ITPB | Information Technology Practices in Business Solved Papers November' 2018 | B.Com (Non CBCS)

2018 (November)
COMMERCE (General/Speciality)
Course: 304
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
1. (a) Write the full forms of the following:                                    1x4=4
1)         OMR: Optical Mark Recognition
2)         EPROM: Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
3)         HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
4)         URL: Uniform Resource Locator
(b) Write True or False:                                                         1x4=4

1)         Scanner is an input device.                   True
2)         TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol.                      True
3)         ROM is secondary memory.                  False, RAM and ROM are primary memory
4)         Computer can perform mathematical calculation.                True
2. Write short notes on the following:                                4x4=16
a)      Number system.
Ans: The knowledge of number systems is very essential because the design and organization of a computer is dependent upon the number systems. The various number systems discussed are:
1.       Decimal Number System.
2.       Binary Number System.
3.       Octal Number System.
4.       Hexadecimal Number System.
Decimal Number System: The decimal number system consists of 10 digits namely 0 to 9. In decimal system each digit has a digit value from 0 to 9.
Binary Number System: Binary numbers play a very important role in design, organization and understanding of computers. The binary number system, as the name suggests, consists of two digits namely, 0 and 1 and is exactly like the decimal system except that the base is 2 instead of 10.
Octal Number System: Since binary numbers are long and cumbersome, more convenient representations combine groups of three or four bits into octal (base 8) digits respectively. In octal number, there are only eight possible digits (0 to 7).
Hexadecimal Number System: The hexadecimal number system popularly known as Hex system is similar to octal system with the exception that the base is 16 and three must be 16 digits.
b)     Digital computer.
Ans: Digital Computer: Digital computer is the most commonly used type of computers. A computer that performs calculations and logical operations with quantities represented as digit, usually in the binary number system. It is used for processing data represented by discrete, localized physical signals, as the presence or absence of electric current. In other words, the machine which operates on data, symbols etc. that are expressed in machine language means in 0 or 1 form are called digital computers. In today’s world, Apple Macintosh is the best example of digital computer.
The main three components of digital computer are,
1.       Input: The user gives a set of input data.
2.       Processing: The input data is processed by well defined and finite sequence of steps.
3.       Output: Some data available from the processing step are output to the user.
c)      Output device.
Ans: Output Devices:
a)      Are instruments that communicate between users & machine?
b)      Meant for presenting results.
c)       Translates computer output in user understandable form.
d)      Printer, VDU, Graph-Plotters are the output devices.
e)      Captures information in machine coded form & converts them into a form usable by humans computers.
d)     Software.
Ans: Meaning: A set of instructions (in machine code) given to the computer to solve user problems and to control different operations of the computer is known as computer software. The software is developed in programming languages. The Computer software is classified into two main categories:
1. Application software.
2. System software.
1. Application Software: Application Software is the specific that can do specified application. Application Software is designed to fulfill the requirement to people. Application Software enables a computer to perform a specific task such as handling financial accounting, processing words, preparing exam result, producing bills, manipulating images and videos, etc. Application Software does its tasks with the help of operating system.
2. System Software: System software is a set of programs that control the operations of a computer and devices attached with the computer. It creates links between user and computer as well as controls the execution of application programs.
3. (a) Define Information Technology. Explain the features of Information Technology.    3+8=11
Ans: Information Technology
Information Technology (IT) is a generic term that covers the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of information. It involves the application of computers and communication technology in the task of information handling, information and information flow from the generation to the utilization levels. It is restricted to systems dependent on microelectronics based combination of computers and telecommunication technologies. The IT is the boon for mankind. It gives accessibility to information at fingertips. There has been discussion on Information highways and high tech libraries. The promising and diversified possibilities of IT have reduced the space and time between the people, countries, continents and ultimately have led to the emerging concepts - Global Society and Global Village.
Information Technology (IT) is a new technology applied to the creation, storage, selection, transformation and distribution of information of many kinds. It has been defined differently by different people.
IT, as defined by the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA), is "the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware." It deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit and retrieve information, securely.
According to Mall, IT means various means of obtaining, storage, and transforming information using computer, communication and micro-electronics.
