IGNOU: OSS-101 Solved Question Papers (June' 2017)

Bachelor's Preparatory Programme (B.P.P.)
(For Non 10+2)
Term-End Examination
June, 2017
OSS-101: Preparatory Course in Social Sciences
Time: 2 hours
Maximum Marks: 50
General Instructions:
Preparatory Course in Social Sciences (05S-101) Questions 1— 50

1)         This is an objective type question paper. Options for the correct answer must be marked only in OMR sheet.
2)         All questions are compulsory.
3)         The question paper consists of 50 questions each of which carries one mark.
4)         Each question has four alternatives, one of which is correct. Write the Sl. No. of your correct alternative/answer below the corresponding question number in the OMR sheet and then mark the rectangle for the same number in that column. If you find that none of the given alternatives is correct then write 0 and mark in column 0.
5)         Do not waste time in reading the whole question paper. Go on solving questions one by one. You may come back to the left out questions, if you have time at the end.

1. Science is called a systematic study because it is based on
1)         observation
2)         objectivity
3)         measurement
4)         All of the above
2. Which of the following is not a Directive Principle of State Policy in the Constitution?
1)         Uniform Civil Code
2)         Equal pay for equal work
3)         Free legal aid
4)         Right to freedom of worship
3. The term 'gender' refers to
1)         the assignment of social roles to males and females on the basis of their sex
2)         the assignment of social roles to females
3)         the assignment of social roles to males
4)         None of the above
4. Which of the following was emphasised during the Fourth Five Year Plan?
1)         Heavy industries
2)         Removal of poverty
3)         Irrigation
4)         Export
5. The basic characteristic of governance is
1)         Accountability
2)         People's participation
3)         Rule of law and transparency
4)         All of the above
6. The constitutional head at the State level is the
1)         Chief Minister
2)         Governor
3)         Chief Justice of the State
4)         Prime Minister
7. The population that can be supported by an ecosystem is called its
1)         carrying capacity
2)         population capacity
3)         ecosystem capacity
4)         holding capacity
8. Oscar Lewis has given the concept
1)         Poverty of culture
2)         Culture of poverty (1966)
3)         Cultural relativism
4)         None of the above
9. In India who can proclaim national emergency ?
1)         President
2)         Vice-President
3)         Prime Minister
4)         Governor
10. In which year was the Soviet Union dissolved ?
1)         1991
2)         1987
3)         1917
4)         1947
11. The House of the People in the Parliament is called
1)         Lok Sabha
2)         Rajya Sabha
3)         Gram Sabha
4)         Kshetra Sabha
12. The Constitution of India is based on the ideals of
1)         Oligarchy
2)         Kingship
3)         Democracy
4)         Militarism
13. Mixed economy refers to the co-existence of
1)         Agricultural and Industrial sector
2)         Urban and Rural sector
3)         Public and Private sector
4)         Agricultural, Industrial and Public sector
14. Statements that provide information about public agencies, services, objectives, functions, etc. are called
1)         People's voice
2)         Citizen's claims
3)         Citizen's Charter
4)         People's Charter
15. Which of the following is a European currency?
1)         Yen
2)         Euro
3)         Dollar
4)         Rupee
16. Universal adult franchise gives the Right to
1)         Education
2)         Vote
3)         Employment
4)         Migration
17. A group of parties combining to form a government is called
1)         Opposition
2)         Authoritarian
3)         Coalition
4)         Presidential
18. Ecosystem is
1)         A combination of all living and non-living elements in an area
2)         Living elements
3)         Non-living elements
4)         None of the above
19. Public Administration branched out of
1)         Economics
2)         Political Science
3)         Psychology
4)         Sociology
20. The 74th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992 referred to
1)         Urban governance
2)         Rural governance
3)         Both (1) and (2)
4)         None of the above
21. Polyandry refers to
1)         a woman marrying more than one man
2)         a man marrying more than one woman
