101 Business Enviornment Question Paper 2023 [DODLDU MCOM 1st SEM Question Paper]

101 Business Enviornment Question Paper 2023 
[DODLDU MCOM 1st SEM Question Paper]

Paper: COM-101 (Business Environment)

Full Marks: 80

Time: Three Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. (a) Critically evaluate the Indian business environment. Do you think that it is progressing in the right direction? Justify. 10+6=16


(b) Analyse the significance of business environment. Do you think that the study of business environment becomes meaningless because of high volatility? Explain.    9+7=16

2. (a) “The scenario of MNCs in India is effective to the Indian economy.” Justify.   16


(b) Critically argue the role played by the MRTP Act in India to minimise the restrictive trade practices.

3. (a) Explain the instruments of monetary policy with reference to India.    16


(b) Write a detailed note on the fiscal policy of India.

4. (a) Discuss the objectives of the Consumer Protection Act. Define consumer as per the Act. What are the basic rights of consumers as per the Consumer Protection Act? 4+2+10=16


(b) Define capital market. Explain different submarkets of Indian capital market.   4+12=16

5. (a) What is globalisation? Explain the gains derived by India as a member of WTO. 6+10=16


(b) Explain the objectives of digital cash transaction and its impact on Indian economy. 8+8=16

Also Read: MCOM 1st SES Question Papers (Dibrugarh University - DODL)

101 - Business Environment: 2021  2022  2023
102 - Organisational Behaviour and Theory I: 2021  2022  2023
103 - Cost and Management: 2021 2022  2023
104 - Entrepreneurship Development: 2021 2022 2023


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