NIOS Political Science 317 Solved Paper' April 2011
NIOS Senior Secondary Solved Papers
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
1. What is the meaning of Political Science? 2
Political Science is that part of social science which deals with the
foundations of the state and the principles of the government. According to J W
Garner, “Politics begins and ends with the state,”.
2. Distinguish between State and Government. 2
Some of the main differences between state and government are as follows:-
Government is only an element of the state:- A State has four essential
elements-Population, Territory, Government is only one element of State. It is
just one part of the State which acts for the state.
Government is an Agency or Agent of the State:- Government is an agency of the
state. It acts for the state. It is that agency of the state which formulates
the will of the state into laws, implements the laws of the state and ensures
conformity to the laws of the state. Government exercises power and authority
on behalf of the state.
3. Mention any two basic
postulates of Marxism. 2
Ans.:- Two
basic postulates of Marxism are:-
a. Nothing
happens in the world on its own; there is always a cause-effect relationship in
what we see around. The relations of production (i.e., material relations among
the people), as the basis of society, provide the cause while the productive
forces constitute the effect.
b. The real development is always the material development (i.e., the economic development). The progressive development of productive forces indicates the progressive level of development.
4. Write the meaning of India as a democratic republic. 2
Though India became a free nation on August 15, 1947, it declared itself a
Sovereign, Democratic and Republic state with the adoption of the Constitution
on January 26, 1950. The Constitution gave the citizens of India the power to
choose their own government and paved the way for democracy.
5. How is the State Legislative Council composed? 2
Composition of State Legislative Council. The popular name of the State
Legislative Council is the Vidhan Parishad. The total membership of a
Legislatve council cannot be normally less then 40 and more than 1/3rd
of the total membership of the State Legislative Assembly.
6. Distinguish between the Council of Ministers and the Cabinet. 2
Ans.:- The
following are the Differences between Cabinet and Council of Ministers:-
Basis |
Cabinet |
Council of Ministers |
Meaning |
cabinet is the small body of the Council, comprising of the most experienced
and influential members formed to discuss and decide policies of government. |
of Ministers is the body that advises the President on various matters and is
formed to assist the Prime Minster in running Government. |
Size |
of 15-18 ministers. |
of 40-60 ministers. |
7. What is meant by functional representation? 2
Functional representation is where there is representation in a legislative or
political body based on the economic and social groups in a community.
8. What is environmental degradation? 2
Ans.:- We use environmental resources in our day to day life. These resources are renewable and non-renewable resources like coal and petroleum, which are prone to depletion. All human activities have an impact on environment. But in the last two centuries or so, the human influence on environment has increased manifold due to the rapid population growth and the fast development in science and technology. These two are the major factors in reducing the quality of environment and causing its degradation.
9. Write a short note on India’s participation in UN peacekeeping
process. 2
India’s history of participation in UN peacekeeping operations is a long one.
India’s contribution has been described a s excellent by many political
observers. In UN. India’s contribution
has been acknowledged by members of the international communities.
10. Describe the Preamble to Indian Constitution. Highlight its
main features. 5
Ans.:- As
we know that the Constitution of India commences with a Preamble. The Preamble
is like an introduction or preface of book. As an introduction, it is not a
part of the contents but it explains the purposes and objectives with which the
document has been written. So is the case with the ‘Preamble’ to the Indian
Constitution. As such the ‘Preamble’ provides the guide lines of the
Preamble, in brief, explains the objectives of the Constitution in two ways:
one, about the structure of the governance and the other, about the ideals to
be achieved in independent India. It is because of this, the Preamble is
considered to be the key of the Constitution.
11. Explain the meaning and importance of collective
responsibility. 5
Ans.:- Our
Constitution clearly says that “The Council of Ministers shall be collectively
responsible to ‘House of the People’”. It actually means that the Ministers are
responsible to the Lok Sahba not as individuals alone, but collectively also.
Collective responsibility has two implications. Firstly, it means that every
member of the Council of ministers accepts responsibility for each and every
decision of the Cabinet. Members of the Council of Ministers swim and sink
together. When a decision has been taken by the Cabinet, every Minister has to
stand by it without any hesitation. If a Minister does not agree with the
Cabinet decision, the only alternative left to him/her is to resign from the
Council of Ministers.
