E-Commerce Solved Question Paper 2022, Dibrugarh University B.Com 3rd Semester CBCS Pattern

E-Commerce Question Paper 2022

Dibrugarh University BCOM 3rd & 5th Sem

COMMERCE (Skill Enhancement Course)

Paper: SEC – 3.1/5.1


Full Marks: 40

Pass Marks: 16

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. Choose the correct option:                           1 x 5 = 5

(a) EDI is necessary in

(1) B2C e-commerce.

(2) C2C e-commerce.

(3) B2B e-commerce.

(4) commerce using Internet.

Ans: (3) B2B e-commerce.

(b) Encryption can be done 

(1) only one textural data.

(2) only on ASCII coded data.

(3) on any bit string.

(4) only on mnemonic data.

Ans: (3) on any bit string.

(c) Section 23 of the Information Technology Act, 2000 is 

(1) suspension of license.

(2) procedure for grant or rejection of license.

(3) renewal of license.

(4) application for license.

(3) renewal of license.

(d) Online trading is a service offered on the Internet for the purchase and sale of

(1) goods.

(2) services.

(3) securities.

(4) None of the above.

Ans: (3) securities.

(e) EDI is necessary in




(4) None of the above.

Ans: (1) EXTRANET.

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E-Commerce Solved Question Papers Dibrugarh University 2022

2. Answer the following questions: 2 x 5 = 10

(a) What are the goals of market research?

Ans: Goals of Market research are:

1. Determining new business opportunities: Market research is more than just learning about trends and consumer behaviour. Identifying business opportunities through the market information can allow organisation to find new revenue streams for business.

2. Avoiding business failures: Market research also helps in mitigating risk and avoid business failures.

(b) What is the difference between G2G and G2E models?

Ans: G2G (Government to Government): The exchange of information between government agencies or departments, i.e. within the confines of government is called as G2G interaction.

Ans: G2E (Government to Employees): The interaction between government and employees to increase employee morale and satisfaction, is made easier and faster with the help of information and communication technology.

(c) Define e-trading.

Ans: E-trading refers to buying and selling of securities such as shares, bonds, foreign currencies, cryptocurrencies, and other financial instruments online through an electronic trading platform.

In India, e-trading has started with the establishment of OTCEI. Now the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) have also completely switched over to online trading to which most stock-brokers have access through internet.

(d) How is e-mail useful for e-commerce?

Ans: Business organization s send e-mail messages to people who have requested information about a specific product. This is called opt-in-email and this strategy is called Permission Marketing Strategy. E-mail allows marketers to deliver different advertisements to different customers based on market segmentation. It allows users to see graphic images and text that really impresses them. The users also get transported to the related website by clicking on the link in the message.

(e) What is automatic clearing house (ACH)?

Ans: Electronic Fund transfer can be done using ATM (Automated Teller Machine) or using computer. Now-a-days, internet based EFT is getting popularity. In this case, customer uses website provided by the bank. Customer logins to the bank's website and registers another bank account. He/she then places a request to transfer certain amount to that account. Customer's bank transfers amount to other account if it is in same bank otherwise transfer request is forwarded to ACH (Automated Clearing House) to transfer amount to other account and amount is deducted from customer's account. Once amount is transferred to other account, customer is notified of the fund transfer by the bank.

3. Answer any four of the following questions:                   5 x 4 = 20

(a) What is e-commerce? Illustrate the importance of e-commerce technology in the new era of business environment.

Ans: The word commerce is the basic concept for electronic commerce, pertaining to buying and selling of goods while ‘commercial’ denotes business practice and activities intended to make profits. Electronic commerce, like any other business, deals with the exchange of money for soft or hard goods and services.

Electronic Commerce (e-commerce) is electronic business. It’s using the power of computers, the Internet and shared software to send and receive product specifications and drawings; bids, purchase orders and invoices; and any other type of data that needs to be communicated to customers, suppliers, employees or the public.

Importance of e-commerce technology in the new era of business environment:

1. By becoming e-commerce enabled, businesses now have access to people all around the world. In effect all e-commerce businesses have become virtual multinational corporations

2. The cost of creating, processing, distributing, storing and retrieving paper-based information has decreased.

3. The pull-type processing allows for products and services to be customized to the customer’s requirements.

4.0 24/7 access: Enables customers to shop or conduct other transactions 24 hours a day, all year round from almost any location.

5. Customers not only have a whole range of products that they can choose from and customize, but also an international selection of suppliers.

6. Businesses can be contacted by or contact customers or suppliers at any time.

(b) Compare and contrast the traditional commerce with electronic commerce.

Ans: Difference between traditional and e-business are mentioned below:

Basis of distinction

Traditional Business

e – Business

Ease of formation

It is very difficult to form a traditional business.

It is very simple to form an e-business.

Physical Presence

Physical presence is required .

Physical presence is not necessary.

Location Requirements

Prime Location is key for success of any traditional business.

