(Principles of Marketing)
marks: 80
marks: 24
3 hours
(a) Write True or False: 1x4=4
a) Marketing
means selling, but selling does not mean marketing. False
b) Market
segmentation strategy and market positioning strategy are the facets of a
single coin of segmentation strategy that identifies the customers to be
targeted. False
c) All
advertising is propaganda, but all propaganda is not advertising. False
d) Physical
distribution is a major component of marketing mix. True
(b) Fill in the blanks: 1x4=4
The concept of after pay
has turned everybody to enjoy now and pay later.
The consumer buying process is a 5 step activity.
Branding is the process of finding and fixing
the means of identification.
Wholesale traders are essential middleman.
Write short notes on: 4x4=16
a) Product mix
Ans: Product mix: Product is one of important part of
marketing mix because it reflects the good or bad reputation of any
organization. The products represent any business efficiently.
Successful organizations always search out the buying habits of their
customers and designed their products based on those buying habits in order to
meet the customer’s requirements. They also design their products based on
important factors such as purchasing power and geographical locations etc.
They try to design products which are affordable for customers.
Companies always design their products according to customer’s budget and
They do not compromise on their product
quality. Some companies maintain their quality and do not compromise on
price but there are some companies which produce products according to the
affordability of customers. Marketers communicate with their customers directly
and convince them to buy their products.
emotional buying motives
Product buying motives are sometimes driven by emotions. The examples of
emotional factors are stated below:
a) Pride and to maintain Social status.
b) Fashion or imitation
c) The desire to live in comfort.
d) Love and affection for family members.
e) Consumers are sometime habited to specific products.
f) Jealousy towards others.
g) Wish to praise and admired by others.
price policy
Ans: Skimming Pricing :
This method aims at high price and
high profits in the early stage of marketing the product. It profitably
taps the opportunity for selling at high prices to those segments of the
market, which do not bother much about the price. This method is very useful in
the pricing of new products, especially those that have a luxury or specialty
elements. The product is promoted to create awareness. If the product has no or
few competitors, a skimming price strategy is employed. Limited numbers of
product are available in few channels of distribution.
d) Travelling salesman
Ans: Travelling salesman are those who
travels within an assigned territory in order to sell their products. They
visit different customer at different places with a view to persuade them to
buy their company’s product. Travelling salesmen are also known as peddler.
They are paid a fixed salary plus incentives for achieving the target sale.
Their employer also allows travelling expenses and allowances to them.
(a)What are the significances of modern
marketing? Explain any six new waves of thought that have come to light in
marketing. 6+8=14
Ans: Significance of Modern marketing: Marketing is a unique function of business
which satisfies social values, needs and wants of an individual. It serves as
the springboard for all industrial production. The importance of marketing can
be studied under the following heads:
A. Uses to the Society
(1) Employment of Various Persons: Since
the things are manufactured or produced due to marketing, hence many people get
employment through the production activities. Transport, storage and wholesale
and retail services cover many persons. In this way, it might be said that by
marketing the employment is created.
(2) Availability of Various Products for
Use: Today, the sphere of marketing has become worldwide or international.
Due to it, the products manufactured in the foreign lands too become available
for consumption. All this could become possible due to the growth of the
marketing and its development.
(3) Increase in the National Income of
Country: If the marketing activities are efficiently undertaken and
things are produced in accordance with the needs or requirements of the customers,
there must be some increase in the demand of the things. The production goes up
which leads to the increase in the national income.
B. Uses to the Producers
(1) Helpful in Earning More Profits:
Whenever any manufacturer produces some commodity, he has to seek the help
of so many people in letting the same reach the hands of the consumers. For
instance, there is the need of the middlemen, the godown owners, the traders,
the owners of transport companies, etc. By establishing proper distribution
channel, more profits can be earned.
(2) Getting Information Regarding Demand. By
the study of marketing, the producers are able to get information regarding
the changing demands.
(3) Reduction in Distribution Costs. By
the wide studies of distribution, it is also known that the products be passed
on to the consumers on the minimum possible costs.
C. Uses to the Consumers
While purchasing the products, the consumers
must have full knowledge of the things. This can be possible only through
marketing. By the study of marketing, the consumer is able to acquire knowledge
as to how the middlemen resort to their exploitation. For avoiding the
middlemen's exploitation, the consumer co-operative societies are being promoted
and developed.