12. What do you understand by election model Code of Conduct? 5
During the campaign period the political parties and the contesting candidates
are expected to abide by a model code of conduct evolved by the Election
Commission of India on the basis of the consensus among political parties. It
comes into force the moment schedule of election is announced by the Election
Commission. The code of conduct is as follows:
Political Parties and contesting candidates should not use religious places for
election campaign.
(ii) Such
speeches should not be delivered in a way to create hatred among different
communities belonging to different religions, castes and languages, etc.
(iii) Official
machinery should not be used for election work.
(iv) No
new grants can be sanctioned, no new schemes or projects can be stared once the
election dates are announced.
(v) One
cannot misuse mass media for partisan coverage.
13. Trace the development of regionalism in India. 5
Some of the most important causes of regionalism in India are as follows:-
1.Geographical Factor:- The
territorial orientation based on geographical boundaries relate to the
inhabitants of a particular region which are symbolic, at least in the Indian
context. This is more so because of the linguistic distribution along
geographical boundaries. The topographic and climatic variations along with
differences in the settlement pattern induce in people the concept of
2.Historical and Cultural Factors:- In
Indian scenario the historical or cultural factors may be considered the prime
components of the phenomenon of regionalism. The historical and cultural
components interpret regionalism by way of cultural heritage, folklore, myths,
symbolism and historical traditions. People of a particular cultural group also
derive inspirations from the noble deeds and glorious achievements of the local
heroes. Nevertheless there are sudden political and economic realities which
can be covered under the gamut of historical and cultural factors.
3.Cast and Region:- Caste
system and religion in Indian society play only a marginal roll in causing
regionalism. Only when caste is combined with linguistic preponderance or
religion it may cause regional feeling. In the like manner religion is not so
significant except when it is combined with linguistic homogeneity or based on
dogmatism and orthodoxy or lined with economic deprivation. However, regionalism
is usually a secular phenomenon in a relative sense and it can cross-cut the
caste affiliation or religious loyalties.
4.Economic Factors:- In
the present times, uneven developments in different parts of the country may be
construed as the prime reason for regionalism and separatism. There are certain
regions in the country where industries and factories have been concentrated,
educational and health facilities are sufficiently provided, communication net
work has been developed, rapid agricultural development has been made possible.
But there are also certain areas where the worth of independence is yet to be
realized in terms of socio-economic development.
14. Describe the meaning and features of good governance. 5
Ans.:- In
international development, good governance is a subjective term that describes
how public institutions conduct public affairs and manage public resources in
the preferred way. Governance is “the process of decision-making and the
process by which decisions are implemented (or not implemented.”
of good governance advocated by Kautilya
Law and order
People caring administration
Justice and rationality as the basis
of decision
(iv) Corruption
free governance
15. Explain India’s policy of Nonalignment. 5
Ans.:- Non-alignment:- Non-alignment
has been regarded as the most important feature of India’s foreign policy. Non
alignment aimed to maintain national independence in foreign affairs by not
joining any military alliance formed by the USA and Soviet Union in the
aftermath of the Second World War. Non-alignment was neither neutrality nor
non-involvement nor isolationism. It was a dynamic concept which meant not
committing to any military bloc but taking an independent stand on
international issues according to the merits of each case. The policy of
non-alignment won many supporters in the developing countries as it provided an
opportunity to them for protecting their sovereignty as also retaining their
freedom of action during the tension ridden cold war period.
16. Highlight the boundary dispute between India and China. 5
Ans.:- The
1950s were marked by the boundary dispute between India and China, the flash
point of which unfortunately caused a war between the two countries in 1962.
China first started to claim large parts of Indian territory in North East
Frontier Agency (NEFA, now Arunachal Pradesh) and Ladakh by publishing maps in
which these were shown as included in China. China continued extending its
borders and also constructed a 110 mile long road across Aksai China area (Ladakh)
of India in1956-57. In 1959, China put claim to some 51,000 sq. miles of Indian
territory and also denied the validity of McMahon Line. By this time Tibet had
been fully integrated into China, it was in a strong position at the
India-China border with Chinese troops posted all along. While the two
countries were in dispute over the McMahon line issue, China launched a massive
attack on India in October 1962, in the NEFA as well as the Ladakh sector.
After overrunning large areas of Indian territory, China announced a unilateral
ceasefire after occupying huge territory of India 200 sq. miles in the North
Eastern sector and 15,000 sq. miles in Ladakh.
