Meaning, Types of MF, advantages of MF, Main Contents of SEBI,
Mutual Fund regulations, Service Mobilization by MF. NBFCs – Introduction, Role
and Functions, Regulatory Aspects for NBFCs Insurance Service Providers -
Meaning of insurance, Types of Insurance Services, Insurance Companies in India
– an overview, Objectives, Investment Policy, Main Provisions of IRD Act, 1999
and the Changing scenario of the Insurance Business.
IV: Financial Instruments. Marks-16
Long term Services of Finance, Financial
Instruments-Meaning, Types of Financial Instruments, Equity Shares-Features,
Evaluation, Performance Shares - Features, Evaluation, Debenture-Bonds- notes
attributes, Valuation, Innovative debt instruments, Term Loans. Short term
Sources of Finance and Derivatives Instruments, Bank and Short-term sources of
Finance – Overdraft, Cash Credit, Working Capital Loans, Some Money Market in
Instruments - Treasury bills, Commercial Papers, Certificate of Deposits.
Derivative Instruments - Meaning, Types and Uses, Features, Options Swaps,
Credit Derivatives, Advantages and Disadvantages of Derivatives.
V: Foreign Capital Flows. Marks-16
Introduction, uses and Determinants of
Foreign Capital, Forms of Foreign Capital, International Financial Instruments,
Trends in Foreign Capital of inflows to India, Indian Direct Investment abroad,
External Commercial Borrowings, Foreign Institutional investors investment,
Regulatory aspects of FIIs, NRI-Investment, Foreign Collaboration, Foreign
Direct investment, GDR and ADR investment, Drawbacks of Foreign Capital.
Books and Suggested Readings:
1. Khan M.Y., Indian Financial System, Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. ICAI, Financial Services, The Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi.
3. Bhole L.M., Financial Markets and
Institutions, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
4. Gupta, Suraj B., Monetary Economics :
Institutions Theory and Policy, S. Chand & Co.
Course: COM-403 (B) (4th
Financial Services
Credits: 4
I: Merchant Banking. Marks-16
Merchant Banking: Companies Act 2000,
Registration of Merchant Bankers and Regulations, Authorized Activities, Terms
of Authorization, Penalty System, Defaults in Prospectus, Project Preparation
and Appraisal. Pre-Issue Management - Pre-Issue Management Activities
(stepwise), Pre-Issue Management and Pricing, Post-Issue Management, Listing
Requirement of Stock Exchanges. Merchant Bankers and Portfolio Management -
Portfolio, Obligation and Responsibility of Portfolio, Manager, Code of Conduct
of PM/MB, Portfolio Management Procedure and Strategy.
II: Mutual Funds in India. Marks-16
Mutual Funds in India – Definition, Concept,
Advantages, Mutual Funds in India, Mutual Funds by Category, Mutual Funds by
III: Venture Capital. Marks-16
Venture Capital – Features, Financial
Support, Technological revolution, Guidelines Issued by the Government/ SEBI.
IV: Leasing. Marks-16
Leasing – Objectives of Leasing, Steps
involved in Leasing Factors, influencing Leasing, Types of Lease Financing,
Advantages of Leasing, Disadvantages of Leasing. Investors investment,
Regulatory aspects of FIIs, NRI-Investment, Foreign Collaboration, Foreign
Direct investment, GDR and ADR investment, Drawbacks of Foreign Capital.
V: Credit Rating. Marks-16
Credit Rating – Types of Credit Rating,
Limitations of Credit Rating, Scope of Credit Rating, Objectives of Credit
Rating, Credit Rating, Process, Credit Rating Agencies in India, Credit Rating
and Information Services of India (CRISIL), CRISIL's Rating Process, Investment
Information and Credit Rating Agency of India (ICRA).
Books and Suggested Readings:
1. Khan & Jain : Financial Management:
Text and Problems : Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. Pandey, I.M. : Financial Management :
Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
3. Verma, J.C. : A Manual of Merchant Banking
: Bharat Law House, New Delhi.
4. Machiraju, H.R. : Merchant Banking
Principles and Practice : New Age International, New Delhi.
5. Pezzullo, M.A. : Marketing Financial
Services : Macmillan, New Delhi.
Course: COM-404 (B) (4th
Security Analysis and
Portfolio Management
Credits: 4
I: Investment: A Conceptual Framework. Marks-16
Investment Environment: Investment vs.
Speculation, Investment Process and Categories, Markets and their Functions,
Institutional investors and Changing Market, Investment alternatives, Money and
Market Instruments: Bonds, Equities, Mutual Funds; Derivatives; Life Insurance.
II: Risk and Return. Marks-16
Technical analysis: Macro-Economic Analysis,
Industry analysis & Technical analysis – basic premises.
III: Portfolio Management: Risk and Returns. Marks-16
Fundamentals of portfolio: Introduction to
portfolio management, Time, Value & Money, Risk & Return.
IV: Portfolio and Pricing Models. Marks-16
Portfolio Creation: Modern portfolio theory,
Bond valuation, Asset allocation & Portfolio design.
V: Mutual Fund Operations. Marks-16
Taxes and Investments, Rewards per unit of
risk, Excess return and losses.
Books and Suggested Readings:
1. Fischer, Donald E. and Jordan, Ronald J., Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Prentice
Hall, New Delhi, 2016.
2. Kevin, S., Portfolio Management, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2006.
3. Pandian, Punithavathy., Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Vikas
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2016.
4. Avadhani, V.A., Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Himalaya Publishing
House, Mumbai, 2018.
5. Gupta K. Shashi, Joshi Rosy, and Gupta,
Neeti, Security Analysis and Portfolio
Management, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 2018.
6. Bhalla, V.K., Investment Management- Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, S.
Chand & Co. Ltd, New Delhi, 2009.
7. M Rangnathan and R Madhumathi: Security
Analysis & Portfolio Management Pearson, Delhi. Second Edition
8. Singh Rohini: Security Analysis &
Portfolio Management. Excel Books. New Delhi. 2009
9. Narang D.B. and Gaur V.P. Income Tax Law and Practice. Kalyani
Publishers, New Delhi, 2019.
10. Ahuja Girish and Gupta Ravi. Direct Taxes Law and Practice. Bharat
Law House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2019.
11. Chandra Prasanna. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management. Tata McGraw-Hill,
New Delhi, 2017.
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