AHSEC - Class 12 Question Papers: Business Studies' 2019 | Class 12 Business Studies Question Papers

[Class 12 Business Studies Question Paper, AHSEC, 2019, Assam Board]

Full Marks: 100
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Answer the following questions: 1*10=10
 1. (a) Who is known as the father of scientific management ?       1
(b) In which year Indian economy was opened up ?           1
(c) Budget is a quantitative expression. (Write True or False)     1
(d) Name the organisation which regulates the working of banks in India.          1
(e) Name one method of on the job training.       1
(f) Give the full form of SEBI.         1
(g) Name one feature of a good control system.       1
(h) Name one external source of recruitment.           1
2. What is ratio analysis ?        2
3. State two objectives of NSE.             2                             
4. Write two differences between advertising and personal selling.              2
5. Give two differences between capital market and money market.          2
6. Explain two rights given to consumers under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.                2
7. Explain the concept of Taylor’s Differential Piece Rate system.       3
8. (a) Define Organisation as a group activity. 3
(b) Discuss the types of Organisation structure. 3
9. (a) Discuss the objectives of financial planning. 3
(b) Define current assets. Give two examples of current assets.    2+½+½=3
10. (a) Who can file a complaint before a consumer court ?      3
(b) Briefly discuss three important features of entrepreneurship.  3
11. (a) Explain any three factors affecting pricing of a product.          3
(b) Write any three merits of Internal recruitment.     3
12. Define management and discuss its objectives.          2+3=5
13. Explain the impact of Economic Reforms on Business and Industry.      5
14. (a) Discuss the Elements of Delegation.          5
(b) Distinguish between delegation and decentralisation of authority.    5
15. Discuss the features of liberalisation.              5
16. Analyse the steps involved in the staffing process of an organisation.       5
17. (a) What do you mean by responsibility centres ? Discuss any three types of responsibility centres.          2+3
(b) Discuss the traditional techniques of management control.     5
18. (a) Explain the main elements of marketing mix.       5
(b) Discuss the factors influencing pricing.        5
19. (a) Discuss the contributions of Taylor and Fayol in the context of management.        8
(b) Discuss the significance of the principles of management.                                 8
20. (a) Define co-ordination. Discuss the importance of co-ordination.         2+6=8
(b) “Management is considered to be both an Art and Science”. — Explain.            8
21. (a) Why planning is considered to be a primary function of management ? Explain the concepts of policy and rule. 2+3+3=8
(b) What is meant by planning ? Discuss the steps involved in the planning process.         3+5=8
22. (a) Define financial management. What are the objectives of financial management ?        2+6=8
(b) What is capital structure ? Mention few factors that influence capital structure.             2+6=8


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