[Class 12 Business Studies Solved question Paper, AHSEC, 2022, Assam Board]
Full Marks: 100
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
1. (a) Who
introduced the concept of ‘differential price-rate-wage system’? 1
Ans: F.W.
(b) Under
which environmental factor does fiscal policy fall? 1
Ans: Economic
(c) Write
a difference between policy and procedure.
are guidelines which facilitate the achievement of predetermined objectives. |
Procedures are sequences of steps to be followed
for performing some important jobs. |
(d) What is
an informal organization? 1
Informal organisation refers to the relationship between people in an
organisation based not on formal hierarchy but on personal attitudes, whims,
likes and so on. It is an unofficial framework.
(e) What
is Orientation? 1
Ans: Orientation
refers to introducing the new employees with the existing employees.
(f) Who
proposed the “Need Theory” of motivation? 1
Abraham Maslow
(g) Can
working capital become negative? 1
Ans: Working Capital is calculated as: Net working capital= current assets –
current liabilities. If current liabilities are more than current assets, then
working capital becomes negative.
(h) What
is SEBI? 1
is a regulatory body which was set up with the purpose of keeping a check on
malpractices in stock exchanges and protect the interest of investors.
2. What is Trade Mark? 2
Trademark simply means mark of a trade carried on by an identified entity. It
is usually a sign mark or a symbol, word or words.
3. Write the meaning of Management Audit. 2
Management Audit
is an evaluation of the management as a whole. It critically examines the full
management process, i.e. planning, organising, directing, and controlling. It
finds out the efficiency of the management. Management auditing is conducted by
a team of experts. They collect data from past records, members of management,
clients and employees. The data is analysed and conclusions are drawn about
managerial performance and efficiency.
4. Write two rights of a consumer. 2
Ans: Rights of Consumers:
a) The right to
safety: It refers to the right to be protected against products which are
hazardous to health or life.
The right to be informed: Consumers have a right
to be informed about the quality, quantity and price of goods or services so
that they can make the right decision.
5. What are two important functions of top level management? 2
Ans: The functions of top management
the objectives of the enterprise: They determine both long term as well as
short term objective of the enterprise.
Framing of
plans and policies: They formulate plans and policies to achieve the desired
6. What is meant by ‘Unity of Command’? 2
Ans: Unity of
command: According to
this principle of Fayol, every employee should receive orders and instructions
from one boss and he should be responsible and accountable to him only. This
principle will be violated if an employee is asked to receive orders from more
than on superior.
7. How does social environment influence the working of a
business? 3
Social Environment: The social environment of business includes social factors
like customs, traditions, values, beliefs, poverty, literacy, life expectancy
rate etc. The businessman cannot overlook the components of social environment
of social environment as these components may not have immediate impact on the
business but in the long run the social environment has great impact on the business.
8. Write three limitations of planning. 3
Planning can’t prevent problem. It can only product them to prepare contingency
plans to deal with them if and when they occur. Planning fails in spite of
efforts of management because of its limitations which are stated below:
1. Planning does not work
in dynamic environment: The business environment is dynamic, nothing is
constant. The environment consists of a number of dimensions— economic,
political, technological, legal and social dimensions. The organisation has to
constantly adapt itself to the changes in business environment. However, it is
not always possible to accurately assess future trends in the environment.
2. Planning is a time
consuming process: Planning is a time consuming process. It requires
collection of information, its analysis and interpretation. These activities
may take considerable time.
3. Planning involves huge
costs: Planning is an expensive process in terms of money. When plans
are drawn up, huge costs are involved in the formulation of plans. If the costs
are not justified by the benefits derived from the plan, it may have adverse
effect on the enterprise.
9. Outline three merits of divisional organizational
structure. 3
Ans: Advantages/Merits of divisional organizational structure
Product specialisations as one
type of product are grouped under one department.
Fast decision making since there
is no dependence of one department on other department.
Expansion of new department
without disturbing existing departments.
Write three merits of internal recruitment. 3
Advantages of Internal Source of Recruitment:
Job Security: It creates a sense
of security among employees when they are assured that they would be preferred
in filling up vacancies.
Motivation: It motivates the
existing employees, for they are assured of the fact that they would be
preferred over outsiders when vacancies occur. It gives the scope of development
for existing employees of the organisation.
Improved Commitment: It promotes
loyalty and commitment among employees due to sense of job security and
opportunities for advancement.
10. Write three differences between directives and supervision. 3
Direction: Directing is telling the people what to do and seeing that they do
it in best of their ability. This function of management is concerned with
guiding the employees in the organisation to achieve organisational goal.
