Political Science Question Paper 2019
[AHSEC Class 11 Political Science Question Paper]
Full Marks: 100Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
(Indian Constitution at Work)
1. Answer the following as directed:
a)When the first sitting of the Constituent Assembly for undivided India was held? 1
b)A Constitution is a fundamental identity of a people. (Write True or False) 1
c)Abolition or untouchability is a Right to Equality/Right to Freedom. (Choose the correct answer) 1
d)Mention a Right to Liberty and Personal Freedom. 1
e)Which article of the Indian Constitution deals with its Amendment Procedure? 1
f)In which case the Supreme Court advanced the theory of Basic Structure of the Constitution of India? 1
3. Write two differences between Ordinary Rights and Fundamental Rights. 2
4. Mention two causes why India adopted the ‘First Past the Post System’. 2
5. How the size of Council of Ministers was limited by the 91st Amendment Act (2003)? 2
6. Mention any two powers exercised only by the Lok Sabha. 2
7. What is meant by the Original Jurisdiction of Supreme Court of India? 2
8. Explain why we need an independent Election Commission. 4
9. Explain the single integrated judicial system of the Indian Constitution. 4
11.Explain the election procedure for Panchayati Raj institutions as per the 73rd Amendment to Indian Constitution. 4
12. Write a short note on the Political Philosophy of Indian Constitution. 4
13. Discuss why Bureaucracy is considered as the permanent executive. 6
Discuss the powers and functions of the Prime Minister of India. 6
14. Explain how Parliament makes laws. 6
Discuss the functions of the Indian Parliament. 6
(Political Theory)
15. Answer the following as directed: 1x6=6
a)Which German philosopher linked Justice with dignity of human beings?
b)In the eighteenth century, the French revolutionaries used the slogan ‘Liberty, Equality and _______. (Fill in the blank)
c)A nation is to a great extent an ‘imagined’ community. (Write True or False)
d)Do nations have the right to self-determination?
e)In which year the USSR was disintegrated?
f)Give an example of Structural Violence.
16. Mention two necessities of Constraints. 2
17. Why individual rights are limitations on the state? Give two reasons. 2
18. Define Citizenship. 2
19. Mention two factors of a nation. 2
20. Mention two characters of a Secular State. 2
21. ‘Politics is an important and integral part of any society’. Discuss. 4
22. Write a note on John Rawls’ Theory of Justice. 4
23. Discuss about global citizenship. 4
24. Discuss the environmental cost of existing model of development. 4
25. Discuss the differences between the negative and positive conception of liberty. 6
What are the three main dimensions of equality? Explain. 6
26. Discuss the relationship between Rights and Responsibilities. 6
Discuss with suitable examples the political, economic and cultural rights. 6Also Follow DynamicTutorials Additional Question Bank:
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