Prime location is not necessary in case of e-business.

Cost of Setting Up

Cost of setting up a traditional business is very high

Cost of setting up an e-business is very low.

Operation Cost

Operation cost is very high in case of traditional business.

Operation cost is very low in case of an e-business.

Nature of Contact with suppliers & Customers

Indirect contact with suppliers and customers through Intermediaries .

Direct contact with suppliers and customers.

(c) Write about the security service that are to be offered in e-payment systems. Discuss any one e-payment system in detail.

Ans: Security services that are to be used in e-payment systems:

- Firewalls – Software and Hardware.

- Public Key infrastructure.

- Encryption software.

- Digital certificates.

- Digital Signatures.

- Biometrics – retinal scan, fingerprints, voice etc.

- Locks and bars – network operations centre

Firewalls:  Firewalls allow you to protect entire network from the outside world with a single physical device. A software firewall is installed on an individual computer and it protects that single device. If multiple computers need protection, the software must be installed on each device.

(d) What are key features of the IT Act, 2000? What are the relationships between Cyber Law and the IT Act, 2000?

Ans: Salient features of IT act, 2000 are as follows:

1. The act consists of 94 sections divided into 13 chapters and four schedules.

2. It extends to the whole of India and also has extraterritorial operation.

3. It replace Digital signature with electronic signature to make it a more technology neutral act.

4. It elaborates on offenses, penalties, and breaches.

5. The act provides for legal recognition to e - commerce which facilitates commercial e-transactions.

6. It outlines the Justice Dispensation Systems for cyber-crimes.

7. It provides for the constitution of the Cyber Regulations Advisory Committee.

India enacted the Information Technology Act, 2000 (“IT Act”) on 09 June 2000. The IT Act now becomes the law of land in India which in general terms is also known as Cyber Law. The IT Act is based on the UNCITRAL model law on e-commerce. The preamble of the IT Act simply indicates that the Act is centered on affording legal recognition to transactions carried out electronically. However, the scope of the IT Act goes much beyond its preamble. It covers multiple areas including data protection and security, cybercrimes, adjudication of cyber disputes, government mandated surveillance of digital communication, and intermediary liability.

(e) Discuss different Web technologies used in e-commerce.

Ans: Following are the latest ecommerce technologies that will be used in future and some of them has started as well currently only at limited geographical location.

1. Storefront Digitizing:  Now to maintain people’s interest something very innovative could be adopted. In order to make an impact even more to customers, firms like eBay, Walmart, Delta Airlines, have all started the Storefront Digitizing. They use the memory mirror technology.

2. Chatbot: While Chatbots were in existence since 1966 but the technology has evolved to much smarter and better in terms of processing speeds and giving response to contextual awareness, all credits go to machines learning and big data technology. The enables the human interaction only when extremely necessary. The bot acts more like a friend than someone who is into this business talking very formally. The navigational experience is less text-based but more conversion-based in order to find any information.

3. Beacon Technology: This technology is a kind of application which enables different devices connect with each other via Bluetooth Low Energy-that acts some as the classic Bluetooth but extends do not more than 50 meters, and doesn’t need high battery power either.

4. Direct Social Media Purchase: Social media websites like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter are already into this move and successfully covering the sales over 60 percent. The customers can now click the ‘Buy now’ button directly from the site’s page and proceed for online payment.

5. Voice Assistants: It is a voice-activated, convenient and efficient technology which is based on the loT (Internet of Things.). It listens to the user’s voice commands and is capable to perform tasks like purchases, searches, help, etc. It can turn off the light while performing the commanded tasks together, so that the energy could be saved. The prime examples are Amazon’s Echo Alex and China’s WeChat. WeChat can buy movie tickets, book a taxi, takeout an order, and so on.

4. Write short notes on any two of the following: 2½ x 2=5

(a) E-brokerage.

Ans: An electronic brokerage is a type of financial brokerage that allows investors to buy and sell securities electronically; online stockbrokers are an example of electronic brokerage. This type of brokerage provides investors with an easy way to access the market and buy securities. One of the advantages of this type of brokerage is that investors do not have to rely on someone else to make purchases, but at the same time, investors may miss out on a higher level of service that they would normally receive from a traditional brokerage.

(b) Biometric systems.

A biometric system involves a set of sensors to record a biometric from the users of the system a database of stored biometric templates, and an authentication algorithm by which the recorded biometric is compared to the template.

Biometric systems are using personal characteristics (directly linked to who you are) to authenticate or identify a person. A system collects biometric characteristics unique to every person such as eyes and finger prints.

(c) SET.

Ans: Secure Electronic Transaction (SET): It is a secure protocol developed by MasterCard and Visa in collaboration. Theoretically, it is the best security protocol. It has following components −

- Card Holder's Digital Wallet Software

- Merchant Software

- Payment Gateway Server Software

- Certificate Authority Software


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