Dibrugarh University B.Com 6th Sem: International Business Question Papers (May'2019)

Course: 602
(International Business)
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 24
1. Answer the following as directed:              1x8=8

a)         Write the full form of FOB.
b)         The operations of the EXIM Bank of India commenced from the year _______. (Fill in the blank)
c)          Write the full form of MFN.
d)         “A foreign trade zone (FTZ) is a free trade agreement among several nations.” (Write True or False)
e)         Write the full form of DGFT.
f)          The major international trade partner of India is
1)         Canada.
2)         China.
3)         Great Britain.
4)         Mexico.
(Choose the correct answer)
g)         Write the full form of GATT.
h)         Write the full form of STC.
2. Write short notes on:                                                     4x4=16
a)         Export Trading Houses.
b)         Special Economic Zone.
c)          Control of Foreign Trade in India.
d)         Role of Export-Import Bank of India.
3. (a) Discuss the growth of India’s foreign trade after liberalization.             14
(b) Discuss the commodity composition and direction of India’s foreign trade.            14
4. (a) Analyze the India’s foreign trade policies during last ten years.           14
(b) Explain in detail the objectives of the foreign exchange control in India.          14
5. (a) Discuss the various export incentives offered by the Indian Government for promotion of export.              14
(b) What is deferred payment system? Explain the procedures of export under deferred payment system.     4+10=14
6. (a) What do you mean by export processing zone (EPZ)? Describe the benefits provided to the units set up in EPZs in India.          4+10=14
(b) Discuss the role of export-oriented units in the context of India’s export promotion.           14
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 32
1. Answer the following as directed:                           1x8=8
a)         Write the full form of SEZ.
b)         Mention one role of EXIM Bank.
c)          Write the full form of SAARC.
d)         The country to which India exports largest is
1)         America.
2)         England.
3)         Germany.
4)         Japan.
(Choose the correct answer)
e)         Write the full form of GDR.
f)          The apex ministry at the central level to formulate and execute India’s foreign trade policy is the Ministry of _______. (Fill in the blank)
g)         Write the full form of DEPB.
h)         Write the full form of EOUs.
2. Write short notes on:                                                                                 4x4=16
a)         EXIM Policy.
b)         Multilateral Agreement.
c)          Foreign Direct Investment.
d)         Export Credit Insurance.
3. (a) Explain the direction of foreign trade of India during last ten years.         12
(b) Discuss the growth of India’s foreign trade in the context of global foreign trade.                   12
4. (a) What is exchange control? Explain the objectives of exchange control.       3+8=11
(b) What is deferred payment system? Explain the procedures of export under deferred payment. 3+8=11
5. (a) Describe the objectives and functions of Export-Import Bank of India.       11
(b) Write a brief note on Export-Import Policy of Government of India.       11
6. (a) What do you mean by export processing zone (EPZ)? Describe the benefits and facilities provided to the units set up in such zones.         3+8=11
(b) Explain briefly the different organizations which involved in export promotions in India.     11
7. (a) Discuss the importance of bilateral agreement in promoting foreign trade.   11
(b) Discuss the role of the Indian joint ventures in international business.      11


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