The word supervision is the combination of two words i.e., super+vision where
super means over and above and vision means seeing. Thus, supervision means
overseeing the subordinates at work. supervision refers to the direct and
immediate guidance and control of subordinates in performance of their task.
between directives and supervision: [COURTESY: DTS. NOTES]
Basis |
Direction |
Supervision |
Scope |
is a wider management concept. It includes Supervision, motivation, Leadership
and communication. |
is narrow concept. It is an element of direction. |
Level of management |
is done by top level management. |
is done by middle and lower level management. |
Nature |
is goal oriented. |
is task oriented. |
Write a note on Budgetary control. 3
A budget is a planning and controlling device.
Budgetary control is a technique of managerial control through budgets. It is
the essence of financial control. Budgetary control is done for all aspects of
a business such as income, expenditure, production, capital and revenue. Budgetary
control is done by the budget committee.
Advantages of Budgetary Control
(i) Helpful in Attaining Organizational Objectives: Budgets are
based on plans and all the departmental managers are informed about the
expectations each one of them. The departmental managers put in their best
efforts to achieve their target and consequently it helps in attaining the
organizational objectives.
(ii) Source of Motivation for Employees: this technique prescribes
the objectives for the employees. Their performance is matched with the
standards. If the results are positive, they are appreciated. This motivates
11. Write any three factors affecting dividend decision. 3
Ans: Factors affecting dividend
decision: A firm's dividend policy is
influenced by the large numbers of factors. Some factors affect the amount
of dividend and some factors affect types of dividend. The following are
some major factors which influence the dividend policy of the firm.
1. Legal requirements: There is no legal compulsion on the
part of a company to distribute dividend. However, there
certain condition imposed by law regarding the way dividend is
2. Firm's liquidity position:
Dividend payout is also affected by firm's liquidity
position. In spite of sufficient retained earnings, the firm may not
be able to pay cash dividend if the earnings are not held in cash.
3. Repayment need: A firm uses several forms of debt
financing to meet its investment needs. These debts must be repaid at
the maturity. If the firm has to retain its profits for the purpose
of repaying debt, the dividend payment capacity reduces.
Write three features of OCTEL. 3
Ans: Over the counter exchange of India (OTCEI)
was incorporated in 1990 but trading was started in 1992. It is established on
the lines of NASDAQ and promoted by UTI, IDDI and LICI. It was established with
the object to provide electronic trading facility to small investors.
features of OTCEI are:
a) Nationwide coverage and Screen based trading
b) Transparency in transactions
c) Incorporated entities backed by financial institutions.
d) Only capital market securities are traded.
12. Write five advantages of branding. 5
A brand is defined as a name, term, sign, symbol or special design or some
combinations of these elements that is intended to identify the goods or
services of one seller or a group of sellers. A brand differentiates these
products from those of competitors. A brand in short is an identifier of the
seller or the maker. It is simply giving a name or a sign or a symbol etc. to a
product. For example: Pepsi, Nike etc.
Advantages of Branding:
Brand name
helps in advertising in an easier way.
Brand name
establishes permanent identity of the product.
products can be easily identified by consumers.
Brand name promotes
A good brand
name helps to survive in the competitive market.
13. What are the fundamental features of management? 5
Features of Management:
Management is goal oriented: Every
management activity is directed towards achieving predetermined objectives of
the organisation.
Management deals with several
functions: Management includes several functions such as planning, organizing,
staffing, directing, coordinating, controlling, motivating or actuating,
controlling, decision making, leadership and communication.
c) Management is intangible: It cannot be seen but it
can be felt through the performance of the workers. Mismanagement if any is
quickly noticed and is a sign of poor management.
d) Management is a continuous process: It is a never ending process. It is concerned with constantly
identifying the problem and solving them by taking adequate steps. It is an
on-going process.
e) Management
is dynamic: Under dynamic environment management faces several challenges hence
efforts are made to develop and use new techniques for managing the
organizations effectively and efficiently.
As social change takes place, management also changes to overcome the
problems whenever they arise.
14. Write the principles of scientific management. 5
Ans: Taylor’s philosophy consists of the following
principles of scientific management:
Replacing rule of thumb with science: According to this principle,
scientific investigation should be applied in the scientific management, which
will replace the rule of thumb. Taylor had made study of every job and fixed
the method and timing for performing the job so that the worker should know
that what, when, and how is required to perform the job. This principle is the
starting point of scientific. This
principle is concerned with selecting the best way of performing a job through
the application of scientific analysis and not by intuition or hit and trial
b) Harmony in
group action: This principle
states that there should be cooperation between the management and the workers.