17. What is Liberalism? Explain its any two main features. 8
Liberalism is a theory of reforms, for it has stood for reforms in economic,
social and political fields. It is a theory of liberty, individual liberty,
individual autonomy, for it has argued in favour of the development of human
personality. It is a theory of democracy, for it has favoured constitutional
government, government based on the consent of the people rule of law,
decentralization, free and fair elections. To conclude, we may highlight three
aspects of liberalism which clearly help us in understanding its meanings : in
social sphere, liberalism stands for secularism and a society that opposes, all
kinds of social discrimination, in economic sphere, it favours a capitalistic
economy, individual ownership of the means of production and maximum
profit-earning motive, in political sphere it stands for a democratic polity,
individual rights and liberties, responsive and responsible government, free
and impartial judiciary and the like.
of Liberalism:
1. Individual Liberty:- Liberalism
is essentially an ideology of liberty. Its love for individual liberty is
unquestionable. It has become libertarianism. For the liberals, liberty is the
very essence of human personality. It is a means to one’s development.
2. Individual-centred theory:- Liberalism
advocates free-market economy, i.e. the capitalistic mode of economy. It
believes in private property system, regarding property rights as sacrosanct,
maximum profit as the only motive, capitalistic mode of production and
distribution as the only essence, the market forces as the controlling means of
Write any four elements
of nationality.
Elements of Nationality:-
1. Common Geography:- People
living in a common territory constitute one of the major elements of
nationality. This is because such a people are likely to develop a common
culture. This is also the reason why the countries are called as motherland or
2. Common Race:- Common race denotes the idea that a
people belonging to a particular nationality belong to one group or they have a
social unity. Some people suggest that purity of face makes a nationality.
3. Common Language:- A common
language is a medium of communication, which enables the people to express
their ideas. It is the basis of all the other elements of nationality. A common
language not only means a common literature but also a common heritage of
historical traditions.
4. Common Religion:- Religion
is also an important element of nationality. A common religion is a strong
incentive to national feeling. England fought against the Spanish Armada largely
due to her determination to defend Protestantism.
18. Explain the six fundamental freedoms mentioned in the Right to
Freedom. 8
Ans.:- The
six fundamental freedoms mentioned in the Right to Freedom
Freedom of speech and expression:- Every person has freedom of speech and
expression. However, the state can inflict a restriction on this freedom in the
interests of the sovereignty and integrity of the country, for the security of
the State, friendly relations with foreign countries, public order, in relation
to the contempt of court, defamation or incitement to an offense.
Freedom to assemble:- Every person has the freedom to assemble peacefully
without arms. However, the State can leave restrictions in the interest of
public order and the sovereignty and integrity of the country.
Freedom to form associations or unions or co-operative societies:- The State
can enforce restrictions on such freedom
in the interest of public order, morality and the sovereignty and integrity of
the country.
Freedom to move freely:- An Indian citizen has the freedom to move freely
throughout the territory of India. But the government can impose restrictions
on this right only in the interest of the general public.
Freedom to reside and settle:- Citizens of India have the freedom to reside
anywhere in the country. However, in the interest of the general public or for
the protection of the scheduled tribes the State may impose certain
Freedom to practice any profession or to carry on any business, occupation or
trade:- Every person can carry any business or practice any profession provided
it is not dangerous or immoral. Also, professional or technical qualifications
must be acquired before practicing any profession or carrying on any trade.
Analyse the nature of Indian federation.
Ans.:- In spite of the fact that the Indian
Constitution establishes a federal structure, it is indeed very difficult to
put the Indian Constitution in the category of a true federation. The framers
of the Constitution have modified the true nature of Indian federation by
incorporating certain non-federal features in it.
Article I of the Constitution describes India
as a ‘ Union of States’, which implies two things: firstly, it is not the
result of an agreement among the States and Secondly, the States have no
freedom to secede or separate from the Union. Besides, the Constitution of the
Union and the States is a single framework from which neither can get out and
within which they must function.
The Centre appoints the Governors of the
States and may take over the administration of the State on the recommendations
of the Governor or otherwise. In other words, Governor is the agent of the
Centre in the States.The equality of units in a federation is best guaranteed
by their equal representation in the Uppers House of the federal legislature
(Parliament). However, this is not applicable in case of Indian States. They
have unequal representation in the Rajya Sabha.In addition to all this, all
important appointments such as the Chief Election Commissioner, the Comptroller
and Auditor General are made by the Union Government. Besides, there is single
citizenship. There is no provision for separate Constitutions for the
19. Highlight the powers of the President of India, briefly. 8
Ans.:- Legislative Powers:- The
President being an integral part of Parliament enjoys many legislative powers.