D. Uses to the Middlemen
By the 'middlemen' is meant those persons who
send the products from the producer to the consumer. The lower are the expenses
of the middlemen, the greater is their profit. By studying the marketing, they
get the knowledge as to how the expenses of distribution be kept lower. Unless
the middlemen possess sufficient knowledge of marketing, they can't become
E. Uses to the Nation
With the help of marketing, in the
progressive and developing countries too, good managers and entrepreneurs can
be encouraged. For resorting to the most efficient use of the resources available
in the country, marketing of the commodities is very necessary. By the study of
marketing, the economy could be kept safeguarded against the evil effects of
instability. Only due to the marketing, the processes of production and
distribution continue to exist. In it the condition of full employment could be
achieved. Really speaking, marketing occupies an important role in the economic
Six Fundamental concept of
Marketing are:
There are six concept of marketing which the
companies keep in mind:
Production concept: The production concept is one of the
oldest concepts in business. It holds that consumers will prefer products that
are widely available and inexpensive. So, production concept oriented business
concentrate on achieving high production which reduces cost and focus on mass
Product concept: This concept holds that consumers will prefer those
products that are high in quality and performance and with innovative features.
Managers in these organization focus on making superior products and improving
them. But the marketer must keep in mind that the customers will buy the best
quality product only when they need or want it.
Selling concept: Now a days, as the technology advances along
with the quantity and quality of the goods, the art of selling the goods are
also very essential. The firms which follow the selling concept believe that in
order to motivate a customer to buy his product, he must be convinced by
aggressive selling and promotional efforts. Firms following selling concept
make use of advertising powers and other persuation techniques to influence the
Marketing Concept: The marketing concept emerged in the mid 1950’s. The
business generally shifted from a product – centered, make and sell philosophy,
to a customer centered, sense and respond philosophy. The marketing concept
concentrates on the need of the customers. This concept says than product
should be designed and produced keeping in mind the need of the customers and
try to satisfy the need better than the competitor. The marketing concept holds
that the key to achieving organizational goals consist of the company being
more effective than competitors in creating, delivering and communicating superior customers value. This
concept puts the customers at both the beginning and the end of the business
cycle. Every department and every worker should think about the customer and
acts as per need of the customer.
Consumer concept: As per this concept, companies’ aims at
providing consumers separate offers or services. This is possible through one
to one marketing.
Societal marketing concept: A company must not blindly follow the goal of
customer satisfaction because it may lead to many social and environmental ills
for example, a customer may want to have drugs so just to satisfy customer the
firms should not supply him drugs. This concept requires that company should
deliver superior value to the consumer to improve the consumer and the society.
It focuses on consumer welfare. Firms should not produce harmful products.
(b) What is marketing mix? What are its elements? Discuss the variables
of promotion mix. 2+4+8=14
Ans: Marketing Mix: Marketing
mix refers to one of the major concept in modern marketing. According to Philip
kotler “marketing mix is a set of controllable marketing variables that the
firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market”. It is the
combination of four controllable variables which constitutes the company’s
marketing system .the four controllable variables are:
a) The
b) The
price structure
c) The
promotional activities
d) The
distribution system
These elements are inter
related and inter dependent since decisions in one area usually actions in
other area.
Elements of Promotion Mix
There are four elements of promotion mix:
a) Advertising: Advertising
is a non-personal presentation of goods, services or idea. In advertising
existing and prospective customers are communicated the message through
impersonal media like radio, T.V., newspapers and magazine. It involves
transmission of standard message simultaneously to a large number of people.
The message transmitted is known as advertising.
b) Personal Selling:
selling is the process of assisting and persuading the existing and prospective
buyer to buy the goods or services in person. It involves direct and personal
contact of the seller or his representative with the buyer.
c) Publicity: Publicity
is a non-personal non-paid stimulation of demand of the product or services or
business unit by planning commercially significant news about the services or
business unit by planning commercially significant news about in the print
media or by obtaining a favorable presentation of it upon radio, television or
d) Sales promotion:
promotion consists of all activities other than advertising, personal selling
and publicity, which help in promoting sales of the product. Such activities
are non-repetitive and one time offers. According to American Marketing
Association, sales promotion include, “those marketing activities other than
personal selling, advertising and publicity that stimulate consumer purchasing
and dealer effectiveness, such as point of purchase displays, shows and
exhibitions, demonstrations and various non-recurring selling efforts not in
the ordinary routine.”