In order to achieve the best possible results from the business operations, it
is essential that there should be harmonious relations between the management
and the workers.
c) Division of
responsibility between workers and management: According to this principle there should
proportionate division of the responsibility between the managers and the
workers, clearly defined, and predetermined.
d) Maximum
Output: Scientific
Management aims for the continuous production and productivity. According to
this principle management and the workers should try to increase the production
at the minimum cost.
e) Selection,
training, and development of the workers in the scientific manner: According to this principle the right
men are placed on the right job. The jobs are determined first for which the
workers are required and then the qualifications required for the job are
determined. On the basis of these standards the employees are selected.
Explain the process of liberalization in India. 5
Liberalisation of economy means to free it from direct or physical control
imposed by the government. In other
words, it is the process by which government control over the industry is being
loosened. It implies liberating the trade and industry from unwanted government
control and restriction. Liberalization of the Indian industry has been taken
in the following way:
Abolishing licensing requirements
in most of the industries except a short list.
Freedom in deciding the scale of
business activities.
Freedom in fixing the prices of
goods services.
Removal of restriction on the
movement of goods and services.
Liberalisation in import and
15. Explain the term ‘Authority’, ‘Responsibility’ and
‘Accountability’. 5
Ans: Responsibility: Responsibility means assigning the work amongst
subordinates. The process of delegation begins when manager divides his work
among different individuals.
Authority: Authority means power to take decision. To carry on the
responsibilities every employee needs to have some authority, so, when managers
are passing their responsibilities to the subordinates, they also pass some of
the authority to the subordinates.
Accountability: To make sure that his subordinates perform all works
effectively and efficiently the manager creates accountability. Accountability
means subordinates will be answerable for the non-completion of the task. It is
the third and final step of delegation process. [DTS.
Write any five functions of consumer organization. 5
Functions of Consumer organisation and Non-Government Organisations (NGO):
consumer awareness: They publish periodicals brochures journals etc. for
creating consumer awareness.
Encourage the
consumer: They encourage and educate the consumer to protect against
exploitative, unfair trade practice of the seller.
complaints: They file suits, complaints, on behalf of consumer.
Focus on
consumer problem: They arrange seminars, workshops and conference for the
purpose of focusing on problem of consumer.
Problem legal
assistance: They provide legal assistant for getting legal remedy against the
damage caused to consumer.
16. Write five objectives of entrepreneurship development
programme. 5
Ans: The primary objective of entrepreneurship development
programme (EDP) is to enable entrepreneurs initiating and sustaining the
process of economic development in the following ways:
1. Creation of Employment
Opportunities: Unemployment is one of the most
important problems confronting developing and underdevelopment countries, EDP’s
aims at enabling prospective entrepreneurs in the setting up of their own units
and get self-employment. With the setting up of more and more units by
entrepreneurs, both on small and large scale, numerous job opportunities can be
created for the others.
2. Capital Formation:
It is not possible to set up an enterprise without adequate funds. Entrepreneur
as an organizer of factors of production employs his own as well as borrowed
resources for the setting up of his enterprise. Entrepreneur mobilizes idle
savings of the public and put them to productive use. In this way he helps in
capital formation, which is so essential for the industrial and economic
development of a country. Various development banks like ICICI, IFCI, IDBI;
SFCs, SIDCs take initiative in promoting entrepreneurship through assistance to
various agencies involved in EDP and by providing financial assistance to new
3. Balanced Regional
Development: Small scale units can be set up
in industrially backward and remote areas with limited financial resources.
EDP’s aims at accelerating the pace of industrialization in the backward areas
and reduces the concentration of economic power in the hands of a few. Setting
up of more units leads to more development of backward areas and balanced
regional development.
4. Use of Local Resources:
In the absence of any initiative local resources are likely to remain
unutilized. Proper use of these resources can result in the progress or
development of the area and that too at lower cost. Effective EDPs can help in
the proper use of local resources by providing guidance, assistance, education
and training to the prospective entrepreneurs.
5. Improvement in per Capital
Income: Entrepreneurs are always on the
lookout for opportunities. They explore and exploit the opportunities.
Entrepreneurs take lead in organizing various factors of production by putting
them into productive use through the setting up of enterprises. More
enterprises will lead to more production, employment and generation of wealth
in the form of goods and services. It will result in the increase in the
overall productivity and per capita income in the country. EDPs play a positive
role in the setting of more units and thus help in generation of more
employment and income.