UNESCO defines IT as, scientific technology and engineering disciplines and the management techniques used in information handling and processing their application, computers and their interaction with men and machines and associated social, economic and cultural matters.
Features of Information Technology
Information Technology possesses various features. Let us have an idea of its features.
1.       Broadness: IT involves more than just computer literacy. It takes into account how computers work and how these computers can further be used not just for information processing but also for communications and problem solving tasks as well.
2.       Streamlining: IT has the feature of streamlining the processes. It helps in streamlining the business processes. It also helps in getting constant and up to date information in real time.
3.       Globalization: IT is global. It not only brings the world closer together, but it allows the world’s economy to become a single interdependent system. This means that we can not only share information quickly and efficiently, but we can also bring down barriers of linguistic and geographic boundaries. It makes the word into a global village.
4.       Communication: IT helps in cheaper, quicker and more efficient communication. We can now communicate with anyone around the globe by simply text messaging them or sending them an email for an almost instantaneous response. The Internet has also opened up face to face direct communication from different parts of the world thanks to the helps of video conferencing.
5.       Cost effectiveness: Information technology helps to computerize the business process thus streamlining business to make them extremely cost effective. This in turn increases productivity which ultimately gives rise to profits that means better pay and less strenuous working conditions.
6.       Bridging the cultural gap: Information technology helps in bridging the cultural gap by helping people from different cultures to communicate with one another and allow for the exchange of views and ideas, thus increasing awareness and reducing prejudice.
7.       More time: IT has makes it possible for businesses to remain open 24x7 all over the globe. This means that a business can be open anytime anywhere, making purchases from different countries easier and more convenient. It also means that you can have your goods delivered right to your doorstep with having to move a single muscle.
8.       Creation of new jobs: IT creates new and interesting jobs. Computer programmers, System analyzers, Hardware and software developers and Web designers are just some of the many new employment opportunities created with the help of IT.
9.       Dynamic: IT is dynamic and ever changing. It has continuously changing features due to development in the field of communication and content technology.
(b) Define Information Technology. Explain the uses of IT in Business and education.  3+8=11
Ans: Information Technology
Information Technology (IT) is a generic term that covers the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of information. It involves the application of computers and communication technology in the task of information handling, information and information flow from the generation to the utilization levels. It is restricted to systems dependent on microelectronics based combination of computers and telecommunication technologies. The IT is the boon for mankind. It gives accessibility to information at fingertips. There has been discussion on Information highways and high tech libraries. The promising and diversified possibilities of IT have reduced the space and time between the people, countries, continents and ultimately have led to the emerging concepts - Global Society and Global Village.
Information Technology (IT) is a new technology applied to the creation, storage, selection, transformation and distribution of information of many kinds. It has been defined differently by different people.
IT, as defined by the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA), is "the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware." It deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit and retrieve information, securely.
According to Mall, IT means various means of obtaining, storage, and transforming information using computer, communication and micro-electronics.
UNESCO defines IT as, scientific technology and engineering disciplines and the management techniques used in information handling and processing their application, computers and their interaction with men and machines and associated social, economic and cultural matters.
Impact and Use of information technology in business
Small scale business houses need to buy software packages that could cater to their specific management, operational and functional needs. For this purpose, they need to approach firms and IT manufacturers who deal in such software applications. Other IT services include Internet marketing and email marketing, web hosting and promotions and maintaining client networks. Larger business houses have their own operational and functional employees who develop in house software applications and work on several IT needs of the businesses. They usually purchase ERI software programs to coordinate different processes and functions into a single application, which is actually more convenient. Manufacturing businesses may make use of servers and databases to store their vast data regarding inventory.
The information technology role in business sector certainly is of a great importance, which enables businesses to effectively and successfully plan, manage, execute strategies to lead to profit. Information Technology has proved to be a very crucial for business activities. It has introduced various new technological applications and tools that ha increased productivity and efficiency in business organizations. Information technology has facilitated easy and quick modes of communication. Let us see as to how I.T. has revolutionized this area. Some of the significance of It in business are given below:
1. Advertising: Information technology has introduced several new methods of advertising through the Internet. Business firms increase their income through these methods of advertising. Business can be increased by advertising on popular websites.
