Organizational Behaviour and Theory-II Important Questions, M.Com 2nd Semester DODLDU

 Organizational Behaviour and Theory-II
Important Questions
M.Com 2nd Semester

Organizational Behaviour and Theory

Block I: Organizational Behaviour Marks-30

Part A:

Q. What do you mean by organisation behaviour? Discuss in brief the nature of organisation behaviour.   2016

Q. What do you mean by Organisational Behaviour? Discuss the various determinants of organisational Behaviour.  2011, 2017, 2019

Q. What is meant by Organisational Behaviour? Why should organisations give importance in understanding human behavior?  2010, 2018

Part B:

Q. Define Perception. Explain the perceptual process. What is the influence of perception on behaviour? 2012, 2015

Q. Discuss citing example, why perception is the key factor in management.  2009, 2010

Q. Describe the basic process by which learning takes place. Is the use of reinforcement sufficient to change behaviour effectively?   2013

Q. Mention different types of attitudes. How attitudes can be changed, describe briefly?   2018

Q. What is personality? What are its determinants? Which of them you feel are more important in shaping personality and why?  2019

Q. What is the significance of personality in organisational setting? Discuss various methods and techniques to measure in individuals’ personality.   2014

Part C:

Q. Bring out the role of groups in an organisation. Substantiate the claims that group task influences group performance and satisfaction. 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014

Q. Compare and contrast theory “X” and theory “Y”. What are the implications of these theories on managerial practices?   2013, 2015, 2017

Q. Discuss autocratic, custodial, supportive and collegial models of organisation behaviour. What are the situations under which these can be effective?  2016

Q. Discuss about the Behavioural analysis and Transactional Analysis and its uses.    2018

Block II: Motivation and Directing of Organizational Behaviour Marks-30

Part A:

Q. What do you mean by Control? Discuss about the behavioural implications of Control.   2017

Q. Why control is necessary? Mention the guidelines for dealing with the controlling process.  2011

Q. Point out in brief, some behavioural implications of control. Suggest some suitable measures to minimise behavioural dysfunctions of control.  2010, 2012, 2014

Part B:

Q. There is no universally consistent motivational device. Justify in your own words.  2009

Q. Define Motivation. Indicate how management can successfully motivate people taking clues from Vroom’s Valence Expectancy model.          2015

Q. Compare and contrast Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory with Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of Motivation.  2018

Q. Critically Explain Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory with examples.       2016, 2019

Q. Make a comparison between Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory and Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory.  2017

Q. Distinguish between hygiene factors and motivation factors. What is the significance by Herzberg’s’ theory in actual life?                       2010, 2014

Q. Bring out the essence of Porter and Lower theory of motivation. Do you think that the model is comprehensive? Justify your answer with examples.          2013

Q. What is the essence of Vroom’s Expectancy model of motivation? What are its merits and limitations?                  2012

Part C:

Q. Explain the nature and functions of leadership based on the following formula: L = f (l, f, s). Also suggest measures of effective leadership.  2011, 2015

Q. What do you mean by leadership style? Discuss with examples the different leadership styles. How can leadership style be decided based on the use of power and authority?                           2016, 2018

Q. Who is a Leader? Discuss the nature of Leadership. Discuss briefly the selected factors in influencing Leadership effectiveness.    2019

Q. “Good leadership is an integral part of effective direction.” Discuss the statement.       2013

Q. Distinguish between “Management” and “Leadership” in the management of an organisation.  2009

Block III: Organizational Effectiveness and Development Marks-20

Part A:

Q. Define Organisational Development. Describe the characteristics of Organisational Development. Explain the steps involved in the organization’s Development process.  2009, 2019

Define Change Management. Why is organisational change often resisted by individuals and groups within the organisation? How can such resistance be prevented or overcome?  2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2018

Part B:

Q. What criteria are used for judging the effectiveness of an organisation? How does the degree of integration of goals affect organisational accomplishment?  2015

Q. Analyse the concept of organisational effectiveness. What, according to Resins Likert, are the determinants of organisational effectiveness?   2011

What is Organisational Effectiveness? Explain the various approaches or models of organisational effectiveness. 2012, 2017

Q. What criteria are used for judging the effectiveness of an organisation? How does the degree of integration of goals affect organisational accomplishment?  2013, 2016

Part C:

Q. Define communication. Discuss the steps for making communication effective.              2016

Q. Define communication as a process. Discuss the process of Communication.  2019

Q. What is formal and informal communication? Explain their features. How do you distinguish between Formal and Informal Communication?  2009, 2017, 2018

Q. What are various barriers (causes of distortion) to communication? Explain how barriers to communication can be overcome. 2010, 2017, 2018

Q. What is communication network? Discuss in detail the various channels of communication which are generally used in modern business enterprises.    2014

Q. Describe the process of interpersonal communication. Distinguish between formal and informal communication. 2009

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