4. (a) What are various stages of buying process? Discuss the major
psychological determinants of consumer behaviours. 6+8=14
Steps in buying decision process
The marketing scholars have developed a “stage
model” of the buying process. The consumer passes through 5 stages. But
consumers do not always pass through all five stages in buying a product. They
may skip some stages.
(1) Problem Recognition: The buying process
starts when the buyer recognizes a problem or need. The need can be triggered
by internal or external stimulus. With an internal stimulus, one of the person’s
normal needs hunger thirst etc. become a drive or a need can be aroused by
external stimuli. Marketers need to identify the circumstances that trigger a
particular need by gathering information from a number of consumers.
(2) Information Search: An aroused consumer
will be inclined to search for more information. A person at times simply
becomes receptive to information about a product or he may enter looking for a
reading material, phoning friends, going online etc. Through gathering
information, the consumer learns about competing brands and other features.
(3) Evaluation of Alternatives: The
information search and comprehension
(evaluation) stages represent the information processing stage. These 2 stages
constitute the cognitive field of the purchase process. Cognition refers to
acquisition of knowledge.
Some basic concepts help us in understanding
consumer evaluation: first the consumer is trying to satisfy a need, second the
consumer is looking for certain benefits and
third the consumer views each product as a bundle of attributes to
satisfy this need.
(4) Purchase Decision: The buyer must be
convinced that the purchase of the product is the legitimate course of action.
This stage stands as a barrier between a favourable attitude towards the
product and actual purchase. Only if the
buyer is convinced about the correctness of the purchase decision, will be
proceed. At this stage, he may seek further information regarding the product
or attempt to assess the information already available.
(5) Post Purchase Behaviour: The purchase
leads to specific post purchase behaviour, usually it creates some restlessness
in the mind of the individual. He is not sure about the product. He may feel
that the other brand would have been better. It can be defined in terms of
satisfaction. If the performance of the product falls short of expectations,
the consumers is disappointed, if it meets expectations, the consumer is
satisfied, it is exceeds expectations, the consumer is delighted. These
feelings make a difference in whether the customer buys the product again
and talks favourably or unfavorably
about it to others.
(b) What benefits accrue to a firm
through practising the segmentation strategy? Critically discuss the bases for
market segmentation. 6+8=14
Ans: Advantages / Importance / Significance
of Market Segmentation:
purpose of segmentation is to determine the differences among the purchases
which may affect the choice of the market area and marketing strategies.
Following are some of the benefits of marketing segmentation.
1) Facilitates
consumer-oriented marketing:
Market segmentation facilitates formation of marketing-mix which is more
specific and useful for achieving marketing objectives. Segment-wise approach
is better and effective as compared to integrated approach for the whole
2) Facilitates
introduction of suitable marketing mix: Market segmentation enables a producer to understand the needs of
consumers, their behavior and expectations as information is collected
segment-wise in an accurate manner. Such information is purposefully usable.
Decisions regarding Four Ps based on such information are always effective and
beneficial to consumers and the producers.
3) Facilitates
introduction of effective product strategy: Due to market segmentation, product development is compatible with
consumer needs as there is effective crystallization of the specific needs of
the buyers in the target market. Market segmentation facilitates the matching
of products with consumer needs. This gives satisfaction to consumers and
higher sales and profit to the marketing firm.
4) Facilitates
the selection of promising markets: Market segmentation facilitates the identification of those sub-markets
which can be served best with limited resources by the firm. A firm can
concentrate efforts on most productive/ profitable segments of the total market
due to segmentation technique. Thus market segmentation facilitates the
selection of the most suitable market.
5) Facilitates
exploitation of better marketing opportunities: Market segmentation helps to identify
promising market opportunities. It helps the marketing man to distinguish one customer
group from another within a given market. This enables him to decide his target
market. It also enables the marketer to utilize the available marketing
resources effectively as the exact target group is identified at the initial
stage only.
