Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Meaning, Objective, Instruments and Difference
Indian Economy Notes
Meaning and Definition of Monetary Policy
Policy is a strategy used by the Central Bank to control and regulate the money
supply in an economy. It is also known as credit policy. In India, the Reserve
Bank of India looks after the circulation of money in the economy.
There are two types of monetary policies, i.e. expansionary and contractionary. The policy in which the money supply is increased along with minimization of interest rates is known as Expansionary Monetary Policy. On the other hand, if there is a decrease in money supply and rise in interest rates, that policy is regarded as Contractionary Monetary Policy.
According to A.G. Hart "A policy which influences the public stock of money
substitute of public demand for such assets of both that is policy which
influences public liquidity position is known as a monetary policy." From the above discussion, it is clear that a
monetary policy is related to the availability and cost of money supply in the
economy in order to attain certain broad objectives.
Objectives and Role of Monetary Policy:
The objectives of a monetary policy in
India are similar to the objectives of its five year plans. In a nutshell
planning in India aims at growth, stability and social justice. After
the Keynesian revolution in economics, many people accepted
significance of monetary policy in attaining following objectives.
1. Rapid
Economic Growth: It is the most
important objective of a monetary policy. The monetary policy can influence
economic growth by controlling real interest rate and its resultant impact on
the investment. If the RBI opts for a cheap or easy credit policy by reducing
interest rates, the investment level in the economy can be encouraged. This
increased investment can speed up economic growth.
2. Price
Stability: All the
economics suffer from inflation and deflation. It can also be called as Price
Instability. Both inflation and deflation are harmful to the economy. Thus, the
monetary policy having an objective of price stability tries to keep the value
of money stable. It helps in reducing the income and wealth inequalities.
3. Exchange
Rate Stability: Exchange rate
is the price of a home currency expressed in terms of any foreign currency. If
this exchange rate is very volatile leading to frequent ups and downs in the
exchange rate, the international community might lose confidence in our
economy. The monetary policy aims at maintaining the relative stability in the
exchange rate.
4. Balance of Payments (BOP) Equilibrium: Many developing countries
like India suffer from the Disequilibrium in the BOP. The Reserve Bank of India
through its monetary policy tries to maintain equilibrium in the balance of
payments. The BOP has two aspects i.e. the 'BOP Surplus' and the 'BOP Deficit'.
The former reflects an excess money supply in the domestic economy, while the
later stands for stringency of money. If the monetary policy succeeds in
maintaining monetary equilibrium, then the BOP equilibrium can be achieved.
5. Full
Employment: Full Employment
refers to absence of involuntary unemployment. In simple words 'Full
Employment' stands for a situation in which everybody who wants jobs get jobs. However,
it does not mean that there is Zero unemployment. In that senses the full
employment is never full. Monetary policy can be used for achieving full
6. Equal
Income Distribution: Many economists
used to justify the role of the fiscal policy are maintaining economic
equality. However, in recent years’ economists have given the opinion that the
monetary policy can help and play a supplementary role in attainting an
economic equality.
Instruments of Monetary Policy or Credit Control Tools
Meaning and Definition of Fiscal Policy
the government of a country employs its tax revenue and expenditure policies to
influence the overall demand and supply for commodities and services in
the nation’s economy is known as Fiscal Policy. It is a strategy used by the
government to maintain the equilibrium between government receipts through
various sources and spending over different projects.
the revenue exceeds expenditure, then this situation is known as fiscal
surplus, whereas if the expenditure is greater than the revenue, it is known as
the fiscal deficit. The main objective of the fiscal policy is to bring
stability, reduce unemployment and growth of the economy. The instruments used
in the Fiscal Policy are the level of taxation & its composition and
expenditure on various projects.
Difference between Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy
economic position of a country can be monitored, controlled and regulated by
the sound economic policies. The fiscal and monetary policies of the nation are
the two measures, which can help in bringing stability and developing smoothly.
