Single Entry System MCQs
Accounting From Incomplete Records MCQs
Multiple Choice Questions and Answers
For BCOM, MCOM, CMA Intermediate and Junior Accountant Exam
In this page, you will get Single Entry System MCQs I Accounting From Incomplete Records MCQs Multiple Choice Questions and Answers which are useful for BCOM, MCOM, UKPSC Assistant Accountant Exam and Various Professional Exams Like CA/CMA and CS.
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Introduction to Single Entry System
It is defined as the method of accounting which does not follow the principle of double entry system .Under this method only one account is given debit or credit for each transaction. Under this method, only personal accounts are maintained and impersonal account may not be maintained in the books.
Entry System MCQs
from Incomplete Records MCQs
the correct option
Single Entry System is an:
Incomplete and Scientific
Incomplete and unscientific
Complete and scientific.
Ans: (b)
Incomplete and unscientific
2. In
Single Entry System, it is possible to prepare:
A Trial Balance
A Trading and Profit and Loss Account
A Receipts and Payments Account.
Ans: (b)
A Trading and Profit and Loss Account
Single Entry System is most suitable where:
Cash transactions are numerous
Credit transactions are numerous
Where both cash and credit transactions are numerous.
Ans: (a)
Cash transactions are numerous
4. In
Single Entry System, profit is ascertained as follows:
Opening Capital + Drawings + New Capital introduced – Closing Capital.
Closing Capital + Drawings + New Capital introduced – Opening Capital.
(c) Closing
Capital + Drawings – New Capital introduced –Opening Capital.
Ans: (c) Closing
Capital + Drawings – New Capital introduced –Opening Capital.
Capital at the beginning of the year is ascertained by preparing:
Cash Account;
Opening Statement of Affairs,
total Creditors Account.
Ans: (b)
Opening Statement of Affairs,
6. In
Single Entry only:
Debtors and Creditors accounts are maintained;
Assets accounts, Expenses and Revenue are maintained;
All accounts are maintained.
Ans: (a)
Debtors and Creditors accounts are maintained;
Single entry system cannot be maintained by:
Sole proprietorship business
All of the above
Ans: (c)
8. In
pure single entry, which accounts are maintained?
Personal Account
Real Account
Nominal Account
All of the above
Ans: (a)
Personal Account
9. In
quasi single entry, which accounts are maintained?
Personal Account
Cash Book
Other subsidiary books
All of the above
Ans: (d)
All of the above
Which account is prepared to find credit sales?
Total Debtors account
Total Creditors account
Bills Payable account
Bills receivable account
Ans: (a)
Total Debtors account
Single Entry System MCQs
Accounting from Incomplete Records MCQs
whether the following statements are true or false:
1. Single entry system is an incomplete
and unscientific system of recording transactions. True
2. Under Single Entry system a Trial
Balance can be drawn. False
3. In pure single entry system, only
personal account of debtors and creditor’s accounts are recorded. True
4. In pure single entry, real and
nominal accounts are also maintained. False
5. Cash book or cash account is opened
only in case of simple single entry system. True
6. In simple single entry, only
personal accounts of debtor and creditors along with cash book is prepared. True
7. Quasi single entry system is also
known as partly single entry system. True
8. In quasi single entry system, other
subsidiary books such as purchases book, sales books etc are not
maintained. False
9. In quasi single entry system,
personal account + cash book + other subsidiary books are
maintained. True
10. Posting from cash book is made only
to the personal account in case of single
entry. True
11. Single entry system of book-keeping
cannot be applied in case of maintaining account of Joint Stock Company. True
12. Single entry system cannot be
applied in case of maintaining account of sole trade and
Partnership. False
13. Preparation of final accounts is
difficult in case of single entry
system. True
14. Accounts maintained under single
entry system are recognised by income tax authorities. False
15. In order to ascertain profit under
Statement of affairs/Net worth method, a Profit and Loss Account is
prepared. False
16. Capital on any date can be
ascertained by preparing a Statement of Affairs on that date. True
17. Other things remaining same the
excess of the closing capital over opening capital is a loss suffered during
that period. False, profit
18. Statement of affairs is not
accepted as an evidence in the court of
laws. True
19. Trading and profit & loss
account is prepared in case of conversion method to find profit during the
year. True
20. Cost of goods sold = O/S + Net
purchases + Direct expenses (if any) – C/S.
21. Total debtors account = Credit
22. Total creditors account = Credit
23. Bills Payable Account = Bills
payable accepted during the year.
24. Bills receivable account = Bills
receivable received during the year.
25. Interest on drawings is calculated
for 6 months, if the date of withdrawals is not given.
26. Interest on capital is calculated
on the opening capital for full year and on additional capital from the date of
investment in current year upto the end of the accounting year.
27. In the opening capital is more than
the adjusted closing capital, the resultant figure is net loss.
28. Single entry system is an
incomplete double entry system. True
Single Entry System MCQs
Accounting from Incomplete Records MCQs
Fill in
the blanks
1. Under Single Entry system, financial
position can be ascertained by preparing a statement of affairs.
2. Credit purchases are ascertained by
preparing a Total Creditors Account.
3. Bills receivable received during the
year affect Total Debtors account
and Bills Receivable Account.
4. Stock under single entry can be
determined by preparing a memorandum Trading Account.
5. Only debtors and creditors accounts
are maintained under Pure Single
6. Pure single entry is converted into
double entry only in case of Prospective effect.
7. Cash in hand at the close of the
year is ascertained by preparing a Receipts
and Payments Account.
8. Capital at the beginning of the year
can be ascertained by preparing an opening Statement of Affairs.
9. Profit under Single Entry System can
be ascertained by Net worth /
Statement of Affairs method.
10. Credit Sales under Single Entry
system can be ascertained by preparing a Total Debtors account.
11. Bills Receivable received during
the year can be ascertained by preparing a Bills Receivable Account.
12. Bills Payable accepted during the
year can be ascertained by preparing a Bills Payable account
13. Single Entry is a system of
book-keeping which lacks Any
14. Bills Receivable dishonoured is
debited to Debtors account
and credited to Bills Receivable.
15. Bills Payable dishonoured is
debited to Bills Payable Account
and credited to Creditors account.
16. Bills Receivable endorsed is
debited Creditors account
and credited to Bills Receivable account.
17. Bad debts previously written off
now recovered is not recorded
in the debtors account.
18. Transfer from debtors account to
creditor’s account is debited to Creditors account
and credited to Debtors account.
19. Transfer from creditor’s account to debtor’s account is debited to Creditors account and credited to Debtors account.
You Can also Download Financial Accounting MCQs which includes Single Entry System MCQs from here.
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