Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 30
Time: Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Answer the following as directed: 1x6=6
a) Give the meaning of statistics in plural sense. 1
b) What do you mean by Secondary data? 1
c) _____ method involves each and every items of the universe. (Fill in the blank) 1
d) The diagram which represents the data in a circle is – 1
1) Bar diagram
2) Pie-diagram
3) Multiple diagram
4) Subdivided bar diagram.
e) Name three most commonly used statistical averages. 1
f) There are _____ quartiles in a series. (Fill in the blank) 1
2. Mention four limitations of statistics. 2
3. Name any four methods of collecting primary data. 2
4. What is the difference between random sampling and non-random sampling? 2
5. What is the difference between frequency polygon and frequency curve? 2
6. Define weighted arithmetic mean. 2
7. Name the two measures of dispersion. 2
8. Mention specific characteristics of arithmetic mean. 4
9. Draw an ogive from the following table: 4
Income | 0-10 | 10-20 | 20-30 | 30-40 | 40-50 |
No. of persons | 5 | 15 | 25 | 3 | 2 |
Represent the following information in Pie-diagram:
Items of expenditure | Labour | Bricks | Marble | Cement |
Company | 10,000 | 3,000 | 5,000 | 2,000 |
10. “Sampling is the best method of collecting primary data” – Justify this statement. 4
11. Calculate arithmetic mean from the following data: 4
Class Interval | 20-25 | 25-30 | 30-35 | 35-40 | 40-45 | 45-50 | 50-60 |
Frequency | 10 | 12 | 8 | 20 | 11 | 4 | 5 |
12. Find out Karl Pearson’s co-efficient of correlation from the following data: 4
X | 50 | 54 | 56 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 65 | 75 |
Y | 20 | 22 | 24 | 30 | 32 | 36 | 38 | 40 | 44 | 54 |
Explain the significance of an index number. 4
13. Define Standard deviation, Range, Quartile deviation, Lorenz curve, Mean deviation and Inter-quartile range. 1x6=6
Calculate Mean deviation and its coefficient using arithmetic mean. 3+3=6
Marks | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 |
No. of Students | 8 | 12 | 20 | 10 | 6 | 4 |
14. Construct an Index number for 1999 taking as the base using simple average of price relative method. 6
Commodities | A | B | C | D | E | F |
Price in 1985 (Rs.) | 8 | 15 | 12 | 10 | 10 | 12.5 |
Price in 1999 (Rs.) | 10 | 21 | 36 | 14 | 12 | 17 |
Mention one merit and one demerit of medium. Calculate median from the following data: 1+1+4=6
Part A: Introductory Micro Economics
Introduction to Micro Economics
Consumer Behaviour and Demand
Producer Behaviour and Supply
Forms of Market and Price Determination:
Simple Applications of Tools of Demand & Supply
Part B: Statistics for Economics
Collection, Organisation and Presentation of Data
Statistical Tools & Interpretation
15. Answer the following: 1x6=6
a) Railways were introduced in _____ in India. 1
b) What do you mean by Modernization? 1
c) Define Privatization. 1
d) What is the full form of NABARD? 1
e) What is Human Capital? 1
f) Mention any two causes of inflation. 1
16. Name two notable economists who estimated India’s per-capita income during the Colonial Period. 2
17. Mention two important problems of Indian Agriculture. 2
18. Point out two failures of economic reforms in India. 2
19. Define absolute poverty and relative poverty. 2
20. Mention the importance of human capital formation in India. 2
21. What do you mean by agricultural marketing? 2
22. Mention four unemployment alleviation programme taken by Indian Government. 4
What is Rural Credit? Why do farmers need rural credit?
23. Briefly mention the basic causes of poverty in India. 4
Briefly mention the causes of inflation.
24. What is Environment? What causes a stress on environment? 4
Explain the types of infrastructure.
25. Make a comparison between India and Pakistan as regards national income, size of population, birth rate, literacy rate and sex ratio. 4
26. Explain the positive impacts of economic reforms. 4
27. What do you mean by environmental degradation? Suggest some measures to solve the problems of environmental degradation. 1+5=6
Explain briefly the following: 3+3=6
a) Demand-pull inflation.
b) Cost-push inflation.
28. What do you mean by organic farming? Make a comparison between traditional farming and organic farming. 2+4=6
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