Science and Technology 212 Solved Assignment 2021 - 22 | NIOS Secondary Solved Assignment (2021 - 22)

 NIOS Solved Assignment 2021 - 22
Science and Technology 212 Solved Assignment 2021 - 22

Tutor Marked Assignment
Max Marks: 20

Note: (i) All questions are compulsory. The Marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name, enrollment numbers, AI name and subject on the first page of the answer sheet.

1. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.   2

(a) Meera is visually impaired. She hears a quests conversing with her mother. Just by hearing the voice of the guest she recognised sound which revealed to her that

(i) it was a male voice, and

(ii) the person was her maternal uncle. (See lesson 18)

Ans: Answer any one question

(b) Ram is down with high fever. His mother measures his body temperature to 39°C using a celcius thermometer. Before leaving for the doctor’s clinic she wants to know the value on Fahrenheit scale. Help her to convert the temperature on Fahrenheit scale. (See lesson 14)

Ans: She can convert the temperature by this formula

          f= 9/5(c) +32

          i.e. (39x9/5) + 32

          = 102.20F

2. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.   2

विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी (212) | Science and Technology 212 NIOS Free Solved Assignment 2021 – 22 (Hindi Medium)

(a) An element X has a valiancy 3+ (See lesson 6)

(i) Write the formula of its phosphide

(ii) Write the formula of the carbonate

(iii) Write the formula of its nitrate

(iv) Write the formula of its Borates

Ans.: (i) Formula of its Phosphide = p3

(ii) Formula of the Carbonate = CO3

(iii) Formula of nitrate = NO3

(iv) Formula of its Borates = Na2 {B405(OH)4}.8H2O

(b) (i) Calculate the number of molecules present in 0.5 mole of water.

(ii) Calculate the formula mass of sodium carbonate dehydrate (Na2CO3 – 10H2O)

Ans: Answer any one question

3. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words.      2

(a) In the human being, lungs are for respiration, glands for secretion, liver for synthesis and blood for distribution of substances. Name the counterparts in the cell which are the cell organelles responsible for the same functions. (See lesson 21)

Ans: Answer any one question

(b) Construct a food chain explaining flow of energy and nutrients in an ecosystem. (See lesson 29)

Ans: The pond ecosystem showing the biotic and abiotic components

Observe from above. You can make out that organisms form a chain of ‘eating’ and ‘being eaten’. In the fig. you can see that small fish is feeding on phytoplanktons which in turn is being eaten by a bigger fish. This constitutes the food chain. A simple food chain basically consists of producers, herbivores and carnivores. Just like the pond, a simple food chain in a terrestrial ecosystem links the trees and shrubs (producers), the giraffes (herbivores that eat trees and shrubs) and the lions (carnivores that eat the herbivores). Each link in this chain is food for the next level and is said to be at a particular trophic level (trophos means feeding). In the example, trees and shrubs are the producers and occupy trophic level I, giraffe comes at trophic level II, while lion occupies the third trophic level. As food provides energy, food chain may be defined as “succession of organisms in an ecological community that constitutes a passing on of food energy from one organism to another as each consumes a lower member and in turn is preyed upon by a higher member of the food chain.”

4. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.    4

(a) Mass of a body is 25 kg. What is its weight in newton on earth? The body is carried to a planet whose mass is two times the mass of earth and radius is half that of earth. What will be the mass and weight of the body on the planet? (Take the value of a g on earth as 10 m s-2). (See lesson )

Ans: Acceleration due to gravity of earth, g= 9.8 m/s2


Weight of the body with mass 25 kg on earth will be = m*g = 25* 10m/s2 =250 N

On planet whose mass is twice as Earth and radius is half of earth,

Weight of planet = 2me

Radius of planet = re/2

So, weight of the body on planet = 250x2 = 500N and mass will be 25x2 = 50kg

(b) You have visited the laboratory of a school and collected the following. (See lesson 14)

(i) Nacl (ii)  (iii)  (iv) Naphthalene (v)  (vi) Hcl (vii)  

Answer the following

(i) How does an ionic bond formed?

(ii) Classify the above chemicals into ionic and covalent compounds.

(iii) Identify the compounds which are soluble in water.

(iv) Which one has higher melting point Nacl or Naphthalene

(v) NaCl (solid) will be a good conductor of electricity or not.

(vi) Classify the above Chemicals into solid and liquid.

Ans: Answer any one question

5. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.             4

(a) Animals have three types of muscle tissue, striated found in arms etc. unstriated found in lining of stomach and cardiac found it the heart. Mention the characteristics of each which justify their presence in the locations mentioned above. (See lesson 7)


Smooth muscle is also called as involuntary or Un-striped muscle.

The muscles are spindle-shaped.

They have one nucleus in the centre.

It is unbranched

Location:- It is found in the blood vessels.


Striped muscle is also called as voluntary muscle or skeletal muscle.

They are cylindrical-shaped

They have many nuclei towards the periphery

It is unbranched

Location:- It is found in Biceps of upper arm.


Cardiac muscle is also called as Heart muscle or involuntary muscle.

They are cylindrical-shaped.

It has one to two nuclei towards the centre.

It is branched.

Location:- It is found in heart.

(b) How do the following contribute towards global warming? (See lesson)

(i) Grazing cattle

(ii) Overpopulated cities

(iii) Factories

(iv) Burning Waste.

Ans: Answer any one question

6. Prepare any one project out of the given below.            6

(a) Answer the following Questions.

(i) What is novel “Corona virus”?

(ii) List out the symptoms of novel corona virus.

(iii) What should we do if someone in family gets ill with COVID-19?

(iv) Why it is important to follow the guidelines to prevent transmission?

(v) How can you avoid the risk of infection?

Ans: Search on Google. You will get complete answer.

(b) Take some magnets of different shapes, such as bar magnets, house shoe magnets and magnet. Keep one magnet, say a bar magnet under a thin glass sheet. Sprinkle some iron fillings on the glass sheet while tapping it continuously. Observe the pattern in which iron fillings align themselves. Do you find a definite pattern in the alignment of iron fillings? Take a photograph of this pattern with your mobile phone or draw about 10 – 12 lines show the pattern on a sheet of paper. Now repeat this experiment by using a horse shoe magnet and disc magnet the following question.

(i) In which region are the magnetic lines crowded?

(ii) Do lines of forces intersect each other at any point?

(iii) Are the lines of force different on similar for all shapes of magnets?

(iv) Suggest same other method for observing/drawing the lines of forces.


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