These powers are, The President summons, and prorogues the Houses of
Parliament. He may summon the Parliament at least twice a year, and the gap
between two sessions cannot be more than six months. The President has the
power to dissolve the Lok Sabha even before the expiry of its term on the
recommendation of the Prime Minister. In normal course he/she dissolves Lok Sabha
after five years. The President nominates twelve members to Rajya Sabha from
amongst persons having special knowledge in the field of literature, science,
art and social service. The President may also nominate two members of
Anglo=Indian community to the Lok Sabha in case that community is not
adequately represented in the House. The President can call a joint sitting of
the two Houses of Parliament in case of
a disagreement between Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha on a non-money bill.
1. A money
bill can be introduced in the parliament only with the president’s
2. The
president lays the Annual Financial Statement, i.e. the union budget, before
the parliament.
3. The
president can take advances out of the Contingency Fund of India to meet
unforeseen expenses.
4. The
president constitutes a Finance commission after every five years to recommend
the distribution of the taxes between the centre and the states.
Judicial Powers:
primary duty of the president is to preserve, protect and defend the
constitution and the law of India per Article 60. The president appoints the
chief Justice of India and other judges on the advice of the chief justice. He
dismisses the judges if and only if the two Houses of the parliament pass resolutions
to that effect by a two-thirds majority of the members present.
Describe the functions of urban-local bodies.
Ans.:- It
is a common practice to divide the organisation of a corporation or a
municipality into two parts:
(a) the
deliberative, and (b) the executive part.
(a) The Deliberative Function:- The
corporation, council or municipal board or council consisting of the elected
representatives of the people constitutes the deliberative part. It acts like a
legislature. It discusses and debates on general municipal policies and
performance, passes the budget of the urban local body, frames broad policies
relating to taxation, raising of resources, pricing of services and other
aspects of municipal administration. It keeps an eye on municipal administration
and holds the executive accountable for what is done or not done.
(b) The Executive Function:- The
executive part of municipal administration is looked after by the municipal
officers and other permanent employees. In the corporations, the Municipal
Commissioner is the executive head, and all other departmental officers like
engineers, finance officer, health officers etc. function under his/her control
and supervision. In a large corporation such as Delhi or Mumbai Municipal
Corporation the Commissioner is usually a senior IAS officer.
20. What is National Human Rights Commission? Explain its role. 8
Ans.:- The
Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 was enacted in India to provide for the
constitution of a National Human Rights Commission, State Human Rights
Commissions in States for better protection of human rights and for matters connected therewith or
incidental thereto. ‘Human rights’ are defined in Section 2 (1) (d) of the Act
to mean the rights relating to life, liberty, equality and dignity of the
individual guaranteed by the Constitution or embodied in the International
Covenants and enforceable by courts in India. The functions of the Commission
are enumerated in Section 12 which include a wide area to enable the Commission
not only to enquire into the violations or negligence in prevention of
violation of human rights but also to promote the human rights culture and
perform any function necessary for the promotion of human rights.
Ever since
its constitution in 1993, the National Human Rights Commission has been
discharging a complementary to that of the Supreme Court of India by performing
those tasks which by their very nature the NHRC can perform better e.g.
monitoring any situation or functioning of an institution. The dependence between
these institutions has considerably improved the mechanism for the protection
of human rights in the country, which is primarily a state responsibility.
Describe the meaning of communalism. Examine its impact in India.
Ans.:- Meaning of Communalism:- India is land
of multiple faiths and religions leading often to violence and hatred among the
people. Those who fan this religious violence do not consider religion as a
moral order but use it as a means and weapon to pursue their political
ambitions. Communalism essentially leads to violence as it is based on mutual
religious hatred.
Impact on Indian social and political systems:- Some
general factors are: First the class divisions of our society and the
backwardness of our economy has resulted in uneven development of the economy.
It is the upper classes of the less-developed communities that have also
enjoyed the fruits of limited growth and hence it is they who have also enjoyed
political power. Over a period of time some sections among this elite development
a sense of rivalry vis-a-vis their counterparts in other communities. In order
to draw support from the masses of their own community, these leaders have
often encouraged communal feelings to strengthen their political support. Thus,
the traditional beliefs of the society are perpetuated to the advantage of the
elites. When they, many among communal people, feel insecure because of some
adverse circumstances, they often tend to rely on religion, which make them
vulnerable to political manipulation to inflame communal passions, sometimes
leading to violence.
violence also increases because communal parties carry on religious propaganda
in an offensive manner, thereby creating ill-will among the members of the
various communities. The political parties in India which adopt a communal
attitude should be blamed for encouraging communal feelings which often cause
communal violence.