6) Facilitates
selection of proper marketing programme: Market segmentation helps the marketing man to develop his marketing
mix programme on a reliable base as adequate information about the needs of
consumers in the target market is available. The buyers are introduced to
marketing programme which is as per their needs and expectations.
Basis of Segmentation:
segmentation dividing the Hetrogenous market into homogenous sub-units.
Heterogeneous means mass marketing, which refers people as a people.
Homogeneous means dividing the market into different sub units according to the
tastes and preferences of consumers. The following factors are considered before dividing the market:
1. Geographical Factors: On the basis of geographical factors,
market may be classified as state-wise, region-wise and nation-wise. Many companies operate only in a
particular area because people behave differently in different areas due to
various reasons such as climate, culture, etc.
2. Demographic Factors: This is the most widely used basis for
market segmentation. Market is classified on the basis of population, using
ages, income, sex, etc as indicators.
Age :
It is known fact that
people of different ages like different products, need different things,
and behave differently. Almost all
companies use this factor to reach the target market. On the basis of age,
market in our country is divided into children’s market, teenager’s market,
adult’s market, and the market for old
people. Companies use the census data to prepare marketing strategies on the
basis of age.
Sex: There is a variation of consumption behavior between males and females. This factor is used as a basis for
segmentation for products like watches, clothes, cosmetics, leather goods,
magazines, motor vehicle, etc.
Family Life Cycle: This is another important factor, which
influences the consumer’s behavior. E.g.: Before making purchases, a bachelor
may consult his friends, a boy may ask his parents and a married man asks his wife. The study of
family life cycle helps a company to prepare an effective promotional strategy.
factors: In
psychographic segmentation, elements like personality traits, attitude
lifestyle and value system form the
base. The strict norms that consumers follow with respect to good habits or
dress codes are representative examples. E.g.: Mr. Donald’s changed their menu
in India to adopt to consumer preference. The market for Wrist Watches provides
example of segmentation. Titan watches have a wide range of sub brands such as
Raga, fast track, edge etc. or instant noodle markers, fast to cook food brands
such as Maggi, Top Ramen or Femina, women’s magazine is targeted for modern
Factors: On the basis of economic factors, markets have been classified in the
westerns countries as follows:
a. Upper Class b. Upper-upper class c. Lower-upper class
d. Middle class e. Upper-middle class f. Lower-middle class
g. Lower class h. Upper-lower class i. Lower-lower class
In our country, it is classified as upper
class (rich), middle class, and the
lower class. Another classification based on income in our country is as
a. Very Rich b.
The Rich class c. The
Aspiration Class and
d. The Destitute.
5. Behavior Factors: This is one of the most important bases
used for market segmentation. Market is classified on the basis of attitude of
consumers and special occasions.
Occasions: Sellers can easily find out certain
occasions when people buy a particular product. E.g.: Demand for clothes,
greeting cards, etc increases during the festival season. Demand for
transportation, hotels etc increases during the holiday seasons.
Benefits: Each consumer expects to fulfill certain desire or to derive some
benefits from the product he purchases. E.g.: A person may purchase clothes to
save money and another to impress
others. Based upon this, markets may be classified as markets for cheap price
products and market for quality products
Attitude: On the basis of attitude of consumers, markets may be classified as
enthusiastic market, indifferent market, positive market, and negative market.
(a) What steps are involved in new
product development? Discuss how to achieve success in new product development. 7+7=14
Ans: Stages in New Product Development
introduction of new product usually passes through various stages. In each
stage, the management must decide whether to move on to next stage with the
product idea or not. Practically, in this process some of the ideas will be
eliminated at every step. There are six stages involved in the new product
development. The stages are given below:
(I) Idea generation: New products are produced on the basis of
new ideas. Ideas may be generated from various sources like customers, dealers,
distributors, salesman, top executive, consultancy organisation, Research and
Development Department etc. The first step is to collect ideas as many as
possible so that the company can find out one of the best idea out of those ideas
to convert the same in to actual product.
(II) Screening of Ideas: All new ideas cannot be converted into
products as it requires heavy capital investments. Those ideas should be
screened and all unworkable ideas should be dropped. Only most viable, feasible
and promising one should be selected for further processing. The company uses
the concept testing method. In this method, consumer response to a description
or picture or drawings is measured even before the product is actually
produced. The purpose is to find out few best ideas.
