103 Organisational Behaviour and Theory–I Question Paper 2021 [DODLDU MCOM 1st SEM Question Paper]

103 Organisational Behaviour and Theory–I Question Paper 2021 
[DODLDU MCOM 1st SEM Question Paper]


Paper: COM – 102

(Organisational Behaviour and Theory – I)

Full Marks: 80

Time: Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. (a) What do you mean by organisational behaviour? Discuss various determinants of organisational behaviour.   4+10=14


(b) Discuss various types of organisation. How are organisations classified on the basis of functions performed?  7+7=14

2. (a) Compare and contrast the classical, neoclassical and modern approaches towards organisation.  14


(b) What are the features of organisation as a system? Discuss the significance of studying the perspective of system’s approach.            7+7=14

3. (a) To what extent sound organisation helps in effective management.   12


(b) What is meant by ‘organising’? Briefly explain the steps involved in the organising process.     4+8=12

4. (a) Explain the sources of authority and discuss the reasons for delegating the authority. 7+7=14


(b) Explain the term ‘departmentation’. Examine the factors that govern the choice of any particular basis of departmentation.            4+10=14              

5. (a) Define the term ‘span of management’. How would you determine the optimum span of management in a given situation?            4+10=14


(b) What are centralisation and decentralisation? Distinguish between centralisation and decentralisation.  2+2+10=14

6. (a) What do you mean by bureaucracy? Discuss the important elements of bureaucracy.  4+8=12


(b) What are the indicators of power? Discuss various ways of uses and outcome of power.  2+10=12

Also Read: MCOM 1st SES Question Papers (Dibrugarh University - DODL)

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102 - Organisational Behaviour and Theory I: 2021  2022  2023
103 - Cost and Management: 2021 2022  2023
104 - Entrepreneurship Development: 2021 2022 2023


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