2. E-Commerce: One of the revolutions brought by Information Technology is E-Commerce. E-Commerce or E-business refers to buying and selling of goods or services through the Internet. These days, countless businesses offer online services. Some types of online businesses include consumer-based retail sites and the exchange of services and trading goods between corporations.
3. Communication: Employees and workers in organizations use emails, instant messages and video conferencing for quick and effective communication which improves the quality of work and improves business potential.
4. Applications: Most business organizations use software programs such as MS-Word, MS-Access, MS-Excel and PowerPoint. Mostly, photo manipulation tools like Photoshop are also used by organizations.
5. Prediction: According to the website, it is predicted that in the coming years, the boundaries between electronic commerce and conventional commerce will fade away as more and more businesses are moving selective sectors of operations online.
Significance of IT in education
New and emerging technologies challenge the traditional process of teaching and learning and the way education is managed, Information technology, while an important area of study in its own right, is having a major impact across all curriculum areas. Easy worldwide communication provides instant access to a vast array of data, challenging assimilation and assessment skills. Rapid communication, plus increased access to IT in the home, at work and in educational establishments, could mean that learning becomes a truly lifelong activity – an activity in which the pace of technological change forces constant evaluation of the learning process itself.
1. Access to variety of learning resources: IT aids plenty of resources to enhance the teaching skills and learning ability. With the help of IT now it is easy to provide audio visual education. The learning resources are being widens and widen. Now with this vivid and vast technique as part of the IT curriculum, learners are encouraged to regard computers as tools to be used in all aspects of their studies.
2. Any time learning: In the era of Information Technology and web networks the pace of imparting knowledge has become very fast and one can be educated any time. One can study whenever he wills irrespective of whether it is day or night and irrespective of being in India or any part of the world.
3. Collaborative learning: Now IT has made it easy to study as well as teach in groups or in clusters. With online we can be unite together to do the desired task. Efficient postal systems, the telephone (fixed and mobile) and various recording and playback systems based on computer technology all have a part to play in educational broadcasting in the new millennium. The Internet and its Web sites are now familiar to everyone.
4. Multimedia approach to education: Audio-Visual Education, planning, preparation and use of devices and materials that involve sight, sound or both, for educational purposes, is being extensively done. Among the devices used are still and motion pictures, filmstrips, television, transparencies, audiotapes, records, teaching machines, computers and videodisc. The growth of audio-visual education has reflected remarkable developments in both technology and learning theory.
5. Authentic and up to date information: The information and data which are available on the Internet is purely correct and up to date. Several hundred sites are available on the Internet which offers similar information. Internet, a collection of computer networks that operate on common standards and enable the computers and the programs they run to communicate directly, provides true and correct information.
6. Online library: Internets support thousands of different kinds of operational and experimental services one of which is online library. We can get plenty of data on this online library.
7. Distance learning: Distance Learning is a method of learning at a distance rather than in a classroom. Distance learning is easier these days as laptops and internet connectivity have given the Universities faster means of reaching more students in real time.
4. (a) Discuss the characteristics of computer. Explain the architecture of computer with diagram. 5+6=11
Ans: The key characteristics (or advantages) of a computer are:
1.       Speed: The speed of a computer is usually measured in milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds and picoseconds which are , , and part of a second respectively.
2.       Accuracy: Errors do occur in computer based information systems but precious few can be directly attributed to the computer system itself. The vast majority can be traced to a program which is mainly human errors.
3.       Capacity of Decision Making: By suitable programming, computers can also perform intelligent functions of decision making.
4.       Reliability: The system does repetitive work with huge volumes of data correctly. One can rely on them to work non-stop, keeping a back up of data and also an Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS).
5.       Memory Capability: Computer systems have total instant recall of data and an almost unlimited capacity to store these data. A computer system can hold billion characters at a time can be retrieved at random.

1.       Input:
a)      Entry of program statement & data into a computer is done by means of an input device.
b)      Keyboard, floppy, disk drives, cartridge tape device are the various input devices.
c)       All input devices are instruments of interpretation and communication between people and computer.
