For BA/B.Com/BSC
Type of
the Course: Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC)
Total Marks: 100; Total Classes: 64; Total
Credit: 2
Important note for
this subject
1. Question Paper
Patter: 50 Questions of 2 Marks each = 100 Marks
2. Duration of exam:
90 Mins
3. Pass Marks: 40
4. A candidate who
fails in the Environmental Studies Course shall be entitled to two additional
consecutive chances to clear the Course.
5. A candidate who
does not pass in the Environmental Studies Course shall not be qualified for
the relevant degree.
Detailed Syllabus
Unit 1: The
Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies (Classes: 4; Marks: 5)
Definition, scope and importance
Need for public awareness.
Unit 2: Natural
Resources: (Classes: 10; Marks: 20)
1. Renewable and non-renewable
resources: Natural resources and associated problems.
a) Forest Resources: Use and
over-exploitation, deforestation. Timber extraction, mining, dams and their
effects on forests and tribal people.
b) Water resources: Use and
over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over
water, dams-benefits and problems.
c) Mineral resources: Use and
exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources,
case studies.
d) Food resources: World food
problems, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing, effects of modern
agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, and salinity.
e) Energy resources: Growing energy
needs, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, use of alternate energy
f) Lance resources: Land as a
resources, land degradation, man-induced landslides, soil erosion and
2. Role of an individual in
conservation of natural resources.
3. Equitable use of resources for
sustainable lifestyles.
Unit 3:
Ecosystems (Classes:
10; Marks: 17)
A. Concept of
an ecosystem.
B. Structure
and function of an ecosystem.
C. Producers,
consumers and decomposers.
D. Energy
flow in the ecosystem.
E. Ecological
F. Food
chains, food webs and ecological pyramids.
G. Introduction,
types, characteristics features, structure and function of the following
a. Forest
b. Grassland
c. Desert
d. Aquatic
ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries)
Unit 4:
Biodiversity and its conservation (Classes:
10; Marks: 16)
a) Introduction
– Definition: genetic, species and ecosystem diversity.
b) Biogeographically
classification of India
c) Value of
biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and
option values
d) Hot-spots
of biodiversity – India.
e) Threats to
biodiversity: habits loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts.
f) Endangered
and endemic species.
g) Conservation
of biodiversity: in-situ Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.
Unit 5:
Environmental Pollution (Classes: 10; Marks: 17)
A. Definition, Causes, effects and control measures of:
a. Air pollution
b. Water pollution
c. Soil pollution
d. Noise pollution
e. Thermal pollution
f. Nuclear hazards
B. Solid waste Management: Causes, effects and control measures of
urban and industrial wastes – biodegradable and non biodegradable wastes.
C. Role of an individual in prevention of pollution.
D. Disaster Management: Floods, earthquake, cyclone and
Unit 6:
Social Issues and the Environment (Classes: 10; Marks: 15)
A. From
Unsustainable to Sustainable development.
B. Water
conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management.
C. Resettlement
and rehabilitation of people, its problems and concerns.
D. Environmental
E. Climate
change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, unclear accidents and
F. Wasteland
G. Consumerism
and waste products.
H. Environmental
Public awareness.
Some Important Reference Books:
1. Borua
P.K., J.N.Sarma and others, A Text book on Environmental Studies, Banlata,
2. Brunner
R.C., 1989 Hazardous Waste Incineration, McGraw Hill Inc. 480p.
3. Cunningham,
W.P. Cooper, T.H. Gorhani, E & Hepworth, M.T. 2001, Environmental
Encyclopedia, Jacio Publ. House, Mumbai, 1196p.
4. Dutta
Prasanna, Rofique Ahmed & Sumbit Chaliha, Environmental Studies., Eunika
Publication, Jorhat
5. Hawkins
R.E., Encyclopedia of Indian Natural History, Bombay Natural History Society,
Bombay (R).
6. Heywood,
V.H. & Watson, R.T. 1995. Global Biodiversity Assessment. Cambridge Univ.
Press 1140p.
7. Jadav, H
& Bhosale, V.M. 1995. Environmental Protection and Laws. Himalaya Pub.
House, Delhi 284p.
8. Joshi P.C.
and Namita Joshi, A Text book of Ecology and Environment, Himalaya Publishing
9. Kaushik
Anubha and C.P.Kaushik ,Perspective in Environmental Studies, New Age
10. Sharma
B.K., 2001. Environmental Chemistry. Goel Publ. House, Meerut.
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