Write five external sources of recruitment. 5
Methods of External sources of recruitment are:
Recruitment: Sometimes the organisations paste notice at the gate of their
factory or workshop stating the vacant job positions. The people who are
interested in those jobs walk in for interview. This method of external
recruitment is called direct recruitment.
on Television: A new trend of external recruitment is telecast on various
channels regarding vacant job position. They telecast the requirement of the
job along with the required qualification.
Exchange: Employment exchange act as middlemen between the job-seekers and the
organisations who have vacant job positions. The candidates leave their
bio-data and details of their qualifications with the employment exchanges and
when the organisations approach employment exchanges for suitable candidates.
agencies and Management consultant: Placement agencies provide nation-wide
service of matching demand and supply of work force. These agencies invite the
bio data and record from various job seekers and send them to suitable clients.
Publishing: In internet there are certain websites such as naukri.com and
monster.com provides information regarding job seekers and companies which have
vacant job position.
17. Write five importance of communication. 5
Communication is a process of understanding between the persons through
exchange of ideas, messages, suggestions etc. It is important due to the
following reasons:
a) It facilitates Planning: Participation of all the executives in
planning is a pre requisite for getting the task done. This participation is
possible only when the managers and employees interact with each other.
b) It helps in decision making. Most of the decisions are taken up
by the top level management. But for decision making, right type of information
is required from different persons. It is through communication that managers
can identify the problems which help in taking the decisions effectively.
c) It helps in the process of motivation: Sharing of the
information with the subordinate gains their confidence and willing
cooperation. It increases their morale of doing work.
d) It is a basis of effective leadership: A good communicator is a
good leader. Through good communication skill, the manager comes closer to his
subordinates and removes the misunderstanding. Thus it is the basis of leadership.
e) Helps in smooth working of an enterprise: Smooth working of an
enterprise is possible only when there is no communication gap. Through
communication managers give directions for smooth functioning of organisation.
Write features of New Issue market. 5
Ans: Primary Market (New issue market) Features
1. It is a market for the new long term capital. It helps new
company in capital formation.
2. It is the market where the securities are issued for the first
time. It is also referred as new issue market.
3. In primary market, only buying of securities take place.
Securities of company are sold directly by the company to the investors.
4. In primary market, capital can be raised in the form of IPO,
Offer for Sale, Private placement, Right issue etc.
5. In primary market, price of securities is determined by the
company considering the guidelines of SEBI.
18. Write five factors affecting requirements of working capital. 5
Following factors are to be considered before determining the requirement of
working capital.
1. Scale of operations: There is a direct link between the scale of
business and working capital. Larger business needs more working capital as
compared to the small organizations.
2. Nature of Business: The manufacturing organizations are required
to purchase raw materials, convert them into finished goods, maintain the stock
of raw materials; semi-finished goods and finished goods before they are
offered for sale. They have to block their capital for labour cost, material
cost etc., so they need more working capital. In the trading firm processing is
not performed. Sales are affected immediately after receiving goods for sale.
Thus they do no block their capital and so needs less working capital.
3. Credit allowed: If the inventory is sold only for cash, it
requires less working capital as money is not blocked in debtors and bills
receivable. But due to increased competition, credit is usually allowed. A
liberal credit policy results in higher amount of debtors, so needs more
working capital. [DTS. NOTES]
4. Credit availed: If goods are purchased only for cash, it requires
more working capital. Similarly, if credit is received from the creditors, the
requirement of working capital decreases.
of Raw materials: If the raw materials are easily available in the market and
there is no shortage, huge amount need not be blocked in inventories, so it
needs less working capital. But if there is shortage of materials, huge
inventory is to be maintained leading to larger amount of working capital.
What is meant by Good Control System? Write its four requirements.
Ans: A
Good control system is one which covers all the functional areas of the
organisation. It must be responsibility based and comprehensive in design and
The following are the essentials or basic
requirements of an effectively control system:
Suitable: The control system must
be suitable for the kind of activity intended to serve. Apart from differences
in the systems of control in different business, they also vary from department
to department and from one level in the organization to the other.
Understandable: The system must be
understandable, i.e., the control information supplied should be capable of
being understood by those who use it. A control system that a manager cannot
understand is bound to remain ineffective.
Economical: The system must be
economical in operation, i.e., the cost of a control system should not exceed
the possible savings from its use. The extent of control necessary should be
decided by the standard of accuracy or quality required. A very high degree or
standard of accuracy or quality may not really be-necessary.