2.       CPU:
a)      Is the heart of the computer?
b)      It contains the logic that controls the calculation doe by the computer.
c)       It is the central processor that makes comparisons, performs calculations, reads, interprets & controls the execution of the instructions.
d)      The CPU consists of two separate sub-units –
                     i.            Control unit
                   ii.            Arithmetic logic unit.
In the PC, the CPU is connected to a bus; the bus is a communication device or in other words a connection between various parts of the computer.
1)      Control Unit:
a)      Supervises the operations of entire computer,
b)      Acts as a Central Nervous System by maintaining the order & directing the flow of sequence of operation & data within the computer,
c)       It selects the program statement from the storage unit, interprets the statement & sends the appropriate electronic impulses to Arithmetic/Logic and storage units which carries out the required operation.
d)      Its basic function is to instruct the input device, when to start & stop transferring data to output devices.
2)      ALU:
a)      Performs calculation, compares numeric & Non-numeric values & make decisions.
b)      Data is transferred from the storage unit to ALU which is again manipulated & returned to storage unit.
3.       Output Devices:
f)       Are instruments that communicate between users & machine?
g)      Meant for presenting results.
h)      Translates computer output in user understandable form.
i)        Printer, VDU, Graph-Plotters are the output devices.
j)        Captures information in machine coded form & converts them into a form usable by humans computers.
4.       Storage:
a)      Primary:
Ø  Has no logic capability and is one a storage unit for data and instruction.
Ø  It is passive in nature. Memory is only a storage place for information. Instructions are executed in CPU. Data are moved between the CPU and memory when a calculation is performed.
b)      Secondary: (Diskette drive, disk etc.)
Ø  Are machines & are connected online to CPU and serve as reference libraries?
Ø  Used as a store house & used only when necessary.
Ø  Magnetic tapes, Floppy, H.D. CDS etc. are the devices.
Ø  Usually larger and cheaper than Primary.
(b) What are the classifications of computer? Explain the features of 4th generation and 5th generation of computer. 6+5=11
Ans: Computer Generations and their features
The computers have been grouped into chronological categories, called generations. Computer generation means a step of advancement in technology. It also reflects the growth of computer industry. The advancement in technology existed not only in hardware but also in software. The evolution of modern computer is divided in different generations as below:
1. First Generation: The first generation of computers was developed in late 1940s. In this generation of computers, vacuum tubes were used and these were bulky in size. These computers were very expensive to operate and in addition to using a great deal of electricity, the first computers generated a lot of heat, which was often the cause of malfunctions.
First generation computers relied on machine language, the lowest-level programming language understood by computers, to perform operations, and they could only solve one problem at a time. It would take operators days or even weeks to set-up a new problem. Input was based on punched cards and paper tape, and output was displayed on printouts.
2. Second Generation: In the generation of computers, solid state devices called transistors, diodes etc. were developed by William Shockley and colleagues at Bell laboratories. These solid state devices were used in place of vacuum tubes. This replacement increased the speed of computers and other drawbacks were reduced. Second generation computers were smaller in size, cheaper in manufacturing. These computers occupied lesser space and consumed lesser power.
3. Third Generation: These computers have secondary storage devices and new input and output devices like visual display terminals, magnetic ink readers and high speed printers, integrated solid state circuit (IC chips). I.C. chips increased the speed of these computers. These computers performed the arithmetic and logic operations in micro- seconds (Millionths of a second) or even in nano-second (Billionths of a second). The size and cost of these computers have decreased considerably.
4. Fourth Generation: Integrated Circuits Technology was further developed. In 1971, INTEL Corp. of USA developed the IC chips which have the entire computer circuit on a single silicon chip. These chips are called microprocessors. These microprocessors gave birth to micro-computers called micro-processors. In 1976, Steve Wozniak developed a series of micro-computers called .The Allple Series.. These computers were the most modern computers. These were much cheaper relative to performance in comparison to early computers.