(World Order and the United Nations)
21. Describe the composition of International Court of Justice. 2
Ans.:- The
International Court of Justice, known as the World Court, located at The Hague
(The Netherlands), is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. The
Court consists of 15 judges, who are elected jointly by the General Assembly and
the Security Council for a term of nine years.
22. Explain the nature of bipolar world order during the Cold War.
concept of bipolarity has significant implications for global order. Firstly,
two rival powers cannot remain in equilibrium indefinitely; one has to surpass
the other and therefore conflict is inevitalve in a bipolar world. Of
increasing importance also, is the emergence of power blocs, which arise as
lesser powers fall under the influence of one or other of the superpowers. In this
regard, global order is not stable during periods of bipolarity, but instead,
warfare appears to be necessary for the resolution of rivalry between two
superpowers. In this context, it seems fitting to describe a bipolar world as
one that is in “dynamic equilibrium”, where the two sides are equal in power
but one may achieve a higher power for a short time before the other matches
that power again to re-establish the balance.
believed that bipolarity was “a mechanism that contains in itself the
potentialities for unheard-of good as well as for unprecedented evil.”
According to him, it “make the hostile opposition of two gigantic power blocs
possible” but also held out the hope of regulating that opposition through
asymmetry of power maintained by moderate competition. Waltz attributed the
absence of war to bipolarity, which, he maintained, was less war-prone than
multi-polarity. He believed that war arose primarily because of miscalculation,
states misjudge the power and cohesion of opposing coalitions. Waltz argued
that the international system was undergoing a peaceful transition from
bipolarity to multi-polarity and insists that the international system remains
bipolar even after the breakup of the Soviet Union.
23. Highlight the major UN initiative pertaining to socioeconomic
development. 8
Starting from 1960, many of the colonies emerged as independent countries and
gained membership of the United Nations. With the help of their growing
majority in the United Nations they were able to create new agencies. The
United Nations launched the First Development Decade. In 1960s international
institutional like the UN Development programme. UN Industrial Development
Organisation, International DEVELOPMENT Association were get up in 1960s.
At the
initiative of developing countries United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD) was formed in 1964
to promote international trade for the benefit of developing countries. It has
served the developing countries in many ways.
provided significant support to efforts by developing counties to expand trade
and economic cooperation among themselves at the regional and sub regional
levels. It has also promoted technical assistance.
a group of developing countries was formed. This group now consists of 132
countries. It has represented unity and solidarity among developing countries
UNCTAD made efforts to ensure preferential treatment and tariff concessions in
the developed countries for the items promised by the developing countries,
financing of research and development activities, official development
assistance for low-income countries and debt relief.
The UNCTAD and UN General Assembly went a step further and questioned the unjust international economic order. To protect the economic interests of the developing countries, the UN gave a call in 1974 for establishment of a New International Economic Order (NIEO), welded to the ideals of equity and justice for all nations, rich and poor.
Describe the role and importance of the United Nations Children’s
Created in 1946, UNICEF concentrates exclusively on the task of improving the
lot of disadvantaged children.
undertaken projects on health, education, malaria eradication, nutrition, rural
development, family and child welfare and emergency aid to promote child
welfare. In recognition of its social and humanitarian efforts, UNICEF was
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965. It focuses on India in a very big way.
made an important contribution to a better environment for children in India
and identified the problem of excess fluoride in groundwater resources.
Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh are the
most severely affected states.
WHO’s aims
are: (i) preventing the spread of disease (ii) curing disease and (iii)
preventing the outbreak of disease. The means adopted to prevent the spread of
disease include Conventions providing international standards for public
health. WHO’s house for scientific knowledge and a exchange of information for
curing disease. WHO’s activity in the area of preventing the outbreak of
disease is to facilitate the exchange of findings and promotion of research. It
has encouraged research with cheap preventatives, especially vaccines for
tuberculosis and DDT for malaria. The campaign against malaria has been one of
WHO’s biggest all-out programme. Since heterosexual transmission of the human
immune deficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS is becoming the predominant mode
of spread of HIV in most countries of the world, WHO is engaged in research for
vaccine to cure AIDS for which it needs necessary financial support from rich
member countries to meet the challenge of this deadly disease.