Flexible: The system of control
must be flexible, i.e. workable even if the plans have to be changed. A good
control system would be sufficiently flexible to permit the changes so
19. Write notes on the following:
a) Wealth maximisation is the objective of financial management. 4
Shareholders’ wealth maximization means
maximizing the net present value of a course of action to shareholders. Net
Present Value (NPV) of a course of action is the difference between the present
value of its benefits and the present value of its costs. A financial action
that has a positive NPV creates wealth for shareholders and therefore, is
desirable. A financial action resulting in negative NPV destroys shareholders’
wealth and is, therefore undesirable. Between mutually exclusive projects, the
one with the highest NPV should be adopted. NPVs of a firm’s projects are
additive in nature. That is
NPV(A) + NPV(B) = NPV(A+B)
The objective of Shareholders Wealth Maximization
(SWM) considers timing and risk of expected benefits. Benefits are measured in
terms of cash flows. One should understand that in investment and financing
decisions, it is the flow of cash that is important, not the accounting
profits. SWM as an objective of financial management is appropriate and
operationally feasible criterion to choose among the alternative financial
Maximizing the shareholders’ economic welfare is
equivalent to maximizing the utility of their consumption over time. The wealth
created by a company through its actions is reflected in the market value of
the company’s shares. Therefore, this principle implies that the fundamental
objective of a firm is to maximize the market value of its shares. The market
price, which represents the value of a company’s shares, reflects shareholders’
perception about the quality of the company’s financial decisions. Thus, the
market price serves as the company’s performance indicator.
In such a case, the financial manager must know
or at least assume the factors that influence the market price of shares.
Innumerable factors influence the price of a share and these factors change
frequently. Moreover, the factors vary across companies. Thus, it is
challenging for the manager to determine these factors.
b) “Money market and its instruments”. 4
Money market is the short term security market. Following are the instruments
dealt in money market.
a) Treasury bills: T-bills short term government security ranging
from 14 days to 364 days issued by RBI on behalf of the government to meet its
short-term financial needs. No fixed interest in payable on Treasury bills.
Normally TBs are issued at the lowest interest rate agreed on competitive
bidding. These bills are negotiable instruments and freely transferable. [COURTESY:
b) Commercial Paper: Commercial papers are unsecured promissory
notes issued by highly creditworthy companies to raise funds for short term. It
usually has a maturity period of 15 days to one year. CPs are normally issued
at a discount and redeemed at par. The
commercial banks and mutual funds are the main investors of commercial papers.
c) Call money and short notice money: Call money refers to money
given for a very short period ranging from 1 day to 7 days. Surplus funds of
the commercial banks and other institutions are usually given as call money.
Banks are the borrowers as well as lenders for the call funds. If the loan is
given for one day and can be called back on demand, it is called money at call
but if the loan cannot be called back on demand and will require 3 days’
notice, it is called money at short notice. Money at short notice can be of
maximum 14 days.
d) Certificate of deposit (CD): Certificate of deposit is a time
deposit having a maturity period from 91 days to 12 months. CDs are issued only
by a bank. It is a bearer certificate which is freely transferable and can be
sold in secondary market. Banks are not allowed to discount these documents.
e) Commercial bills: These are the trade bills which are drawn at
the time of credit sales by the Drawer (Supplier) and accepted by the Drawee
(Debtor). It is an acknowledgment of debt normally having a maturity period of
90 days. It is a negotiable instrument and can also be endorsed from one person
to another. It can also be discounted
with the bank before maturity.
Discuss eight leading functional areas of marketing. 8
Functions of Marketing / Marketing activities
1. Product Planning: It involves
development and commercialisation of new products, the modification of existing
lines and discontinuation of unprofitable products.
2. Packaging: The main purpose
of packaging is to preserve the quality and quantity of the contents during
storage and transit. Besides, it has tremendous advertisement value, and
facilitates the sale of a product. Example: Sachet packing has created a
revolution in the shampoo industry.
3. Product Pricing: Product Pricing
is an important component of marketing. Pricing decisions affect all the
parties involved in production, distribution, selling, and consumption of
goods. Price affects the volume of sales and profit.
4. Advertising and Sales Promotion: Advertising is a
paid method of business communication to the prospective customers and the main
objective is to promote the products. Sales promotion includes activities such
as demonstrations, displays, dealer schemes that stimulate purchases by
dealers/consumers. The marketing manager has to take decisions regarding the advertisement/sales
promotion activities.
5. Distribution: Distribution
includes distribution channel, area coverage, channel remuneration,
warehousing, inventories, banking and transportation.
6. Marketing Research: Marketing
Research involves systematic gathering, recording and analysing of data about
problems connected with product, pricing, promotion and distribution. It deals
with research on customer demand, behaviour of customers, analysis of sales
data, market share, etc.
