B.Com. (Hons.): (CBCS) Semester - III C 305- HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (6 Credit)
Lectures: 60 Tutorial 5
Full Marks: 100 (Internal Assessment 20 + 80 End-Term)
Objective: The objective of the course is to acquaint students with the techniques and principles to manage human resource of an organisation.
Unit 1: Introduction 12 L + 1 T (Marks: 16)
Human Resource Management: Concept and Functions, Role, Status and competencies of HR Manager, HR Policies, Evolution of HRM, HRM vs HRD. Emerging Challenges of Human Resource Management; Workforce diversity; Empowerment; Downsizing; VRS; Human Resource Information System
Unit 2: Acquisition of Human Resource 12 L + 1 T (Marks: 16)
Human Resource Planning- Quantitative and Qualitative dimensions; job analysis – job description and job specification; Recruitment – Concept and sources; Selection – Concept and process; test and interview; placement and induction.
Unit 3: Training and Development 12 L + 1 T (Marks: 16)
Concept and Importance; Identifying Training and Development Needs; Designing Training Programmes; Role-Specific and Competency-Based Training; Evaluating Training Effectiveness; Training Process Outsourcing; Management Development; Career Development.
Unit 4: Performance Appraisal 12 L + 1 T (Marks: 16)
Nature, objectives and importance; Modern techniques of performance appraisal; potential appraisal and employee counselling; job changes - transfers and promotions; Compensation: concept and policies; job evaluation; methods of wage payments and incentive plans; fringe benefits; performance linked compensation.
Unit 5: Maintenance 12 L + 1 T (Marks: 16)
Employee health and safety; employee welfare; social security; Employer-Employee relations- an overview; grievance-handling and redressal; Industrial Disputes: causes and settlement machinery.
Suggested Readings:
1. Gary Dessler. A Framework for Human Resource Management. Pearson Education.
2. DeCenzo, D.A. and S.P. Robbins, Personnel/Human Resource Management, Pearson Education.
3. Bohlendar and Snell, Principles of Human Resource Management, Cengage Learning
4. Ivancevich, John M. Human Resource Management. McGraw Hill.
5. Wreather and Davis. Human Resource Management. Pearson Education.
6. Robert L. Mathis and John H. Jackson. Human Resource Management. Cengage Learning.
7. TN Chhabra, Human Resource Management, Dhanpat Rai & Co., Delhi
8. Biswajeet Patttanayak, Human Resource Management, PHI Learning
Note: Latest edition of text books may be used.
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