A very
important WHO programme is Polio Eradication Immunization. Polio is the first
disease of the 21st century to be eradicated. Another important
campaign of UN health agency, WHO is against the use of tobacco especially in
developing countries.
(Administrative System in India)
21. Describe the composition of the State Public Service
Commission. 2
Each state in India has a public service commission. The constitution
stipulates that the Governor determines the number of members of the
Commission. At least half of the members of Commission are persons with a
minimum of ten years of experience under the central or a state government.
Members are appointed by the Governor for a term of six years or until the age
of 62 years.
22. What is the organization of Cabinet Secretariat? 5
Ans.:- Organization of the Cabinet
Secretariat:- The Cabinet Secretariat was created in 1947, another
administrative machinery of the centre is Cabinet Secretariat, it can be
understood in terms of organisation and function. It is headed politically, by
the Prime Minister and administratively, by the Cabinet Secretary.
Today, the
Cabinet Secretariat has three wings- Civil Wing, Military Wing and Intelligence
Wing. In 1988, the Directorate of Public Grievances was set up as its organ.
Cabinet Secretariat has subject related advisors to the Prime Minister.
23. What is the concept of committed bureaucracy? Account for the
decline of neutrality. 8
Ans.:- Committed Bureaucracy:- The concept of
‘committed bureaucracy’ was much contested in the political and administrative
circles. It was alleged that it would permanently damage the fabric of the
services. It would create a breed of pliable civil servants who would always
say “Yes Minister” and would be ready to crawl when asked to bend by their
political Maters. It was also alleged that in the name of commitment the ruling
party was seeking bureaucracy’s alignment with the party’s ideology in order
perpetuate its rule. However, it was later clarified by the government that
commitment did not mean attachment to the ideology of the party in power, but a
commitment to the development of the country and personal involvement of
bureaucracy in the tasks as opposed to ostrich like withdrawal and isolation
from politics.
Account of the decline of neutrality:- The traditional concept of neutrality,
however, has been challenged on many grounds. The earlier concept of separation
of politics and administration in watertight compartments is considered no more
valid. The role of the Civil Service has been changing from being a mere agent
of the political executive to that of collaboration with it. The involvement of
bureaucracy in political arena is now widely prevalent.
breakdown of the theory of neutrality has come about because of a number of
the processes of policy making are no longer confined to the political executive.
The truth is that the bureaucrats play an important role in policy formulation,
perceived to be the exclusive preserve of elected politicians. This has
happened because the statutes passed by the parliament are not clear enough.
the decline of neutrality can be attributed to the demands and pressures of
coalition politics. In coalition governments, ministers are busy in the power
game and manoeuvring or their survival, and have neither time nor inclination
to guide, direct and control their department or bureaucracy.
according to some political commentators, the classical theory of civil service
neutrality presupposes agreement on principles fundamental to democracy. In
other words, neutral, value-free bureaucracy is possible only in a society
where consensus exists on values, but in transitional societies like India,
where dissent and conflict exist, it is too much to expect anyone to be
Explain the various instruments for redressal of grievances.
Indian Instrumentation:-
1. In India, it has been observed by
many committees and commissions that special machinery should be set up to deal
with public complaints against the administration. Various institutions exist
to redress public grievances. Many kinds of administrative tribunals have been
set up to provide cheap and speedy justice to the complainant. The Income Tax
Appellate Tribunal, Labour Tribunal etc, are instances of this type of
2. Secondly, Parliamentary procedure
provides for opportunities to raise questions in Parliament by the elected
representatives concerning their constituencies. Also, there is a Parliamentary
Committee called the Committee on Petitions. A citizen may submit petitions to
secure redress against an act of injustice. So, even though a distant body,
Parliament or State Legislature can take up the cause of an aggrieved citizen.
3. Thirdly, under the provisions of the
Public Servants (Enquiries) Act, departmental as well as public agencies can be
instituted against a public servant for
his misconduct. Not day-to-day dealing but more serious matter of
maladministration come under the purview of this Act.
4. Fourthly, complaint forums have been
set up at different levels to deal with public complaints. For example in a
public bus or in a railway station, there are complaint boxes to receive
complaints from public. Consumers’ Fora are now available to deal with
complaints against any suppler of goods and services such as telephone
services. Within large public organization such as Railways and
Telecommunication etc. there are complaint cells to deal with public
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