(III) Business Analysis: During this stage, an attempt is made to
predict the economic consequences of the product for the company. In these
stages, the management should perform the following:
Identify product features.
Estimate market demand and product profitability.
Establish a programme to develop the product.
Assign responsibility for further study of the product feasibility.
(IV) Product Development or Prototype
testing: This step
consists of the following:
Prototype development giving visual image of the product.
Consumer testing of the model or prototype product.
Branding, packing and labeling of the product.
marketing people determine an appropriate brand name, package and price and
making sure that both tangible and intangible features are considered and
included. Focus groups, target market surveys and other market research
techniques with the physical product give the marketer additional information.
(V) Market Testing: Test marketing involves placing a full
developed new product for sale in one or more selected areas and observing its
actual performance under a proposed marketing plan. In the words of P. Kotler-
“Test marketing is the stage at which the product and marketing programme are
introduced into more realistic market settings”. The basic purpose is to
evaluate the product performance and marketing programme in a real setting
prior to the commercialization. This step provides the scope of correction and
modification of the product as well as marketing programme. Many products fail
after commercialization because of lack of test marketing. In this process, the
marketers approach the trial purchasers and first repeat purchaser to know
their feelings and reaction about the product as well as marketing programme.
On the basis of their opinions the marketers make certain required modification
in the product as well as marketing programme. After the favourable result
usually, products are sent for commercialization.
(VI) Commercialization: After favourable response in test
marketing, full scale production and marketing programme are planned and then
the product is launched. It may be in phased manner or the product may be
introduced simultaneously depending on the company’s plan and resources
available. The phased manner introduction helps to avoid short supply of the
product due to initial gaps in production and distribution.
Strategy of the company at new product development stage
The stage 1 is where the product is launched.
A product launch is always risky. You never know how the market will receive
the product. There have been numerous failures in the past to make marketers
nervous during the launch of the product. The length of the introduction stage
varies according to the product. If the product is technological and
receives acceptance in the market, it may come out of the introductory phase as
soon as it is launched. Whereas if the product is of a different category
altogether and needs market awareness, it may take time to launch.
The need for immediate profit is not a
pressure at the introduction phase of a product. The product is promoted to
create awareness. If the product has no or few competitors, a skimming price
strategy is employed. Limited numbers of product are available in few channels
of distribution.
Characteristics of Introductory stages of
Product life cycle
Ø Higher
investment, lesser profits
Ø Minimal
Ø Company
tries to Induce acceptance and gain initial distribution
Ø Company
needs Promotions targeted towards customers to increase
awareness and demand for product
Ø Company
needs Promotions targeted towards channel to increase
confidence in the product
(b) Explain the stages of product life
cycle. What strategies a company resort to keep growing in growth stage? 8+6=14
Ans: Product Life Cycle
A product is
like a human being. It is born, grows up fast, matures and then finally passes
away. Product life cycle is the stages through which a product
or its category bypass. From its introduction to the marketing, growth,
maturity to its decline or reduce in demand in the market. Not all products reach this final stage, some continue
to grow and some rise and fall. In short, The PLC discusses the stages
which a product has to go through since the day of its birth to the day it is
taken away from the market.
However, the
basic difference in case of human beings and products is that a product has to
be killed by someone. Either the company (to bring better products) or by
competition (too much external competition). There are several products in the
market which have lived on since ages (Light Bulbs, Tubelights), whereas there
are others which were immediately taken off the shelf (HD DVD).
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Product Life Cycle
Thus the Product life
cycle deals with four stages of a products life.
Stages of Product life cycle:
A) Introduction: The stage 1 is where
the product is launched. A product launch is always risky. You never know how
the market will receive the product. There have been numerous failures in the
past to make marketers nervous during the launch of the product. The length of
the introduction stage varies according to the product.
If the product is technological and receives
acceptance in the market, it may come out of the introductory phase as soon as
it is launched. Whereas if the product is of a different category altogether
and needs market awareness, it may take time to launch.
