NIOS Free Solved Assignments (2021-22)
Social Science 213 Solved Assignment 2021 - 22
Tutor Marked Assignment
Max Marks:
Note: (i) All questions are compulsory. The Marks
allotted for each question are given beside the questions.
(ii) Write
your name, enrollment numbers, AI name and subject on the first page of the
answer sheet.
1. Answer any one of the following question in about 40-60 words. 2
(a) Analyse any two cardinal principles of Mahavira. How they are relevant even today and can be practised in your daily life. (See Lesson-1)
Ans: Two cardinal principle of Mahavira:
a) Ahimsa: Non-violence or non-injury.
b) Satya: Truthfulness. Not to lie or speak what is not commendable.
Lord Mahavira signifies great relevance in modern times. It generates and establishes universal friendship, fearlessness, harmony, peace, joy, through non-violence and non-possessiveness. It strengthens the bond of autonomy of like everywhere. It promotes ecological conservation through self-restraints and austere life style as well as kindness towards all.
(b) "The study or
History and Archaeology of area remain incomplete without understanding of the
Geography." Justify the Statement. (See Lesson-0)
Ans: Only
one question is necessary
Answer any one of the following questions in about 40 to 60 words. 2
(a) 'India is a country
of Physical diversity'. Compare the physical features of a state situated in
northern region of India with a state of southern region. (See Lesson 9).
Ans: ‘India is a country of Physical diversity.’ The mainland comprises four regions, namely, the great mountain zone, plains, of the Ganga and the Indus, the desert region and the southern peninsula.
The Himalayas comprise three almost parallel ranges interspersed with large plateaus and valleys, some of which, like the Kashmir and Kullu valleys, are fertile, extensive and of great scenic beauty. Some of the highest peaks in the world are found in these ranges. The high altitudes admit travel only to a few passes, notably the Jelep La and Nathu La on the main Indo-Tibet trade route through the Chumbi Valley, north-east of Darjeeling and Shipki La in the Satluj valley, north-east of Kalpa (Kinnaur). The mountain wall extends over a distance of about 2,400 km with a varying width of 240 to 320 km. in the east, between India and Myanmar and India and Bangladesh, hill ranges are much lower. Garo, Khasi, Jaintia and Naga Hills, running almost east-west, join the chain to Mizo and Rkhine Hills running north-south.
सामाजिक विज्ञान (213) | Social Science 213 NIOS Free Solved Assignment 2021 – 22 (Hindi Medium)
(b) Rajasthan receives less
rainfall in comparison to other part of country. If Rajasthan has the highest
rainfall then what kind of situation may occurred? (See Lesson-10)
Ans: Only
one question is necessary
Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words. 2
(a) Mention two
electoral reforms required urgently to conduct free and fair election in India.
(See Lesson 22)
Ans: The electoral reforms have
been engaging the attention of the Parliament, the Government, the Election
Commission, the Press and the people for a long time. Some measures were
implemented in the past to remove glaring lacunae in the law. Based on the
experiences in the recent past, the need has been felt for some steps to be
taken quickly for amendment of certain provisions of law. There are issues like
(a) rigging of the elections-fake and bogus voting, impersonation, (b) violence
during elections etc.
(b) List out major impact of
women reservation in the Local Governments. (See Lesson-18)
Ans: Only
one question is necessary
Answer any one of the following question in about 100-150 words. 4
(a) Identify any two contributions each of the Chin
and the Han dynasty rulers of China who helped to develop their civilization.
(See Lesson-1)
Ans.:- Three important physical factors influence the distribution and density of population, namely relief, climate and soil.
We have visited a mountainous area or a
valley and also a plain area and observed that the mountains are less populated
than the plains. Relief which represents the differences in elevation and slope
between the higher and lower parts of the land surface of a given area,
directly affects the accessibility of the area. The areas, which are easily
accessible, are most likely to be inhabited by people, that is why, we find
that the plains are densely populated and areas of rugged relief like mountains
and plateaus are not.
Climatic condition is one of the most important factors which affects density
and distribution of population. Favourable climate provides convenient living
conditions for human beings. The higher density of population is found in the
areas where the climate is favorable. But areas with harsh climate, i.e., areas
that are too hot, too cold, too dry or too wet have lower density of
population. In India, the area having dry climate such as Rajasthan and the
areas with extreme cold climate such as the Valley in Jammu and Kashmir, or
Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand have low density of population.
Human beings depend upon the quality of soil for agriculture. Areas of fertile
soil can, therefore, support larger population. that is why, the regions of
fertile soil such as the alluvial plains of North India and coastal plains have
higher density of population. On the other hand, the areas with less fertile
soils like parts of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh have lower
density of population.
