Labour and Industrial Laws Question Paper' May 2019 [Dibrugarh University BCOM 6th SEM]

Labour and Industrial Law Question Paper 2019 (May/June)

COMMERCE (Discipline Specific Elective)

(For Honours and Non-Honours)

Paper: DSE-601 (GR-II)

Full Marks: 80

Pass Marks: 32

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. Write True or False: 1x8=8

(a) Daily working hours for children above 14 years must not exceed 6 hours.

(b) Welfare officers must be appointed in every factory where 500 or more workers are employed.

(c) Registration of a trade union is compulsory

(d) No women shall be required or allowed to work in a factory in the night shift.

(e) An employee will not be disqualified from receiving bonus if he is dismissed from service for fraud.

(f) A probationer is entitled to bonus.

(g) A minor can be an office bearer in a registered trade union.

(h) Principle of social justice is one of the essential principles of labour legislation in India.

2. Write short notes on any four of the following: 4x4=16

(a) Safety of workers (under the Factories Act, 1948)

(b) Objects of the Trade Unions Act, 1926

(c) Eligibility for bonus

(d) Welfare and labour legislation

(e) Duties of Welfare Officers under the Factories Act, 1948

(f) Wages

3. (a) Analyze the needs and importance of labour legislation in Indian context. 14


(b) Give a brief account of the growth of labour legislation in India. 14

4. (a) Describe the provisions regarding health of the workers under the Factories Act, 1948. 14


(b) Discuss the special protections given to women workers under the Factories Act, 1948. 14

5. (a) Write a note on the conditions and procedures for registration of a Trade Union. Discuss how the name of a registered trade union may be changed. 10+4=14


(b) Explain the rights and privileges of registered trade unions. 14

6. (a) Discuss the components of minimum wage under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948. 14


(b) Enumerate the deductions authorized under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936. 14

7. (a) What are the objectives of Payment of Bonus Act, 1965? Mention the classes of employees where the act does not apply. 7+4=11


(b) Briefly explain the procedure for fixing and revising minimum rate of wages in respect of any scheduled employment under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948. 5+6=11

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