Characteristics of Introductory stages of
Product life cycle
Ø Higher
investment, lesser profits
Ø Minimal
Ø Company
tries to Induce acceptance and gain initial distribution
Ø Company
needs Promotions targeted towards customers to increase
awareness and demand for product
Ø Company
needs Promotions targeted towards channel to increase
confidence in the product
B) Growth: Once the introductory
phases are over, the product starts showing better returns on investment. Your
customers and channels begin responding. There is better demand in the market
and slowly the product starts showing profits.
This is a stage where competition may step in
to squash the product before it has completely launched. Any marketing mistakes
done at this stage affect the product considerably as the product is being
exposed to the market and bad news travels fast. Thus special care has to be
taken in this stage to ensure competition or bad decisions do not affect the
growth stage of the product.
Characteristics of Growth stage of Product
life cycle
Ø Product
is successfully launched
Ø Demand
Ø Distribution
Ø Competition
Ø Company
might introduce secondary products or support services.
Ø Better
revenue generation and ROI
C) Maturity stage: One of the problems
associated with maturity stages in a technologically advanced environment is
the problem of duplication. Not only is the product available in duplicate
markets, but also there are several competing products which arise with the
same features and capabilities. As a result, the USP’s of the product become
less attractive.
Along with competition, Penetration pricing
becomes a weapon for competitors. Competitors sell products with the same
features at lesser prices thereby trying to penetrate in the market.
Nonetheless, The sales of a product (especially sales from return customers) is
at its peak point during the maturity stages. The growth of sales may be
lesser, but the sales revenue of the organization is maximum during the
maturity stage of product life cycle.
Characteristics of Maturity stages of Product
life cycle
Ø Competition
is high
Ø Product
is established and promotion expenditures are less
Ø Little
growth potential for the product
Ø Penetration
pricing, and lower profit margins
Ø The
major focus is towards extending the life cycle and maintaining market share
Ø Converting
customers product to your own is a major challenge in maturity stage
D) Decline: 1 product, 10 competitors,
minimum profits, huge amount of manpower and resources in use – A typical
scenario which a product might face in its last stage. In this stage the
expenditures begin to equal the profits or worse, expenses are more than
Thus it becomes a typical scenario for the
product to exit the market. It also becomes advantageous for the company as the
company can use resources it was spending on the declining product on an
altogether different project. Characteristics of Decline stages of
Product life cycle
Ø Market
is saturated
Ø Sales
and profits decline
Ø Company
becomes cost conscious
lot of resources are blocked in rejuvenating the dead product.
for the differing stages of the Product Life Cycle
A) Introduction: The need for
immediate profit is not a pressure. The product is promoted to create
awareness. If the product has no or few competitors, a skimming price strategy
is employed. Limited numbers of product are available in few channels of distribution.
B) Growth: Competitors are attracted
into the market with very similar offerings. Products become more profitable
and companies form alliances, joint ventures and take each other over.
Advertising spend is high and focuses upon building brand. Market share tends
to stabilise.
C) Maturity: Those products that
survive the earlier stages tend to spend longest in this phase. Sales grow at a
decreasing rate and then stabilise. Producers attempt to differentiate products
and brands are key to this. Price wars and intense competition occur. At this
point the market reaches saturation. Producers begin to leave the market due to
poor margins. Promotion becomes more widespread and use a greater variety of
D) Decline: At this point there is a
downturn in the market. For example more innovative products are introduced or
consumer tastes have changed. There is intense price-cutting and many more
products are withdrawn from the market. Profits can be improved by reducing
marketing spend and cost cutting.
6. (a) What are the goals and tasks of promotion? Discuss the factors that
affect the promotion mix. 6+8=14
Ans: Objectives/Aims of Promotion
a) To
provide Information to the consumers: Informative promotion can convert an
existing need into a want or to stimulate interest in a new product. People
generally do not buy a product or service unless and until they know its
purpose and its benefits to them. Informative messages are significant in
promoting complex and technical products like automobiles, computers and
investment services. It is also important for a “new” brand being introduced
into an “old” product class. In a nutshell, informative promotion helps in
Increasing the awareness of a new brand, product class, or product attribute.
b) To
persuade consumers to purchase: Persuasive promotion is designed to
stimulate to purchase or an action. Persuasion generally becomes the main
promotion goals when the product enters the growth stage of its life-cycle. The
persuasive promotion aims at: (1) Encouraging brand switching; (2) Changing
customers’ perception of product attributes; (3) Influencing customers to buy
now and (4) Persuading customers to call.
c) To remind
about the existing brand: Reminder promotion is used to keep the product
and brand name in the audience’s mind. Reminder promotion is very active during
the maturity stage of product life-cycle. It assumes that the target market has
already been persuaded of the good’s or service’s merits. Reminder promotion
aims at: (1) Reminding consumers that the product may be needed in the near
future; (2) Reminding the consumers where to buy the product and (3)
Maintaining consumer awareness.
