Communicative English Question Paper' 2020 (Held in 2021) | B.Com 1st Sem (Hons)

  Dibrugarh University B.Com 1st Sem Question Papers


2021 (March)


Paper: AECC- 1  (English Communication)

Full Marks: 40

Pass Marks: 16

Time: 2 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

UNIT—I (Communication: Theory and Types)

1. (a) What do you understand by the term ‘communication’? Explain Shannon and Weaver model of communication. 2+3=5


(b) What is non-verbal communication? Discuss its sub-categories.  2+3=5

2. (a) What is business communication? Discuss.   5


(b) Elaborate the features of group communication.       5

UNIT—II (Speaking Skills)

3. (a) What are the main functions of a monologue? Discuss.       5


(b) Puja and Rashmi are waiting for a bus at a bus stop. Write a dialogue between them.               5

4. (a) What is miscommunication? Briefly discuss any four causes of miscommunication.      1+4=5


(b) What is an interview? Briefly explain any four types of interviews.    1+4=5

Also Read: Communicative English Question Paper Dibrugarh University

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UNIT—III (Reading and Understanding)

5. (a) What is close reading? Discuss its significance.         2+3=5


(b) Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :

Man’s concepts of what constitutes the Universe have altered radically over the ages. At first the earth was put at the centre of the Universe. Then Earth was found to be just a planet, the Sun was thought to be at the centre. Soon the Sun was found to be an ordinary star, which was part of a galaxy, and man began to think that the galaxy was the Universe. Now science has found that there are many galaxies and that clusters of many galaxies make our Universe.

Claudius Ptolemy, a Graeco-Egyptian astronomer, in 140 AD, conducted a regular enquiry into the Universe. He theorized that the Earth was the centre of the Universe and that the Sun and other heavenly bodies revolved around it. There have been several theories since then. In 1543, Polish astronomer Copernicus argued that the Sun, and not the Earth was the centre of the Universe. Though the Copernican theory changed the centre of the Universe it did not change the extent which was still equated with the solar system. It took another three and half centuries before our ideas changed further.

By 1805 telescopic studies made by the British astronomer William Herschel (1738–1822), made it clear that the Universe was not confined to the solar system. The solar system itself was only a part of a much vaster star system called the galaxy. The Universe thus became quite extensive comprising millions of stars scattered about the Milky Way. But our vision of the Universe did not end there.

As the 20th century began, it seemed that the Milky Way galaxy with its cluster of over a hundred billion stars, planets, their attendant satellites, the Magellanic clouds, was the Universe. In 1925 American astronomer Edwin P. Hubble (1889–1953) pointed out that there are other galaxies in the Universe and that the Universe actually consists of millions of galaxies like the Milky Way. In 1929 Hubble proved that these galaxies are flying away from each other and that the farther they are, the faster they fly.

The movement of a star or a galaxy affects its light as seen by an observer. If the star is moving towards the observer, its light will be shifted towards the blue end of the spectrum. If the star or galaxy is moving away from the observer, its light will be shifted to the red end of the spectrum. This is known as the Doppler Effect or Shift. The Doppler Shifts of galaxies show that they are receding and that the Universe is in a state of rapid expansion. Modern theories about the Universe are based on this flight of galaxies, that is, on the assumption that the Universe is in a state of rapid expansion.


1)         What did Ptolemy theorise?   1

2)         What did William Herschel’s study reveal about the Universe?  1

3)         What did Hubble point out in 1925?  2

4)         Find a word in the passage which means ‘a group of similar things that are close together’.                1

6. Answer any one of the following questions:    5

a)      What is translation? Briefly discuss the different types of translation.      1+4=5

b)      Write a summary of the following passage:          5

Food is the chief essential material which the body needs for its well-being. It contains essential things for our body called ‘nutrients’. Good food is indispensable for health at all stages of life and for satisfactory growth during infancy, childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Wholesome food in adequate quantities is very important for pregnant and nursing women since they undergo severe nutritional stress.

In order to obtain adequate amounts of each of the different nutrients, the daily diet should include appropriate quantities of a variety of different foodstuffs. A diet in which various foodstuffs are mixed in suitable proportions is called a balanced diet. A list of food items (though not ideal) as a general guide would be practical and easy to follow. It would also provide information as to which of the different foodstuffs can be substituted for one that may be temporarily unavailable.