Fiscal policy is the policy relating to government revenues from taxes and
expenditure on various projects. Monetary Policy, on the other hand, is
mainly concerned with the flow of money in the economy.
policy alludes to the government’s scheme of taxation, expenditure and various
financial operations, to attain the objectives of the economy. On the other
hand, monetary policy, scheme carried out by the financial institutions like
the Central Bank, to manage the flow of credit in the country’s economy. The
common difference between Fiscal policy and monetary policy are given below:
Basis |
Policy |
Policy |
Meaning |
The tool
used by the government in which it uses its tax revenue and expenditure
policies to affect the economy is known as Fiscal Policy. |
The tool
used by the central bank to regulate the money supply in the economy is known
as Monetary Policy. |
Nature |
fiscal policy changes every year. |
change in monetary policy depends on the economic status of the nation. |
Administration |
policy is administered by Ministry of Finance. |
Policy is administered Central Bank |
to |
Revenue & Expenditure |
& Credit Control |
Focus |
Growth |
Stability |
Instruments |
rates and government spending are key instruments of monetary policy. |
rates, CRR and SLR are key instruments of monetary policy. |
Objectives and Role of Fiscal Policy
Increase in Savings: This policy is also used to increase the rate of savings
in the country. In the developing countries rich class spends a lot of money on
luxuries. The government can impose taxes on them and can provide the basic
necessities of life to the poor class on low rate. In this way by providing
incentives, savings can be increased.
To Encourage Investment: The government can encourage the investment by
providing various incentives like the tax holiday in the various sectors of the
economy. The capital can be shifted from less productive sectors to more
productive sectors. So the resources of the country can be utilized maximum.
To Achieve Equal Distribution of Wealth: Fiscal policy is very useful for the
achievement of equal distribution of wealth. When the wealth is equally
distributed among the various classes then their purchasing power increases
which ensures the high level of employment and production.
To Control Inflation: Fiscal policy is very useful weapon for controlling the
rate of inflation. When the expenditure on non-productive projects is reduced
or the rate of taxes are increased then the purchasing power of the people
To Reduce the Regional Disparity: In the less developing countries the regional
disparity is found. Some areas are more developed while the others are less
developed. Government provides the infrastructure facilities in less developed
areas. The tax holiday incentive is also provided in these areas which is very
useful in increasing the per capita income.
Stabilization of Price Level: Fiscal policy is also used to achieve desirable
level of prices in the country. It means the cost and price should be at such
level that production and employment may increase.
Instruments of Fiscal Policy
Following are
the main instruments of fiscal policy:
1. Public Expenditure: Expenditure
means expenditure incurred by the government of a country. It generates
sufficient influence on aggregate demand and development activities of a
country. The expenditure can be of two types:
Expenditure incurred by the government to get goods and services. It directly
influences aggregate demand.
Public expenditure incurred on pensions, scholarships, educational and medical
facilities to people etc. This expenditure is known as Transfer Payment. It
also raises aggregate demand.
2. Public revenue and taxation: A
government needs income for the performance of a variety of functions and
meeting its expenditure. Thus, the income of the government through all sources
like taxes, borrowings, fees, and donations etc. is called public revenue or
public income. In a modern welfare state, public revenue is of two types:
Tax revenue and
Non-tax revenue.
Tax Revenue: A fund raised through the various taxes is referred to as tax
revenue. Taxes are compulsory contributions imposed by the government on its
citizens to meet its general expenses incurred for the common good, without any
corresponding benefits to the tax payer. Seligman defines a tax thus: “A tax is
a compulsory contribution from a person to the government to defray the expenses
incurred in the common interest of all, without reference to specific benefits
of Tax Revenue
Ø Income Tax (on income of the individual as well as joint Hindu families,
Companies, AOP, BOI etc)
Ø Custom Duty, import and export duty.
Ø Goods and Services Tax
Non Tax Revenue: The revenue obtained by the government from sources other than
tax is called Non-Tax Revenue. The sources of non-tax revenue are: Fees, Fines
or Penalties, Surplus from Public Enterprises, Special assessment of betterment
levy, Grants and Gifts etc.
3. Public
Debt: The third instrument of fiscal policy is public debt. Public debt
refers to all types of borrowings by the govt. from among the institutions,
organisations and the public. The government has to take the help of public
debt if public expenditure exceeds public revenue. Public debt can be of:
a) Internal Debt: Internal debt comprises of
all borrowings and market loans which were formerly called permanent or funded
debt. In consists of all internal borrowings and market loans. It includes
treasury bills issued by the govt. of
b) External Debt: External debt includes loans
taken by the govt. of
c) Other Outstanding Liabilities: This include
all outstanding liabilities against the various small savings schemes, public
provident fund and state provident fund contributions, income tax annuity
deposit schemes, interest bearing reserve funds of the department of the
Railways, Post and telegraphs, etc.
4. Deficit Financing: Deficit means an excess of public expenditure over public revenue. A public expenditure has to be incurred for economic development. This amount can be collected only through the public debt, taxation etc. So deficit financing has to be introduced. When there emerges a deficit due to excess of public expenditure over public revenue, this deficit is met with either by borrowing from the central bank or by issuing new notes. Deficit financing can be used to meet government expenditure. It increases aggregate demand.
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