5. Fifth Generation: Fifth generation computers are those computers, which not only have the advanced capabilities like speed, accuracy, storage and retrieval capabilities of other computers but have also additional ability to think and make decisions. The ability of intelligence in computers is called Artificial Intelligence (AI). Japanese have named this generation of computers as KIPS (Knowledge Information on Processing System).
5. (a) What is computer network? Explain the types of network. Explain the applications of Internet in business. 2+4+5=11
Ans: Computer Network: A collection of computers and terminal devices connected together by a communication system is called a computer network. This collection of computers may include large-scale computers, medium-scale computers mini-computers and microcomputers. The set of terminal devices may include intelligent terminals, dumb terminals, work stations and communication hardware. The interweaving of computing and communication had led to information networks of great complexity and utility. Transmission lines can be used to connect a computer to another computer or a computer terminal to a computer.
Different types of Networks
1)      Wide Area Network (WAN): Wide area network is a inter connected data communication network that covers a wide or large geographical area with various communication facilities. Such communication facilities can be long distance telephone service, satellite transmission and under-sea cables. It interconnects different sites, computer installation and user terminals spread over great distance (nationwide or even worldwide). The WAN typically involves best computers and many different types of communication hardware and software, e.g. of WAN are interstate banking network, airline reservation system etc.
2)      Local Area Network (LAN): Ans. Local area network or LAN is a network of interconnected data communication devices. LAN covers a limited geographical area; it can be within a department or division that belongs to the organization. LAN enables sharing of resources like hard disks, printers and also data created. LAN uses high-speed media and are mostly privately owned and operated.
3)      Metropolitan Area Network (MAN): MAN is a network spread over a city. It is somewhere between a LAN & a WAN. It sometimes refers to network of LAN within a metropolitan area. MANs are based on fiber optic transmission technology and provide high speed interconnection between site. Example: cable TV networks that are spread over a city can be termed as MANs.
4)      Virtual Private Network (VPN): A VPN is a private network that uses a public network (i.e. the internet) to connect remote sites or users together without paying the long-distance telecommunication charges that are levied for conventional network links. VPN provides a gateway between a corporate LAN and the internet and also allow access to a corporate network’s mail, shared files or intranet and also handles the security and privacy issues.
(b) Define EDI. Explain the advantages of EDI.                                                       3+8=11
Ans: Meaning of Electronic Data Interchange
EDI or Electronic Data Interchange is the virtual exchange of data or business documents in electronic format between trading partners. This exchange of documents is generally between buyer and supplier and consists of transferring purchase orders, invoices, payments, shipping notices and various other documents and by nature eliminates paper trails, improves operational efficiency and enhances virtual exchanges with new trading partners. With EDI, any company can virtually interact with another organisation anywhere in the world without the hassle of waiting times and forecasting future procedures.
Merits of Electronic data interchange (EDI:
1)      Reduces cost: Reduces the overall costs of running a business, as the computer system carries out difficult and complicated tasks automatically. The cost of paper and paper processing is reduced due to electronic exchange of data.
2)      Overall monitoring of business activities: The computer system monitors and controls most aspects of the business. Stock levels, order levels, accounts and invoices are known immediately, without the need for labourious manual intervention and accounting. 
3)      Save time: EDI furthermore saves time over paper processing since the transfer of data from computer to computer is self-acting. There is no need to re key information with EDI. Efficiency levels are very high, as human error is minimised. The effective flow of business is assured.
4)      Improved Security: EDI systems enhance security for the customer and company.
Improved communication between employees and branches, due to the use of standardised document and data formats.
5)      Improve clientele Service: The fast transfer of enterprise documents and assessed decline in mistakes helps to do business faster and more efficient.
6)      Elaborate Customer Base: Therefore with improved clientele service, we can finally elaborate our clientele base. Many large manufacturers and retailers are ordering their suppliers to institute an EDI program. So, when assessing a new product to carry or a new supplier to use, the ability to do EDI is a large-scale in addition to.
7)      Building long-term relationships EDI helps in building long term relationships with trading partners and hence helps in business growth.
