NIOS Social Science 213 Solved Paper' April 2012
NIOS Secondary Solved Papers
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum Marks : 100

When did the Constitution of India come into force?
(A) 22 January 1947
(B) 15 August 1947
(C) 26 November 1949
(D) 26 January 1950
Ans.:- (D) 26 January 1950
In which year was constitutional status of self government accorded to the
Panchayati Raj Bodies by 73rd Constitutional Amendment?
(A) 1952
(B) 1957
(C) 1958
(D) 1992
Ans.:- (D) 1992
Which one of the following is an omnivore?
(A) Ferns
(B) Wolves
(C) Rats
(D) Fungi
Ans.:- (C) Rats
Discuss any four significant results of the voyages undertaken during the age
of season. 4
Ans.:- One of the
most famous kings who sponsored the voyages was the Portuguese King Henry, who
is also known as Henry the Navigator. The technological base for these
discoveries came from the invention of the compass, astrolabe, astronomical
tables and the art of map making.
(i) These voyages led to the
establishment of trading outpost and colonial empires in different parts
Africa, America and Asia.
(ii)Now commercial focus shifted from
Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean.
(iii) Many new commodities were added
to trade such as tobacco, molasses, ostrich feathers, potato, etc.
(iv) It also started the inhuman slave trade in America. Slaves were captured from Africa, transported across the Atlantic Ocean and sold to work in plantations in North America.
Examine any four major causes of the American Revolution. 4
Ans.:- American Revolution and the French Revolution. Through these revolutions, people asserted their rights and ended exploitation. Around the 16th century, many Europeans had settled in America because of religious persecution in England. Some of them were also attracted by economic opportunities. They had formed 13 colonies which had local assemblies to settle their problems. These colonies were suffering due to the British economic policy of mercantilism through which they tried to regulate colonial commerce in the British interest. The colonies were not permitted to set up industries as it would result in competition with the British industries like iron and textile. They had to export sugar, tobacco and cotton only to England, at prices determined by the mother country England. This provoked opposition from the British American colonies.
Explain any four different uses of computers. 4
Ans.:- Computer
(Information Technology): Today, computer has become the basis of communication
and economic development as it is used everywhere from homes, offices to shops,
hospitals, railways, airports, banks, educational institutions, etc.
Uses of computers are
(a) Internet: It provides access to
several kinds of information.It connects all types of computers across the
world to obtain information at the click of a button.
(b) Video Conferencing: People sitting
at far off places can talk and express their views with the help of
telecommunication and computer.
(c) E-Commerce: Facility available for
sale and purchase of goods through internet and fax.
(d) Internet Telephony: It is a software programme which makes a computer to work like telephone. This facility has reduced the call rates drastically.
Explain any four main attractions for Tourism in India. 4
Ans.:- Main attractions for tourism in
India are
1) The Taj Mahal:- Perhaps Indian’s
most recognizable building, the Taj Mahal is also the world’s most famous
testimony to the power of love. Named after Mumtaz Mahal, the favourite wife of
Emperor Shah Jahan, this most beautiful of mausoleums was begun upon her death
in 1631 and took 20,000 workmen until 1648 to complete.
2) The Holy city of Varanasi:- A major
pilgrimage center for Hindus, the holy city of Varanasi has long been
associated with the might Ganges River, one of the faith’s most important
religious symbols. Dating back to the 8th
century BC, Varanasi is one of the oldest still inhabited cities in the world.
3) Harmandir Sahib: The Golden Temple
of Amritsar:- Founded in 1577 by Ram Das, Amritsar is an important hub of Sikh
history and culture. The main attraction here is Harmandir Sahib, opened in
1604 and still often referred to as the Golden Temple for its beautiful gold
4) The Golden City: Jaisalmer:- So
named for the yellow sandstone used in most of its buildings, the Golden City
of Jaisalmer is an oasis of splendid old architecture that rises from the sand
dunes of the Thar Desert.
What is meant by culture? Discuss three factors that influence regional
cultures. 4
Ans.:- Culture is the characteristics
and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing language, religion,
cuisine, social habits, music and arts.
Factors that influence the culture
(i) Language i.e. communication.
(ii) Dress
(iii) Food habits
(iv) Religion and religious faiths
that is beliefs.