There are many factors which influence promotional mix and they are
known as product market factors.
1. Nature of the product:
Different product requires different promotional mixes. Consumer goods and
industrial goods require different strategies. Consumer goods are sold through
advertising, personal selling and displays. But industrial good require more
personal selling.
(a) Product complexity: If a
product is technically sound and complex in nature then it requires personal
selling. For example, Industrial products. On the other hand if the product is
simple we can go for advertising. For example, most of the FMCG products.
(b) Brand differentiation:
Promotional mix is affected by brand differentiation and the degree to which
the brand is differentiated from competitor’s brand.
(c) Purchase frequency: If
buyers buy frequently a product, such as soap, tooth paste etc. the marketer
will invest a good amount on advertising to push competition brands.
2. Nature of the market:
Different market requires different promotional mixes and strategies. In industrial
market, advertising plays a more informative role then the persuasive role for
industrial buyers. Personal selling emphasizes on two roles, i.e. information
and persuasion in the industrial and consumer’s market.
3. Stage in the product life
cycle: The promotional product mix varies within stage in the product life
cycle. The nature of demand varies according to the stages in the life cycle.
During the introductory stage, the customers do not realize the qualities of
the product. Here, information about the product and its benefits are made
known to the buyers. In this stage, more importance must be given to personal
selling and trade shows. In the growth stage, customers know the qualities of
the product. Hence to stimulate demand, advertising must be increased. In the
maturity stage, sales and profits decline and hence all the promotional
activities should be cut down.
4. Market penetration: Here
the product is already known to the buyers. In that situation, a sustaining
promotional strategy is suitable. A brand has insignificant market penetration
means it has a small market or struggling market. Market size and location:
Product’s market size and location also influences the promotional mix. In
narrow market, where the numbers of potential buyers is small, direct mail is
used. In a broad market advertising is used.
5. Characteristics of buyers:
The characteristics of prospective buyers strongly influence the promotional
mix. Experienced professional buyers such as industrial purchasing agents need
personal selling. Inexperienced buyers need advertising. Some buyers give
importance to time, some to purchase of products, buyers act according to the
influence of friend, relatives etc.
6. Distribution strategy;
Companies fighting more through distribution for establishing their brands,
invest more money on personal selling and advertising. Companies which have
already established their brand in the market have to invest only a small
amount in personal selling and advertising.
7. Pricing strategy: Pricing
strategy influence the promotional mix strategy. If the brand is priced higher
than the competition, more personal selling is needed to get a middleman to
stock and push the brand. If the brand is priced lower, little promotion is
(b) Explain the role of wholesalers in
the process of physical distribution. Can they be eliminated from the process
of distribution? Discuss 6+8=14
Ans: Wholesale trader
is one who sales to other middlemen, institutions and individuals a fairly
large quantity. According to American Management Association, wholesalers sells
to retailers or other merchants and/or individual, institutional and casual
users but they do not sell in significant amounts to ultimate consumers.
Wholesale trade is to do with marketing and selling merchandise to retailers,
wholesalers or to individuals commercial and professional or other
institutional contrast to household consumers, to individuals for personal use.
Functions or services of wholesaler (Role
of Wholesalers in the process of physical distribution)
The wholesaler
renders a number of services to trade, industries and commerce. The services
rendered by the wholesaler may be classified as:
a) Service to Manufacturer.
b) Service to Retailer.
c) Service to Consumer.
d) General Services.