Eating habits have changed with the times. The changes are faster now. The latest trend is ‘fast food’ for a fast life. Human diet is not restricted to any special category of food. Whereas most animals stick to a routine menu, man can and does eat a variety of food, of both plant and animal origin. Variety is, for mankind, the spice of life; and it is more so in food than in anything else. This natural desire for variety is justified by the fact that no single food provides us with all the nutrients that we need.

Cereals, like rice or wheat which form the staple food of mankind, supply us only with a fraction of our nutritional requirements. We have to supplement cereals with other food that provide plenty of fats and proteins and minor quantities of a number of vitamins and minerals. This means that the larger our diet sheet, the better our health will be.

The nutrients found in foodstuffs may be broadly classified as—carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins and water. Carbohydrates include every kind of starch and sugar. Fat is a concentrated source of energy for us. Proteins are the chief substance of the cells of the body. They form important constituents of muscles and other tissues and vital fluids like blood. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are called macro-nutrients.

c)       What is paraphrasing? How does it improve one’s reading skill?                 2+3=5

UNIT—IV (Writing Skills)

7. (a) What purpose does documenting serve? Briefly discuss the features of a good document.  1+4=5


(b) What is a report? Explain the steps involved in report writing.              1+4=5

8. (a) Make notes from the following passage using headings, sub-headings and recognizable abbreviations:      5

In 1851, the British government invited the world to a ‘Great Exhibition’ of industrial products and machinery, held in London’s Hyde Park in a purpose-built palace of steel and glass. The Crystal Palace exhibition was a celebration of the new industrial age and of Britain’s undisputed primacy among the emerging industrial nations. It was the first great party to celebrate the emergence of a new social and economic system which was destined to revolutionize life on this planet—the system we know today as capitalism.

The ‘Oxford English Dictionary’ traces the first reference to the word capitalism in the writings of William Makepeace Thackeray in 1854, three years after the Great Exhibition and at least fifteen years before capitalism’s best-known critic, Karl Marx, began to use the term. But capitalism did not begin in the mid-nineteenth century. It pre-dates the industrial revolution, for there were commercial capitalists long before there were factory owners, and there was widespread wage labour long before there was an industrial workforce.

Modern capitalism has its roots in trade, roots which lie deep in the soil of European history. As far back as the eleventh century, when the waves of Norman, Saracen and Magyar invasions in Europe gave way to a period of relative peacefulness, merchants began to develop commercial trade routes, open up new frontiers, and create a rudimentary system of international money and credit through the use of bills of exchange. This expansion of trade led eventually to the growth of new centres of commerce and manufacturing in the Low Countries and in Italian cities such as Florence.

In the sixteenth century, when European nations began to extend their trade and their territorial claims westward into the Americas, and eastward into the Orient, commercial capitalism was well-developed in northern Europe. In the Middle Ages, industry and agriculture in much of Europe was organized around feudal principles which obliged serfs to work for the lords of the great estates on which they lived, while apprentices and journeymen in various trades were tied to guild masters in the towns. This system began to break down in England and the Netherlands from as early as the thirteenth century, and by the sixteenth century it had in several parts of Europe effectively been replaced by a system of production based upon monetary payments. The expansion of trade was largely responsible for the erosion of feudalism, for it diffused a system of monetary exchange throughout Europe, gradually substituting cash payments for feudal duties and creating a market in land and in loans. Urban craftsmen and rural cottagers increasingly worked for wages from merchants who supplied them with their raw materials and who sold their finished products in markets which extended far beyond their immediate localities. While the feudal lords and princes managed in some parts of Europe to retain their power and social position well into the eighteenth and even the nineteenth centuries, the system which they represented had been eroded economically long before that. The nineteenth century was the period when industrial capitalism consolidated its base in England and began to take over the world. The twentieth century witnessed the final triumph of this capitalist world system. Now political might is insufficient to resist the forces for change unleashed by the most dynamic economic system the world has ever witnessed. It took several centuries for capitalism to develop, but once established it has carried all before it.


(b) The public water supply system under National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) in your locality is out of order for the last few days. Write a letter to the Executive Engineer of the Public Health and Engineering Department, Government of Assam of your district asking him/her to restore the damaged system immediately.

(Write a fictitious name of the district and do not mention the name of your college or your name anywhere in the letter.)           5

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