7. Sales Management: Sales Management
is responsible for effective management of sales force and generating income to
the organization. Salespersons are the backbone of the organisation and success
of the organisation depends upon how effectively they are able to sell goods
and services to meet the changing needs of the customers. The salesperson has
to educate the customers on products and services, sell the same with benefit
to the customer and profit to the seller.
8. Branding: Creating a distinct identity of the
product from that of competitors e.g. Videocon washing machine is an important
function. A good brand helps any product to survive in the competitive market.
20. Discuss the various steps involved in the process of
organising. 8
Ans: Steps in Organising:
Identification and Division of
Work: The first step in the process of organizing involves identifying and
dividing the total work to be done into specific activities (called jobs) in
accordance with previously determined plans. Such division of work into jobs is necessary because one
individual cannot perform the entire work. While identifying the activities it
should be borne in mind that no activity has escaped, there is no duplication
of activities and various activities are performed in a coordinated way.
Grouping jobs and
Departmentalisation: The second step in organizing is to combine or group
similar/related jobs into larger units called departments, divisions or
sections. This grouping process is called
“Departmentalisation”. Departmentation can be done in two ways –
functional departmentation and divisional departmentation. Under functional
departmentation jobs related to common functions are grouped for example
production department, sales department etc. Under divisional departmentation
jobs relating to one product are grouped together for example sale and
marketing of cosmetics.
Assignment of Duties: It is
necessary to allocate work to various employees. Once departments have been
formed, each of them is placed under the charge of an individual, called
departmental head. Jobs are then allocated to the members of each department
according to their skills and competencies.
Delegation of Authority: Since so
many individuals work in the same organization, it is the responsibility of
management to lay down structure of relationship in the organization. Everybody
should clearly know to whom he is accountable and authority is delegated to the
subordinates to enable them to show work performance. This will help in the
smooth working of the enterprise by facilitating delegation of responsibility
and authority.
Discuss the relationship between Planning and Control. 8
The relationship between planning and controlling can be divided into the
following two parts.
(i) Interdependence between Planning and Controlling.
(ii) Difference between Planning and Controlling.
(i) Interdependence between Planning and Controlling. Planning is
meaningless without controlling and controlling is blind without Planning. Both
the aspects of the interdependence of planning and control have been discussed
(a) Planning is meaningless without Controlling: if the process of
controlling is taken away from management no person working in the enterprise
will take it seriously to work according to the plans and consequently, the
plans will fail.
(b) Controlling is blind without Planning: Under the system of
controlling actual work performance is compared with the standards. Hence, if
the standards are not determined there is no justification left for control and
the standards are determined under planning.
(ii) Difference between Planning and Controlling: Yes, planning
and controlling are incomplete and ineffective without each other but it
doesn’t mean that both are not independent. Reasons are:
(a) Planning is looking Ahead whereas Controlling is Looking Back:
Plans are always formulated for future and determined the future course of
action for the achievement of objectives laid down. On the contrary,
controlling is looking back because under it a manager tries to find out, after
the work is completed, whether it has been done according to the standards or
(b) Planning is the first function and Controlling is the last
function of Managerial Process: the managerial process moves in a definite
sequence- like planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling
happens to be the last step.
21. Write notes on the following:
a) Management is the art of getting things done. 4
As per this point of view, management is the art through which a manager can
easily achieve the objectives by utilising the full capacity of the
subordinates. In this reference, following are the main points of importance of
Optimum Use
of Resources: Management always concentrates on optimum utilisation of
resources of the enterprise. The available resources for production put to use
in effective way so as to reduce wastages.
leadership and Motivation: In the absence of management, the working of an
enterprise will become unorganised and unsystematic. Management creates
teamwork and motivates employees to work harder and better by providing
guidance, counseling and effective leadership.
of Goals: Objectives can be achieved only when the human and non-human
resources are combined in a proper way. Managers plan carefully, organize the
resources properly, hire efficient people and provide necessary guidance to
achieve organisation objectives. Thus management is goal oriented.
Reduces Costs: In modern time, it is necessary for every business
enterprise to minimise the cost of production and distribution. Only those
concerns can survive in the market which can produce better quality product at
a minimum cost. Management
uses physical, human and financial resources in such a manner which results in
efficiency and effectiveness in the work. This helps in reducing cost of production.
b) Fayol’s principles of management. 4 [Students are advised to mention points only in case of 4
Ans: Different management experts have explained different
principles on the basis of their research. Henry Fayol, a famous industrialist
of France, has described fourteen principles of management in his book General
and Industrial Management.