To Producers
a) The wholesaler provides valuable information
to the producers regarding the needs and the requirement of the consumer.
b) As the wholesaler takes the responsibility of
collecting order from retailers, he relieves the producers from this task and
thereby encourage producers to concentrate on production.
c) The wholesaler provides finance to the
producers at the time of need.
d) The wholesaler helps the producers in
determining the quality and quantity of goods to be produced as he is in direct
contact with the retailers.
e) The producers are helped to maintain steady
prices for the product because wholesaler buys when prices are low and sell
when prices are high.
To Retailers
a) The retailers are relieved of maintaining huge
stock of goods because the wholesaler fills up the stock regularly. The
wholesaler buys in large quantities and sell them at convenient lots to the
b) The wholesaler provides finance and credit
facilities to the retailer and thereby relieves the financial difficulties of
the retailer.
c) The wholesaler saves retailers from many types
of risks. The retailer is not required to carry huge stock as he can get them
from the wholesaler at regular interval. By extending credit has saved the
retailers a lot.
d) The wholesaler provides valuable advices to
the retailer on all matters relating to new product and market condition and
thereby relieves him from collection of market data.
e) The wholesaler gives trade discounts on bulk
purchase and as such it enables the retailers to earn handful amount of profit.
To Consumer
a) He enables the consumer to purchase required
quantities of goods at the desired time because he supplies goods regularly to
the retailers.
b) He provides goods at a cheaper rate because he
facilitates in large scale production.
c) The wholesaler is in a better position to
stabilize prices of the products by adjusting demand and supply. The consumers
are benefited a lot on account of stabilization of prices.
d) There is no shortage of goods as the
wholesaler goes on large purchasing.
e) The wholesalers are wealth of information and
as such this information are shared by the consumers.
Need of wholesalers
1. It is not
possible for the producers to sale the goods in small quantities to the
retailers directly. The wholesalers are the only way to transfer the goods to the
retailers. The manufacturers are relieved of making individual sales to
consumers in small quantities.
2. Retailers
supply valuable and reliable information to wholesalers. The wholesalers
transfer the information about the consumers' demands and the changes occurring
in their likes and dislikes to the manufacturers. Information about the
consumers' likes and dislikes received from the retailers through the
wholesalers enable the manufactures to make suitable adjustments in the design,
size and contents of their products. Thus they can manufacture right types of
goods at right time.
3. Wholesalers
provides finance facility to the producers in the form of advance and also
provide credit to the retailers. So, both producers and retailers are largely
dependent on the wholesalers.
(Old course)
Full marks: 80
Pass marks: 32
(a) Write True or False: 1x4=4
a) Mega
marketing is the set of those strategies where closed markets are opened-up. True
b) Perception
process leads to thought and thought leads to action.
c) The
riskiest part of marketing management today is the development and distribution
of new product.
d) Going rate
pricing is the method of setting the prices on the basis of demand.
(b) Fill
in the blanks: 1x4=4
a) Speed
marketing is also called as ________ marketing.
b) With the
help of market segmentation, the firm would be in a better position to spot and
compare marketing _________.
c) In case of
‘push’ policy of marketing strategy, the ___________ play an active role in
creating demand.
d) Advertising
increases and stabilises the sales ____________.
Write short notes on: 4x4=16
Place mix
Sociology determinants of consumer behaviour
Skimming price policy
(a) Compare ‘marketing’ with ‘selling’.
Discuss those entities with which marketing people are involved. 4+7=11
(b) Discuss the factors which influence the
marketing concept. What are the benefits of marketing concept to the firms and
the society? 5+6=11
(a) What is consumer behaviour or buying
process? Discuss those economic determinants which influence the consumer
behaviours. 3+8=11
(b) Bring to light the costs of market
segmentation. Discuss the benefits of sound marketing segmentation. 6+5=11
(a) What are the objectives of product
planning? How to achieve success in new product development? 5+6=11
(b) How is brand success determined? What are
the benefits of branding to producers and consumers? 4+7=11
(a) Explain the appropriate approach to
pricing or pricing policy. 11
(b) What is promotion mix? Discuss the factors
that affect the promotion mix. 3+8=11
(a) Who is a wholesaler? Discuss the functions
of wholesaler in the process of marketing of goods. Explain the services
rendered by wholesaler to producer. 2+6+4=12
(b) Discuss the role of physical distribution
system and explain various components of physical distribution system. 6+6=12
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