6. (a) Convert (97)10 into its binary equivalent.                                                      4
(b) Convert (11000101)2 into its decimal equivalent.                                            4
(c) Convert (1742)8 into its decimal equivalent.                                         4
Ans: Watch my video for this topic (Coming Soon)
7. (a) What is Web browser? Explain it.                                                                  2+9=11
Ans: Meaning of web browser
A web browser also termed as browser is a software program that allows a user to locate, access, and display web pages. Browsers are used primarily for displaying and accessing websites on the internet, as well as other content created using languages such as Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Extensible Markup Language (XML). Browsers translate web pages using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) into human-readable content. They also have the ability to display other protocols and prefixes, such as secure HTTP (HTTPS), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), email handling (mailto:), and files (file:).
Features of web browser
a)      The Web browser should be able to look at the Web pages throughout Internet to access information and explore resources.
b)      The Web browser must enable you to follow the hyperlinks on a Web.
c)       The web browser should include an easy way to get on-line help as well as built in links to other resources on the Web that can give you helps or answer your questions.
d)      One of the main feature of a browser is to search the information on the current page as well as search the WWW itself.
e)      Browser gives the facility to save a Web page in a file.
f)       Web browser should be able to handle text, images of the World Wide Web, as well as the hyperlinks to digital video, or 
Purpose of web browser
a)      Web browser is used to run the software application that allows retrieving, presenting and traversing the information from one place to another. 
b)      Web browser provides the resources using the WWW (World Wide Web) this can be identified by URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
c)       Web browser fetches the data like web page, image, video or other piece of content from the server and displays it accordingly. 
d)      Web browser uses hyperlinks to display the resources and allow the users to navigate their browsers according to the resources. 
e)      Web browser defines the application software that is designed for the user to access and retrieve the documents using the Internet.
There are seven types of web browsers:
1. Chrome: It is the most popular browser. It is fast with a single tab open, but slows down and crashes with multiple tabs open. This browser is owned by Google.
2. Firefox: Firefox is considered to be the best browser because of its standards compliance and stability with many tabs open. It is also the most trustworthy. Major weakness of this browser is that it doesn’t work well on Android devices.
3. Internet Explorer: It is a preinstalled browser on Windows computers. This is the only reason it once had significant market share. Its standards compliance is notoriously bad, which is why Microsoft eventually replaced it with Edge.
4. Edge: Edge is the Microsoft’s replacement for Internet Explorer. It is intended to be more standards compliance, but insiders still tend to think it is disappointing, and still a poor substitute for Chrome and Firefox.
5. Safari: It is the best proprietary web browser, but works only on Apple computers and devices. It’s standards compliance and stability is very good.
6. Android: It is an unnamed browser that comes preinstalled on Android devices. It works only on Android devices. Standards compliance and stability are good.
7. Minor Browsers: There are a variety of minor browsers, meaning that they have insignificant market share.
(b) What is Internet? Explain the uses of Internet.                                                2+9=11
Ans: INTERNET: Internet is truncated version of internetworking, which refers to interconnecting two or more computer networks. A computer network is interconnection of autonomous computing systems through communicating systems through a communication media. The major goals of networking are to felicitate resource sharing and communication among users connected to hosts. Internet, being network of networks, has the same major goals and spans across the entire globe, compared to limited geophysical area covered by local area and wide area networks. Consequently, the Internet can be thought of as vast pool of computers, people and information spread across the entire world.
Role of Internet in Business
The internet plays a major role in every aspect of our modern life. Internet technologies play a major role in business. As a business owner, knowing the role of internet in business will help you take advantage of the powerful opportunities it offers to grow you business and make operations more effective. Here are different ways in which the internet has contributed to the success and growth of businesses.
1. Improved Communications and Networking: The global nature of the web makes the world a lot smaller, making it more efficient for companies to do business on the international realm. Through the Internet, companies can stay in touch with their partners, investors, clients, and customers, regardless of their locations. Email, web conferences, and VoIP make the transmission of important data more seamless. For instance, companies can quickly communicate with suppliers via chat or email to make sure deliveries and payments are covered. The Internet can save the company a lot of time and money as it reduces the need for additional paperwork.
2. Growth: The internet plays a big role in the growth of businesses. It gives businesses an opportunity to reach a wider global audience. Promoting through the internet is also a way to increase sales and reach the desired growth level. Business can also expand by having an online division.
