Full Marks: 80
Time: 3 hours
(The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions)
1. Answer as directed: 1x10=10
1) Write the meaning of Rural Environment.
2) What is the percentage of rural population of NE India to its total population as per 2011 Census Report?
3) What is ‘Primary Sector’ of the economy?
4) When an industry can be called as an ‘agro-processing industry’?
5) Give the definition of ‘micro-finance’.
6) What is Rural Industrialization?
7) Which source of finance are called ‘industrial source’ of rural finance?
8) What is meant by ‘rural credit survey’?
9) Mention two features of indigenous banker.
10) What is GPSS?
2. Answer as directed: 2x5=10
a) Write two features of rural economy which distinguish it from urban economy.
b) Write two contributions of handloom industries to the economy of Assam.
c) What methodology is applied to measure rural indebtedness?
d) Mention the philosophy of co-operation.
e) Write two features of primary agricultural credit-co-operatives?
3. Answer the following:
(a) Write a critical note on the success or failure of ‘Green Revolution’ in India. 5
“Without the development of agricultural sector, development of rural people is not possible.” Justify or discard the statement with reasons. 5
(b) Write short notes on any one: 5
1) Cottage Industries and rural employment.
2) Different forms of micro-credit.
(c) Mention the effectiveness of government policies to eradicate rural indebtedness. 5
Explain the socio-economic impact of rural indebtedness. 5
(d) Explain in brief the role of agencies engaged in providing short term agricultural finance in Assam. 5
Trace out the origin of co-operative movement in India. 5
4. (a) Discuss the various facets of population structure in India. 10
Discuss the contribution of forest resources in economic development of Assam. 10
(b) Critically analyse the urban-rural linkage and interdependency in the context of industrialization. 10
Critically evaluate the impact of government policies on rural industrialization.
(c) Mention the problems faced while conducting rural credit survey. How these problems can be solved? 10
Critically evaluate R.B.I. policies on rural credit. 10
(d) Why co-operative movement could not succeed in Assam? Suggest measures to make the movement successful. 10
Describe the role of NABARD in providing rural credit in India. 10
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