Geography 316 Solved Assignment 2021-22 | NIOS Senior Secondary Solved Assignment 2021 - 22

 NIOS Senior Secondary Solved Assignment 2021 - 22
Geography 316 Solved Assignment 2021-22
Tutor Marked Assignment
Max Marks: 20


(i) All questions are compulsory. The Marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name, enrollment numbers, AI name and subject on the first page of the answer sheet.

1. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.   2

(a) Which dominant agent of gradation is operative in the following areas? (See Lesson-2)

(i) Aravali Mountain

(ii) Coastal Plains

(iii) Thar Desert

(iv) Deccan Plateau


(i) Aravali Mountain: Dominant Agent of gradation is glacier.

(ii) Coastal Plains: Sea waves are the effective agent of gradation.

(iii) Thar Desert: The dominant agent of gradation in the thar is wind.

(iv) Deccan Plateau: The rivers are the most powerful agents of gradation.

भूगोल (316) | Geography 316 NIOS Free Solved Assignment 2021 – 22 (Hindi Medium)

(b) In which form do you find the instability of earth surface? What kind of resemblance with landform do you find in your area? (See lesson 4)

Ans: Answer of any one is necessary

2. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.    2

(a) How does the flow of energy works in an ecosystem? (See lesson 14)

Ans: Energy is a universal constant and it is present in all forms of life. All living organisms use energy to maintain their day-to-day activities. The flow of energy can be seen as a process by which individual parts or units of a system gets transformed into another form of energy and then enters the system again.

The flow of energy through an ecosystem can be seen as a series of transformations that occur between individual units (for example, plants) and the environment (water, sunlight). The flows shown below are examples of how this works for an abiotic ecosystem such as on land. Carbon dioxide molecules from the air enter the biosphere where they are absorbed by plants and These organic molecules are made into sugars or proteins. These molecules can then be used for all different types of things, such as feeding the body, storing energy, and producing other substances.

(b) How tectonics activities are deeply connected with plate boundaries? (See lesson 3)

Ans: Answer of any one is necessary

3. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.    2

(a) Despite of regional diversity, how can the ‘Monsoonal Unity’ be seen in India? (See lesson 17)

India is a diverse country, with varying cultures and religions. Despite of these differences, people living in India have shown remarkable unity during the Monsoonal period.

The Monsoonal period is the time of the year when rainfall occurs over large areas of India due to intense convectional storms. It usually lasts from May to September. The density of rainfall across India is so high that it coincides with the monsoon season in nearly all parts of India where rain falls.

The Monsoonal Unity can be seen in nature, culture, religion and language. It’s also seen in the way the Indian society celebrates festivals like Christmas and Diwali, depending on which state you are visiting.

(b) Identify any two biotic resources in your area which are being depleted. Suggest any two measures for its conservation. (See lesson 19)

Ans: Answer of any one is necessary

4. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.    4

(a) Explain how globalization has impacted the agriculture in India? (See Lesson 22)

Ans: India is a developing country and a global hub for agriculture. With the increase in demand from consumers, India has been able to grow its exports from 30% in 2009 to 79% in 2020.

India's agriculture has been greatly impacted by globalization. The introduction of mechanization, chemical fertilizers, hybrid rice seeds, and new irrigation methods have led to the increase of yields worldwide. With the increased use of agricultural technologies in India, farmers have seen an improvement in quality and quantity per acre over the years. This created an opportunity that India could take advantage of by expanding their production facilities and exporting their products abroad. The increased demand was also due to the rise in prices for food globally, which made it more profitable for farmers to sell their goods abroad.

With an increasing population and growing economy, there is a need for greater agricultural output. To meet this need, India has invested heavily into research and innovation over the last few decades, which has allowed it to become one of the leading agricultural countries in the world.

(b) Explain how can you use the non-conventional sources of energy in your area. (See Lesson- 23)

Ans: Answer of any one question is necessary

5. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.      4

(a) Explain the food cycle by citing examples of plants and animals found in your area. (See Lesson 14)

Ans: In ecology, a food cycle is the sequence of transfer of energy and matter in the form of food from one organism to another. Food cycles are intertwined into food web as most of the organisms consume more than one plant or animal. Similarly in predator chain an animal is eaten by another flesh eating animal.

Example: A snake is eaten by a hawk, the snake eats a frog, frog eats grasshopper, grasshopper consumes grass.

A food web is more complex as many food chains are intertwined. e.g. A hawk can also eat a squirrel, mouse or any other animal.

(b) On the outline map of India, mark and label the following with appropriate symbols. (See Lesson 16 & 20)

(i) (Karakoram Range)

(ii) (Godavari River)

(iii) (Kanchanjunga Peak)

(iv) (Area of Alluvial Soil)

Ans: Answer of any one is necessary

6. Prepare any one project out of the given below:         6

(a) Conduct a survey with the help of your family for sustainable use of energy resources. Make effort to know that the sources of energy used for various activities are conventional or non-conventional. For this purpose, collect information in following format:

Sl. No.


Type of Energy

Source of Energy

Suggested non conventional source of energy




































Prepare a report of 200 words that at what extent the non-conventional sources of energy can be used at your home to fulfill the energy requirements.

(b) Discuss with elders in your family and neighbourhood and try to know that on which sources of water they were dependent for various activities. Try to know that what measures they were using to conserve water. On the basis of information received, make a list of resources used in present. Are these measures to conserve water still used? On the basis of this information prepare a report of 200 words to suggest measures of water conservation for your area.

Ans: Water is a fundamental part of our lives and we necessarily need it for various activities such as drinking, cooking, bathing and cleaning. There are multiple sources of water we can depend on for these things. To make a list of various sources of water, I conducted a small survey amongst my family, friends and neighbourhood and find the following main sources of water:

1)    Municipal water is the most commonly used source of potable water. This type of water is usually filtered and chlorinated, which makes it safe to drink.

2)    Surface water which is the water that falls as rain.

3)    Groundwater which is the water stored in aquifers, rock formations, and porous rocks below the earth's surface.

4)    Hand-pump.

I find that maximum people is dependent of municipal water. But, inadequate municipal water supply is a huge problem in our locality. Large number of households puts pressure on local and state government to provide safe and sufficient municipal water supply in order to make sure that everyone is able to drink safe and clean water. But no one is thinking is conserve water.

Water conservation is not very much popular in my locality. I think want conservation can solve the water shortage problem of our locality.

We have a global perspective about the importance of water conservation. However, it is important for people in each area to focus on their local perspective. For example, reducing water consumption in a region that has a lot of agriculture is more important than reducing consumption in a region that has a lot of industry and therefore not as many crops.

Water conservation is important to maintain the quality of life in different areas. It can come in the form of rainwater harvesting, water recycling, rain gardens, green roofs, or grey water harvesting.

Measures to conserve water include:

a)    Rainwater harvesting - Save rainwater when it falls on your roof and use it in your garden or wash car.

b)   Water recycling - Use a low flow toilet to conserve water in the sewer system by flushing less often with a non-flush toilet. Wash clothes in cold or lukewarm water instead of hot, which saves up to 40% of your domestic hot water supply.

c)    Rain gardens - Create a layer of irrigation using an underground design with plants rather than irrigation pipes. This will absorb precipitation and improve local ground conditions.


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