3. Customer Contact: A company website keeps customers abreast of new products and services, 24/7. Profit also increases as their virtual store can cater to customers anytime, anywhere.
4. Market Research and Internet Advertising: Businesses can conduct market research through the Internet. They can use online surveys to study their market. They can directly ask consumers what they think about a particular product or service. It is a very cheap and effective way of doing market research.
The Internet offers a new medium for advertising. Mailings, newspapers ads, and fliers are slowly becoming obsolete as the Internet has become a more cost-effective way to reach consumers. E-newsletters can now be sent directly to the in-boxes of customers with just a few clicks of a mouse button.
5. Outsourcing services: The internet has helped cut costs by outsourcing services to countries where it is cheaper to provide these services. Apart from the cost reduction through the outsourcing role of internet in business, outsourcing enables businesses to concentrate on their core services and become more efficient.
6. Wider business networks: Companies can also maintain ties with other organizations and sister companies through the Internet. In real-time, they can all stay updated with new information about the business and other important matters.
7. Access to Data: The Internet is very rich in information. Anything you need, you can find on the web. For companies doing research in products, markets, industries, new ideas, and other topics, the Internet is an effective tool to use. Individuals can even join forums where they can interact with people from the same industry and exchange ideas.
8. Online Shopping Role: One role of internet in business is the birth of ecommerce websites and online payment solutions that allow people to shop online from the comfort of their own homes.
9. New Opportunities: The internet has opened up new business opportunities and giving rise to a group of successful online business owners. This is a powerful role as anyone can now start an online business.
The role of internet in business cannot be overstated. New businesses are taking advantage of the powerful role the internet plays in business to grow and succeed at a faster rate than was previously possible. Traditional businesses are also not being left behind as they are creating online divisions. A business owner can only ignore the role the internet plays in business at the peril of his or her business.
Role of Internet in Various sectors
A.      Government:
                     i.            It provides information to citizens concerning laws, statistics, timely information of issue about government agencies.
                   ii.            Websites are being developed whereby citizens could log on their complaints to local police station through websites.
B.      Banks:
                     i.            Internet has made possible to make payments electronically on the web.
                   ii.            It is possible to sell and purchase a script through our banker or merchant on the web.
C.      Insurance: In insurance sector, internet is useful to serve their policy details and information to users through various sites and current policy details.
D.      Taxation:
                     i.            Public can be aware of current tax laws through internet.
                   ii.            Soon tax levied on assesses could also be paid through websites.
E.       Education:
                     i.            Information about admission to various courses, fee structure, scholarship details or any other relevant information are available through different websites.
                   ii.            It also helps users to access libraries. Almost all major libraries are on the web.
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 32
Time: 3 hours
1. Write the full forms of the following:                                         1x8=8
a)         ISP: Internet Service Provider
b)         DNS: Domain Name System
c)         WWW: World Wide Web
d)         EEPROM: Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
e)         ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange
f)          CD-ROM: Compact Disc – Read Only Memory
g)         OMR: Optical Mark Recognition
h)         BCD: Binary Coded Decimal
2. Write short notes on the following:                                          4x4=16
a)         Hardware.
b)         WWW.
c)         Search engines.
d)         Videoconferencing.
3. (a) Define the meaning of IT. Explain the features of IT on business.           3+8=11
(b) Define IT. Explain the uses of IT in business and education.                              3+8=11
4. (a) Define software and hardware. Explain the types of software.                   4+7=11
(b) Differentiate between Primary memory and Secondary memory. Explain few storage devices used in computer. 4+7=11
5. (a) Define computer network. Explain the benefits of computer network.            3+8=11
(b) What is topology? Explain the various types of physical topologies.               3+8=11
6. (a) Convert (746)8 into its binary equivalent.                                                         4
(b) Convert (1101101)2 into its decimal equivalent.                                               4
(c) Convert (79)10 into its decimal equivalent.                                                        4
7. (a) Define EDI. Discuss the advantages and working principles of EDI.      2+9=11
(b) Explain Internet, Intranet and Extranet. Discuss the application of Internet in business.      6+5=11


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