While presenting the principles of management Fayol has kept two
things in mind. Firstly, the list of the principles of management should not be
long but should be suggestive and only those principles should be explained
which become applicable in most of the situations. Secondly, the principles of
management should be flexible and not rigid so that changes can be made in them
in case of need.
Fayol suggested
the following 14 principles:
1. Division of
work: According to
this principle the whole work must be divided into small tasks instead of
assigning the whole task to one person.
2. Authority
and Responsibility: Authority
is the right to issue command and make decisions. Responsibility is obligation
towards organization and decisions made.
3. Discipline: Discipline is important for the
success of an organization. According to this principle, there must be rules
and regulations for systematic working in the organisation and both subordinate
and superior must follow these rules.
4. Unity of
command: According to
this principle of Fayol, every employee should receive orders and instructions
from one boss and he should be responsible and accountable to him only. This
principle will be violated if an employee is asked to receive orders from more
than on superior. (2009), 2017, 2022
5. Unity of
Direction: According to
this principle “One unit means objective and one plan. There must be one plan
for an organization at a time and should be directed by one manager using the same
plan. This principle leads to good coordination in the organisation. (2011),
6. Subordination
of individual interests to the general interest: According to this
principle, the interest of the organisation must be kept superior to the
interest of individuals or employees.
7. Remuneration: According to this principle,
Fair wage for the service must be given to the employees to give them maximum
satisfaction. Every worker should be paid fair remuneration and if workers are
not satisfied than they can never contribute his maximum.
8. Centralization
and Decentralisation: Centralisation
refers to concentration of power or authority in few hands i.e., top level.
Decentralisation is defined as systematic distribution of authority at every
level of management.
According to this principle, an organisation must not be completely centralised
or decentralised but there must be combination of both depending on the nature
and size of the organisation.
9. Scalar
Chain: The line of
authority from top management to the lower level management represents the
scalar chain. There should be a chain for the flow of communication. Authority
must flow from top management to lower level management and responsibility must
flow vice-versa. (2010)
10. Order: There must be an order for everything.
According to this principle, order does not mean command but it refers to
orderly arrangement of people and material in the organisation. Right person at
right place and right material at right time and in right place is the key for
success of any organisation.
11. Equity: According
to this principle, manager should
treat all his subordinates equally. There should be no difference or should not
show special attention or kind to any particular subordinate.
12. Stability
of tenure of personnel: According
to this principle, the management must provide the feeling of job security
among the employees. There must be stability and job security. High employee
turnover affects organization adversely.
13. Initiative: The successful management provides an
opportunity to its employees to suggest their new ideas, experiences and more
convenient methods of work. It is the duty of the manager to encourage the
feeling of initiative among the employees for doing some work
14. Esprit de
Corps: According
to this principle, there must be team spirit within an organisation. Management
must develop a feeling of belongingness among the employees with develop team
spirit and unity within the organization. (2012,
c) Planning is an intellectual process. 4
Planning can be defined as “thinking in advance what is to be done, when it is
to be done, how it is to be done and by whom it should be done.” In simple
words we can say, planning bridges the gap between where we are standing today
and where we want to reach. [COURTESY: DYNAMIC TUTORIALS AND SERVICES]
In the words of Alfred and Beatty,” Planning is the thinking
process, the organised foresight, the vision based on facts and experience that
is required for intelligent action.”
Planning is said to be an intellectual process because:
a) Planning is a mental activity which is done mainly by top level
management. It is an intellectual exercise which involves intuition,
imagination, foresight, ability to analyse information and sound judgement.
b) Planning is a process of making decision about future. It
provides direction to enterprise activities. Its work is to decide in advance
what is to be done, when and where it is to be done, how it is to be done and
by whom.
c) The main functions of planning are Set up goals, Forecasting,
Search for alternatives source of action and Budgeting. These functions require
deep thinking.
Steps in staffing process. 4
Steps involved in Staffing Process:
man power requirement: Staffing process begins with the estimation of man power
requirement which means finding out number and type of employees need by the
org. in future.
After man power planning, the manager tries that more and more people should
apply for the job so that the org. can get more choice and select better
Placement and
Orientation: Placement refers to placing the right person on the right job for
which he is selected. Orientation refers to introducing the new employees with
the existing employees.
refers to choosing the most suitable candidate to fill the vacant job position.
It is a negative process because a number of candidates are rejected under it.
Training and
Development: The process of training helps to improve the job knowledge and
skill of the employees. Training and Development not only motivate the
employees but these improve efficiency of work also.
