101 Business Enviornment Question Paper 2021 [DODLDU MCOM 1st SEM Question Paper]

101 Business Environment Question Paper 2021 
[DODLDU MCOM 1st SEM Question Paper]

Paper: COM-101 (Business Environment)

Full Marks: 80

Time: Three Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. (a) Discuss the significance of internal business environment with examples.   16


(b) Discuss the significance of external business environment with examples.       16

2. (a) Explain the main objectives of price control and its effect an Indian economy. 6+10=16


(b) Discuss the objectives and scope of MRTP Act. What are the remedies available under the Act?   16

3. (a) Write a detailed note on the monetary policy of India.         16


(b) Write a detailed note on the household saving pattern in India.         16

4. (a) Explain the important provisions related to redressal machineries as prescribed under the Consumer Protection Act.        16


(b) Define Capital Market. Explain the different submarkets of Indian Capital Market.  4+12=16

5. (a) What do you mean by Household Income? Explain the impacts of household income for the food security and poverty elimination in India.        4+6+6=16


(b) Explain the objectives of digital cash transaction and its impacts on Indian economy. 8+8=16

Also Read: MCOM 1st SES Question Papers (Dibrugarh University - DODL)

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102 - Organisational Behaviour and Theory I: 2021  2022  2023
103 - Cost and Management: 2021 2022  2023
104 - Entrepreneurship Development: 2021 2022 2023


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