(b) How physical factors found in your area have made
impact on distribution and density of Population? (See Lesson-14)
Ans: Only
one question is necessary
Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-150 words. 4
(a) Identify major agencies that form our public
opinion. (See Lesson-22)
Ans: The following are some of the important agencies which help to formulate public opinion:
a) Print Media: Newspapers, periodicals, magazines and other print materials have been contributing to the formulation of public opinion since a long time. As you are very well aware, the news items, articles, news stories, letters to editors and several other published items on almost all the critical public issues update the individual views and opinions. These also assimilate and concretize varied views and opinions and help them evolve as public opinion. These media instruments also facilitate communication of public opinion to all concerned.
b) Electronic Media: Cinema, radio, T.V. channels and now cell phones have emerged as perhaps the most effective tools that contribute to the formulation of public opinion. Their audio-visual mode helps a great deal in assimilating views and opinions expressed even in the remotest part of the country. They help in converting views into the most representative public opinion and also in communicating it to all concerned.
c) Political Parties: Constitute an important agency for opinion formation. As you also may be experiencing, almost every day, the political parties and their leaders feed the people with facts and ideas. We hear and see the leaders of political parties undertaking padyatras, rathyatras and workers of political parties conducting mass awareness activities about their programmes and policies. These contribute a great deal in the formulation of public opinion.
d) Educational Institutions: Different educational institutions also help create public opinion. Our schools, colleges, universities and professional institutes leave on our minds permanent impact. These formal educational institutions impart political education and contribute to the formation of public opinion as well.etc,.
(b) State various measures to promote national
integration in India. (See Lesson-24)
Ans: Only
one question is necessary
Prepare any one project out of the given below. 6
(a) Collect the data of the level of education and
occupation in three generation of the five families in your neighbourhood
including your family in the given table.
Generation |
Level of education |
Occupation |
First |
Father |
Mother |
Second |
Father |
Mother |
Third |
Child-1 |
Child-2 |
On the basis of information collected, prepared a short note on
the level of education the changes brought by education in these occupation and
levels of life.
Solution: Level of Education and occupation of three generation of
my family and four other families living in our locality:
1. Level of Education and occupation of my family:
Generation |
Level of education |
Occupation |
First |
Grand Father |
No education |
Business |
Grand Mother |
No education |
House Wife |
Second |
Father |
Upto ME |
Business |
Mother |
Upto ME |
House Wife |
Third |
Child-1 |
Post Graduate |
Profession |
Child-2 |
Matriculation |
Business |
2. Level of Education and occupation of my neighbours: Family 1
Generation |
Level of education |
Occupation |
First |
Grand Father |
Matriculation |
Farmer |
Grand Mother |
No education |
House Wife |
Second |
Father |
Graduate |
Service |
Mother |
Upto M.E. |
House Wife |
Third |
Child-1 |
Graduate |
Business |
Child-2 |
Post Graduate |
Service |
3. Level of Education and occupation of my neighbours: Family 2
Generation |
Level of education |
Occupation |
First |
Grand Father |
Matriculation |
Business |
Grand Mother |
No education |
House Wife |
Second |
Father |
Higher Secondary |
Business |
Mother |
Upto M.E. |
House Wife |
Third |
Child-1 |
Secondary |
Business |
Child-2 |
Higher Secondary |
Service |
4. Level of Education and occupation of my neighbours: Family 3
Generation |
Level of education |
Occupation |
First |
Grand Father |
No education |
Busiess |
Grand Mother |
No education |
House Wife |
Second |
Father |
Upto M.E. |
Service |
Mother |
Upto M.E. |
House Wife |
Third |
Child-1 |
Graduate |
Profession |
Child-2 |
Higher Secondary |
Service |
5. Level of Education and occupation of my neighbours: Family 4
Generation |
Level of education |
Occupation |
First |
Grand Father |
No education |
Farmer |
Grand Mother |
No education |
House Wife |
Second |
Father |
Upto M.E. |
Service |
Mother |
Upto M.E. |
House Wife |
Third |
Child-1 |
Post Graduate |
Profession |
Child-2 |
Graduate |
Service |
By comparing the above table, we can clearly see that with the
change in level of education, the income level and also living standard of
people in our country improves. Just After independence, agriculture was the
main source of earning in our country. But with the growth of education level,
various new employment opportunities are generated which not only increases
earnings of the families but also improves the living standard.
(b) Undertake a project listing out the major changes
brought by 73rd constitutional Amendment Act 1992 (for those living in rural
area) or 74th constitutional Amendment Act, 1992 (for those living in Urban
area).What conclusion do you draw on the basis of the above work, also try to
reflect on the following issues–
(i) Impact on Woman representation.
(ii) Impact on scheduled Caste (SCS) and Scheduled
Tribes (SCS) representation. (See Lesson-18)
Ans: Only
one question is necessary
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