Appraisal: At this step the capability of the employees is judged and for that
his actual work performance is compared with the work assigned to him.
Performance and career planning: It is a process through which employees get
better salary, status, position and also get promotion to higher post.
For deciding the compensation the works are evaluated. Compensation must be
reasonable and related with the work.
22. Write notes on the following:
a) Significance of Fiscal Policy. 4
Significance of Fiscal Policy:
1. Increase in Savings: This policy is also used to increase the
rate of savings in the country. In the developing countries rich class spends a
lot of money on luxuries. The government can impose taxes on them and can
provide the basic necessities of life to the poor class on low rate.
In this way by providing incentives, savings can be increased.
2. To Encourage Investment: The government can encourage the
investment by providing various incentives like the tax holiday in the various sectors
of the economy. The capital can be shifted from less productive sectors to more
productive sectors. So the resources of the country can be utilized maximum.
3. To Achieve Equal Distribution of Wealth: Fiscal policy is very
useful for the achievement of equal distribution of wealth. When the wealth is
equally distributed among the various classes then their purchasing power
increases which ensures the high level of employment and production.
4. To Control Inflation: Fiscal policy is very useful weapon for
controlling the rate of inflation. When the expenditure on non-productive
projects is reduced or the rate of taxes are increased then the purchasing
power of the people reduces.
b) Non-Financial incentives.
or non-monetary Incentives: Incentives which are not measurable in terms of
money are called non-financial incentives. Examples of Non-Financial Incentives
– job enrichment, Status, organizational climate, career advancement
opportunity, job security etc.
(a) Job Enrichment: It is
a method of motivating employee by making the task to be performed by him more
interesting and challenging. The job in itself serves as a source of motivation
to the employee and brings out the best in him.
(b) Suggestion System: It
is a system where suggestions regarding the work procedure, environments
are solicited from employees. This increase their participation &
importance in the working of the enterprise and hence motivates them.
(c) Job security: Job
Security refers to making the employee feel safe in his job positions.
He is not threatened by transfers or removal from service and hence performs to
the best of his abilities.
(d) Career advancement: Managers must provide promotional
opportunities to employees. Whenever there are promotional opportunities
employees improve their skill and efficiency with the hope that they will be
promoted to higher level.
(e) Status: By offering higher status or rank in the organisation
managers can motivate employees having self-actualization need in them.
c) Rights of a consumer under Consumer Protection Act. 4
Ans: Rights of Consumer:
a) The right to
safety: It refers to the right to be protected against products which are
hazardous to health or life.
The right to be informed: Consumers have a right
to be informed about the quality, quantity and price of goods or services so
that they can make the right decision.
The right of choice: The consumer has the
right to be assured of a choice of various goods and services of satisfactory
quality and competitive price.
Right to representation (or right to be
heard): It is a right and the responsibility of civil society to ensure
consumer interest prevails while formulating and executing policies which
affect the consumers, as well as right to be heard while developing or
producing a product or service.
d) Functions of entrepreneurs in relation to economic development.
Functions of an Entrepreneur: [COURTESY:
An entrepreneur frequently has to wear many
hats. He has to perceive opportunity, plan, organize resources, and oversee
production, marketing, and liaison with officials. Most importantly he has to
innovate and bear risk. The main functions of an entrepreneur are as follows:
1. Innovation:
Innovation is one of the most important functions of an entrepreneur according
to Schumpeter. An entrepreneur uses information, knowledge and intuition to
come up with new products, new methods of reducing costs of a product,
improvement in design or function of a product, discovering new markets or new
ways of organization of industry. Through innovation, an entrepreneur converts
a material into a resource or combines existing resources into new and more
productive configurations.
2. Risk
and uncertainty bearing: According to Hozelist an entrepreneur
performs the function of risk and uncertainty bearing. Every decision
pertaining to development of new products, adapting new technologies, opening
up new markets involves risk. Decision-making in an environment of uncertainty
requires anticipation of risk. Profit is said to be the reward for anticipating
and taking such risks. However, it is pertinent to mention that the
entrepreneur is not a gambler, he only takes calculated risks. An entrepreneur
develops the art of decision making under conditions of uncertainty as a matter
of survival.
Organization building: An entrepreneur has to organize men,
material and other resources. He has to perform the functions of planning,
co-ordination and control. He has to use his leadership qualities to build a
team, generate resources and solve problems. With his organizational skills an
entrepreneur builds an enterprise from scratch, nurtures it and makes it grow.
His vision sows the seeds for a sound and vibrant organization and synergies
are built in the enterprise.
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