(v) Customs of marriages and religions and special social customs.
Explain any four features of kinship. 4
Ans.:- The following are the features
of kinship:-
(a) Kinship assigns guidelines for
interactions between persons. It defines proper, acceptable role relationship
between father-daughter, brother-sister etc.
(b) Kinship determines family line
relationships, gotra and kula.
(c) Kinship decides who can marry with
whom and where marital relationship are taboo.
(d) Kinship helps us to determine the rights and obligations of the members in all the sacraments and religious practices starting from birth to death.
Examine any four reforms undertaken to improve the condition of women during 19th
century in India. 4
Ans.:- The following reforms
undertaken to improve the condition of women during 19th century in
(a) Since women comprise the majority
of the population below the poverty line, poverty eradication programmes are
specifically addressed to their needs and problems.
(b) In view of the critical role of
women in the agriculture and allied sectors as producers, concentrated efforts
are being made to ensure that benefits of training, extension and various
programmes reach them in proportion to their numbers.
(c) Efforts are being made to ensure
equal access to education for women and girls, eliminate discrimination,
universalize education, eradicate illiteracy, create a gender-sensitive
educational system, increase enrolment and retention rates of girls and improve
the quality of education to facilitate life-long learning as well as
development of occupational/Vocational/technical skills by women.
(d) A holistic approach to women’s health which includes both nutrition and health services i being adopted and special attention is being given to the needs of women and girls at all stages of the life cycle.
Describe any four objectives of the Naujawan Bharat Sabha founded by Bhagat
Singh and others.4
Ans.:- The Sabha was set up at a conference at Jallianwala Bagh on 12 April 1928 the aims and objectives of the Sabha were declared to be for
(a) To establish a Complete Independent republic of worker and peasant of the whole of India.
(b) To infuse the sprite of patriotism in to the heart of the youths of the country in orderto establish a united Indian nation.
(c) To express sympathy with and to assist the economic, industrial and social movement.
(d) Which while being free form communal sentiment, are intended to take us near to our ideal namely the establishment of a complete independent republic of labours and peasant to organise labourers and peasant?
What are the four essential qualifications required for becoming a judge of the
Supreme Court of India? When can a Judge of the Supreme Court be removed? 2+2=4
Ans.:- Qualifications of Judges
i) He should be a citizen of India.
ii) He should have been a judge of a
High Court (or high courts in succession) for five years.
iii) He should have been an advocate
of a High Court (or High Courts in succession) for ten years.
iv) He should be a distinguished jurist in the opinion of the president.
Judges may be impeached by majority vote of the legislature and removed with the concurrence of two thirds of the members of the court of impeachment. The supreme court sits as the court of impeachment, unless a supreme court justice has been impeached.
23. Describe any four functions of the Vice President of India. 1x4=4
Ans.:- The following are the functions of the Vice President of India:-
a) To preside at all Meetings of the Academy and of the Council, and to regulate the proceeding at such Meetings.
b) To ensure the implementation of the Rules, Regulations, and Guidelines framed by the Council under Rule 30, Clause (a).
c) To be ex-officio Member of all the Committees appointed by the Council.
d) In case of doubt in the interpretation of any Rule, to decide on the interpretation. In such case, the President’s interpretation shall hold until the next Meeting of the Council, when the interpretation of the Rule under consideration will be finally determined.
Explain how India is a Socialist Republic, in four points. 4
Ans.:- Indian
political leaders were busy in drafting a Constitution. This is known as Nehru
Report which formed the outline of the Constitution. Among its important
recommendations were a declaration of rights, a parliamentary system of
government, adult franchise and an independent judiciary with a supreme court
at its head. Most of its recommendations formed the basis of the Constitution
of independent India which was adopted more than twenty years later. At the historic
annual session of Congress in Lahore in 1929, the Congress committed itself to
a demand for PurnaSwaraj or complete independence and issued a call to the
country to celebrate 26th January as Purna-Swaraj Day. On January 26, 1930, the
Congress celebrated ‘Independence Day’. On the same day in 1950 the
Constitution of Independent India was adopted, making India a sovereign,
democratic socialist republic. Since then January 26th is celebrated as
Republic Day.