3)         one man marrying one woman
4)         None of the above
22. The term Sociology was coined by
1)         Max Weber
2)         Auguste Comte
3)         Karl Marx
4)         Emile Durkheim
23. The representatives of Block Samiti and other members who work at the district level make up the
1)         Panchayati Raj
2)         Zila Parishad
3)         Gram Panchayat
4)         State
24. The Gram Panchayat is headed by the
1)         Gram Sabha
2)         Pradhan
3)         Panchayati Raj
4)         Block Representative
25. Which of the following is not a system of revenue collection ?
1)         Naxalbari
2)         Zamindari
3)         Ryotwari
4)         Mahalwari
26. Under a municipality a city is divided into
1)         Wards
2)         Zones
3)         Councils
4)         Sections
27. The economic situation of a person denotes
1)         Class
2)         Varna
3)         Caste
4)         Gender
28. Manufacturing is an example of which type of occupation?
1)         Tertiary
2)         Primary
3)         Secondary
4)         Basic
29. Life expectancy indicates the number of years
1)         an unborn child is expected to survive
2)         a newborn child is expected to survive
3)         an adolescent is expected to survive
4)         None of the above
30. The New Economic Policy which introduced liberalisation was launched in the year
1)         1981
2)         1990
3)         1991
4)         2001
31. The District Courts function under the
1)         Supreme Court
2)         High Court
3)         Session Court
4)         Additional District Judge
32. Landless villagers who earn their livelihood from working on other people's land are called
1)         Kisans
2)         Mazdoors
3)         Tenants
4)         Landowners
33. The Varnas were based on
1)         Height
2)         Colour
3)         Religion
4)         Birth
34. Which Sociologist studied the problems of Suicide and Society?
1)         M.N. Srinivas
2)         Yogendra Singh
3)         Emile Durkheim
4)         Max Weber
35. Early Vedic Society was
1)         Hunter
2)         Agricultural
3)         Pastoral
4)         None of the above
36. The Eleventh Five Year Plan laid emphasis on
1)         State-centric growth
2)         Region-centric growth
3)         Inclusive growth
4)         Exclusive growth
37. 'Perestroika' and 'Glasnost' are associated with
1)         Lenin
2)         Yeltsin
3)         Gorbachev
4)         Putin
38. Due to an increased use of which tools has agricultural production increased ?
1)         Ceramic
2)         Iron
3)         Copper
4)         Bronze
39. The Gram Panchayat has members chosen by the
1)         Village elders
2)         Process of election
3)         Men of the village
4)         Process of nomination
40. Which of the following is a secondary data source ?
1)         Census
2)         Labour records
3)         Memoirs and Diaries
4)         All of the above
41. According to Karl Marx, Proletariat is
1)         Working class
2)         Landowning class
3)         Industrialists
4)         None of the above
42. Non-Cooperation and Civil Disobedience Movement were initiated by
1)         Dr. Rajendra Prasad
2)         Mahatma Gandhi
3)         Jawaharlal Nehru
4)          Indira Gandhi
43. Indika was written by
1)         Kautilya
2)         Megasthenes (Arrian)
3)         Kanishka
4)         Rudradamana
44. Supreme Command of Defense Forces of the Union rests with the
1)         President
2)         Prime Minister
3)         Council of Ministers
4)         Vice-President
45. Air pollution is a result of which of the following activities ?
1)         Mining
2)         Burning fuel wood
3)         Driving vehicles
4)         All of the above
46. An important aspect of climate change is
1)         Global cooling
2)         Global warming
3)         Global hunger
4)         Globalisation
47. The Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly was chaired by
1)         Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
2)         Dr. Rajendra Prasad
3)         Dr. Zakir Hussain
4)         Dr. Radhakrishnan
48. Jajmani system implies that castes are
1)         Independent
2)         Inter-dependent
3)         Cohesive units
4)         Vocational groups
49. Cross-border trade in goods and services, international property rights and people come under the purview of
1)         UNO
2)         WTO
3)         IMF
4)         UNICEF
50. The term of the Lok Sabha is
1)         Six years
2)         Three years
3)         Five years
4)         None of the above

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