Discuss any four features of the Fundamental Rights to freedom enshrined in our
Ans.:- Article 19 of the Constitution
provides for the following freedoms:-
Freedom of speech and expression
Freedom to assemble peacefully and
without arms
Freedom to form Associations and
(d) Freedom to move freely throughout the territory of India.
Explain any four Fundamental Duties as enshrined in the Constitution of India. 4
Ans.:- The following are the duties
have been listed in the Constitution of India:
1. to abide by the Constitution and
respect its ideals and institutions , the National Flag, National Anthem.
2. to cherish and follow the noble
ideals which inspired our national struggle for freedom.
3. to uphold and protect the
sovereignty, unity and integrity of India.
4. to defend the country and render national service when called upon to do.
27. Assess any four features of the Immunization Programme in India. 4
Ans.:- Features of the Immunization
Programme in India are:-
Universal Immunization Programme is a vaccination program launched by
the Government of India in 1985. It became a part of child Survival and Safe
Motherhood Programme in 1992
b) It is currently one of the key
areas under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) since 2005.
The program now consists of vaccination for 12 diseases-tuberculosis,
diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus, poliomyelitis, measles,
hepatitis B, diarrhoea,
d) Japanese encephalitis, rubella, pneumonia (Heamophilus Influenza Type B) and Pneumococcal diseases (Pneumococcal Pneumococcal and Meningitis).
28. Critically examine any four steps taken for the universalization of Elementary Education in India.4
Ans.:- The
following programmes are specifically aimed at universalisation of elementary
(i) Enrollment of all 6-14 age group
children in school/Education Guarantee Scheme (EGS) Centre/ Bridge Course by
(ii) Bridge all gender and social category
gaps at primary stage by 2007 and at elementary education level by 2010;
(iii) Universal retention by 2010;
(iv) Focus on elementary education of satisfactory quality with emphasis on education for life.
Suggest any four steps that can be taken to save environment. 4
Ans.:- Four steps that can be taken to save environment are:-
a) We can use and promote eco friendly and biodegradable products.
b) We can segregate our Home garbage to facilitate the recycling process.
c) We can refuse products with plastic packing and depend on more traditional packing material like paper and cloth.
d) We can demand eco-friendly refrigerators and air conditioning systems which do not use CFC’s.
30. Discuss the progress of Indian agriculture, trade and commerce during the medieval period.2+2+2= 6
Ans.:- This was a period of
commercialization a lot of interest in the extension of cultivation into zones
which were hitherto uncultivated or forest areas. It gave various incentives to
pioneer agriculturists. The state also advanced to peasants loans as well as
revenue relief in times of crop failure.
Trade and commerce which had declined
greatly following the period of the Guptas saw a revival during this time.
Urban centres flourished after a considerable period of decline. Inland trade
increased in the 13th and 14th centuries as a result of
this new urbanization. A vast network of road connecting these urban centers
came up which also facilitated trade.
Cities like Delhi, Agra, Lahore,
Multan , Dhaka, Ahmadabad, Surat and Bombay rose in importance. The merchandise
from Punjab was sent to markets in West and Central Asia.
Examine any six political and social impacts of British Rule in India. 1x6=6
Ans.:- Indian society underwent many changes after the British came to India.
(a) In the 19th century, certain social practices like female infanticide, child marriage, sati, polygamy and a rigid caste system became more prevalent.
(b) These practices were against human dignity and values.
(c) Women were discriminated against at all stages of life and were the disadvantaged section of the society.
(d) They did not have access to any development opportunities to improve their status.
(e) Education was limited to a handful of men belonging to the upper castes.
(f) Brahmins had access to the Vedas which were written in Sanskrit. Expensive rituals, sacrifices and practices after birth or death were outlined by the priestly class.
Describe the composition and functions of the Municipal Corporation. 2+4=6
Ans.:- After the 74th
Amendment, the constitution of Municipalities is obligatory for every concerned
city. Every Municipal Council has Councillors who are elected by the adult
voters of the city for 5 years. Sources of income are as follows:
(i) Taxes: Taxes on properties,
vehicles, entertainment and advertisement;
(ii) Rents and fess/charges: Charges
for water supply, sewer system; Licenses fees, Rents of the community Halls,
Brart Ghars and Shops etc;
(iii) Grants from the State government
(iv) Fines: Fines from the tax offenders, law breakers, on encroachments etc.
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